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  Anything from anyone
Posted by: person88 - 11-02-2018, 05:44 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am looking for a little help while going through a very difficult time. I am a single mom of 3, and my ex husband is a struggling addict. I am drowning in lawyer bills, due to all of the motions i have had to file to get custody and relocate to be closer to my family. I have a steady job as an LMT, but single parenting is no joke! anything from anyone would be a blessing during the holiday season! xoxox


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  In need of help
Posted by: Kate934 - 11-01-2018, 08:01 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have 3 children and in debt with student loans, and people all over the place. I have been trying to pay them back before Christmas but I ended up losing my job and I am having a hard time being able to pay anyone back let alone get Christmas gifts for any of my kids let alone it is hard to put food on the table. I am just all over the place I can't take out a loan of any kind I tried everywhere to get one. Sad I just hope someone can help me out this holiday. Anything will be welcome.


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Posted by: farazhussain81 - 11-01-2018, 06:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Can someone help ???

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  In search of hope..
Posted by: Grateful - 11-01-2018, 09:09 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello...i am most grateful...i am seeking assistance for my situation ...myself as well as my family are headed for disaster...im an honest hard working blue collar active citizen...but due to surgeries and tragic family member loss my situation has spiraled downward at lighting speed...please consider lending a hand...and help me keep my babies safe...i love my home..been here over 10 yrs...Thank You..God Bless..


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  Starting freelance business and need to keep afloat for two weeks
Posted by: stlk396 - 10-31-2018, 11:25 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

So I started freelancing as a software developer and I am really happy about that. I started my first contract a couple days ago. You can see that I have an active contract in the attached picture (I had to cover my client's name for his security). However, I'm currently at rock bottom at the moment with negatives in both checkings and savings. All I ask for is $200. If I can get that, then I can catch the train to school (I live in South Jersey and have to commute to Newark) and then two weeks later when I get paid for my freelance work, I'll be set and no longer broke. I have plenty of credit card bills to pay and by doing my freelance work (It took me a month to get my first contract) I can take responsibility again. I try to be very hard working and I want to redeem myself so anything helps. Thank you in advance.


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  In a very bad place. Please help me see light
Posted by: Down_and_almost_out - 10-31-2018, 09:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Well let me start off by saying that I know everyone has they’re own problems and other problems might seem insignificant compared to your own. I am the kind of person that never asks for anything from anyone as I believe what I said above. They have their own problems they are trying to deal with and I don’t want to burden them with mine. But the situation I am in has lead me down this path and I cannot help but ask for help. So on to the reason I am here. 

I had been working a temporary job all summer for the simple fact that it allowed me to stay home with my family. It wasn’t a high paying job and we were barely keeping the wolf from the door. I got a job offer for twice the take home money weekly so my wife and I decided I should take it. So being cautious I waited for a drug test appointment before I Let my employer know I was taking another job. Sure enough my appointment came on a Monday and i told my employer that I had another job offer and that I wouldn’t be continuing to work there. So I went to my appointment and passed my drug test. So the other company contacted me and told me to be ready to start work on that Friday. Friday came and I never got the call so I contacted them and they said that the start date was moved ticket the following Friday. That was 6 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago they told me they didn’t need me anymore. I said why would you pay for a drug test and not hire me. She said the requirements changed. Well now that certainly put me in a position doesn’t it. I quit my previous job to take this one so I’m not entitled to employment insurance. So after 6 weeks the bills are piling up and things will soon be cut off. 

Fast forward to now. I have sent almost 40 resumes for jobs in my area. Nothing. I have been applying for jobs for which I have no experience right to my very experienced ability and everything in between. I guess they look at my resume and think to themselves this guy is over qualified. If we offer him a position when something better comes along he will jump ship. 

My wife works 40 hours a week and now she is taking a job for the weekends. She does not deserve this. She is the kindest person I know. 

My doctor has me on medication now because I can’t sleep and every minute I’m awake I feel like crying. My stomach hurts all the time as does my head. If I didn’t have kids I would kill myself so I wouldn’t be a burden on my wife. 

Please show me that people do care. That were not all only out for ourselves. 
Anything you would like to donate will not be wasted I promise. It will put food in one of my kids bellies or help my wife take a day off. Anything is a help. Thank you in advance. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/my/profile

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  In need of help
Posted by: Kate934 - 10-31-2018, 08:08 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I lost my job about a month ago. Had to barrow $1800 to be able to pay rent and eat and I am having trouble paying them back and they want all of it back by the end of the month. I tried taking a loan out but no one will accept it. I found a job but doesn't make enough to even pay for bills and the food to put on the table for my little ones.

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Posted by: angiej1968 - 10-31-2018, 12:04 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have had MBC for almost three years but my first breast cancer happened in 2011. I had stage 3 and had to do 6 months of chemo and 8 weeks of radiation. My immune system is not the best now after doing so much chemo. In 2016 I had to do another 6 months of chemo and now I take Ibrance and Letrozole which is working well for me. I've been in remission for 18 months.
I'm on disability which is not much and I struggle to pay bills and keep food in the house and I would love to be able to buy fresh fruit and veggies so that I can get my immune back up. And also to buy Ensure. My WBC is 2.8 which is too low. My absolute neutrophils is 1.18 which is also too low. I can't afford to eat healthy and I'm stressed about having this type of cancer and stressed about bills and buying other things I need. I'm just tired of struggling all the time.


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  Stage 4 breast cancer warrior needs help.
Posted by: angiej1968 - 10-30-2018, 