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Exclamation I need help making ends meet until I can get home!
Posted by: Arty - 11-10-2018, 11:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi.im currently living abroad for 3months, I have one month to go. Last week I had to send money home to family to cover an emergency, and while I'm trilled to say thay everything is now okay back home and my family is safe, I've unfortunately found myself in a financial bind.

I fly home at the end of December, but I need about $600 to get through until then. $450 of which is for rent, and $150 to budget out on food. 

I work as a freelancer and I'm genuinely trying to earn the funds but I'm having trouble finding clients and rent will be due in two weeks. If anyone is looking for a writer, artist, graphic designer I am absolutely for hire!

Any and all donations are hugely appreciated!

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  money for medications needed
Posted by: dachi - 11-10-2018, 12:33 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

hello im from tbilisi, georgia and im 19 years old. i was studying in university until my mother became seriously ill.
i had to leave my university because we couldnt pay both for her medications and my university...
my mother didnt want me to leave university and give up on studying but i couldnt watch her getting more and more helpless so I had to do something about it...
I tried almost everything I could alone (I've never in my life seen my father unfortunately)... I tried to do any kind of physical work i could do but medications she needed were getting only more and more expensive from time to time.. I even tried begging which was horrible as I got beaten up by other beggars several times...
I do not know what to do.. I was leading a normal life until this started but I want to face it as I can and I will try anything to help my mother get over her illness...
I would be overwhelmingly happy for any amount of donation from you guys... thank you in advance and wish you to never face problems like this...


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  Needing help to buy home
Posted by: 1967jnw - 11-09-2018, 11:32 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’m in need of financial assistance  I’m trying to provide for my loving wife and buy a Three bedroom mobile home  I need $18,000   $3000 is to move trailer to location in our town  I struggle to pay all my bills and no money left over to buy a home   We currently pay lot rent at a park that is one of highest costing in area  We’ve found another park that is almost $100 less, this park is cleaner and would allow me to pay bills easier  please help!

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  The hardest year of my life....
Posted by: TryingtoRise - 11-09-2018, 05:31 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Long read about a single mom of three...  Heart

Everyone has bad days. Weeks, sometimes even months. For me, this year has been the most heart wrenching, trying, and depressing year of my life. 

Last October I was knocked out by my abusive BiPolar boyfriend (whom I have children with, and stayed with because I believed I could help his disease).
In January, he told me that he had cheated the entire 6 years we were together (complete with pics and very detailed explations). He also began torturing me on social media, email and texts and publicly dissecting my body and comparing me to other women he had slept with all over my Facebook and Instagram. The torturing continued until the end of February, which put me in a horrible depression that killed my kids to see.
March was a good month and I finally starting feeling great about myself and my new Real Estate career(I started in Jan). 
April 3: I received the call that my father had passed very very unexpectedly.He was only 51and we had planned to use this year to strengthen our relationship. We have had some disagreements in our past and we wanted this year to be the start of our new closeness. He had planned to visits to see me this summer.  He never got that chance.

Two weeks later I totalled my car, which was the only posession that I owned of my own. It was a blow i didn't see coming. One reason was probably because it was my first real accident, and it took my transportation. 

I met someone at the end of that month though, who made me want a relationship again, and I hoped for better days.

The next few months my phone (with my dad's pictures of his service, and years of texts exchanged ) was destroyed by my 2 year old who threw it in the toilet. My middle child also decided to give my, very long and hard to grow hair, a very short bang as a bonus that same month.

And I bet you can't believe there's more ....

I lost my job. I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't breathe without the pain burning me. It was a very hard thing for me bc I exploded with success my first 4 months and then my dad's death halted it all. 

Then I found out that my new boyfriend, who had moved in by then.... Cheated. Follow that by discovering my best friend had been stealing money from me since my dad's death, and cleaned out my account the day before my birthday. My first without my dad, and I was saving money so I could attempt to get out and smile. I spent the day and night crying in my bed instead.

October came and I still hadn't figured out my career or even a job and my lease was up. My abusive ex's dad offered my kids and I a place to go. The place that I spent 6 years going through hell with his son and had been eventually knocked out. I had no choice. 

We've been here for three weeks, and even though I started feeling like myself again... I was having problems dealing with my ex's dad's treatment toward me, triggering the PTSD i now have, from his son. 

Tonight it came to a head. After being treated the same is son treated me (all day!!), My body began to tremble like it's never done, and I ended up screaming. I have to be out with my kids tomorrow. 

I have no money right now, and no car to move my things, and absolutely no where to go. My entire family is in another state and my daughter can't go with if I leave.... So I've been stuck here alone for awhile.

I just need money to cover a down payment (first&last month rent/etc) for a place for my 3 beautiful babies, and myself. I will also need a deposit for electricity, and money to rent a truck to move us. 

It's embarrassing to ask people I don't know to help me.... But I have never been so low, and so completely out of options and time. I'm ready to start succeeding again, but I can't if every chance for a breath... Im pulled under deeper. 

Honestly, absolutely anything will help. Thank you for just reading this long thing. 
I hope you never find yourself so low that you think the world has gone black. It's heartbreaking.

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  Please help me!!! Thank you very much.
Posted by: becktan - 11-08-2018, 01:31 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello there, I am Beck 34 years old. I  have never been to this site and not sure if it works. This time i have no choice but look for help due to my bad financial situation. Currently i am $20,000 in debt with high interest loan and i am 2 months behind on bills. I tried to get loan from private lenders to pay off my bills but it turned out to be a scam. I did not get the loan from them after i paid for the deposit requested by them. They became uncontactable with my deposit paid to them and it caused my situation to get worse.  I am not sure if this site really works but I just hope that it does and someone kind can help me out of this difficult and stressful situation. I am bringing money in every month but it all go to the high interest loan and i am unable to keep up with the debt and bills. Thank you those who take the time to read my message. I really hope that someone kind can help me get over this financial hardship. 

Any amount would be greatly appreciated. Every dollar is important to me. Thank you in advance. 


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  Money for food
Posted by: DreamGoddessxx - 11-08-2018, 07:06 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

For the past 2 weeks, i haven't eaten anything. I recently came from the hospital because of it, the only reason I'm able to function is because i drink a lot of water. I used to work as a nanny but after i lost my baby, i became severely depressed which caused me to lose my job.Currently doing applications but i need help now. I don't have anyone in my life to help me and i don't know what else to do. I'm losing weight excessively, I'm at 100 pounds right now and I'm 24. So please, if you can help, I'd appreciate it.. Thank you

Cashapp: $fantasyproject2

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  Sick fiance
Posted by: Trying too - 11-08-2018, 07:06 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My fiance and I have had a rough year. He got sick in July of last year and it has been down hill since. We moved into our new home April 2 of this year and April 11 he was taken by ambulance to the hospital as he was so sick that his body went septic and he almost died on me. Now here we are in Nov. and he just had a surgery that has put him down for 4 to 6 months. Any help would be appreciated.

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Posted by: Cooliocat - 11-07-2018, 02:15 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, my name is Chantel and I have just moved in with my boyfriend and I have just started learning animal care but I need to complete my online course. I need a laptop but I can't afford one and neither can my boyfriend, please help me out.

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Posted by: TRAINFORD08 - 11-07-2018, 12:26 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Undecided  Hello all, my name is Toni and I found this website after hours of searching for resolutions of trying to get a loan. i just need $800 to pay my past due car payment. It is due in the next two weeks and I am searching for all the help I can. My family has ignored me and I am trying my best to get my car payment paid so that nothing worse will happen.

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  Please help me get this job
Posted by: Brifoshizzle - 11-05-2018, 09:44 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everybody, my name is Brianna and I’m a college student who lost her job last month. I’ve been trying to work for my local hospital for two years but it’s hard when you don’t have an In. Recently I got a friend to vouch for me and get my application pulled for my dream position within the hospital. I was very excited and told I’d receive a phone call today to set up an interview. To my surprise i recieved no call only to find out my cell provider cut off service to my phone. Therefore I can’t recieve calls or make calls. My balance I owe to get service turned back on is $465.92. If I can get service back I will have a fair chance again. Please, I will pay you back when I secure this job. I have no family out here. You are my only hope. Please.


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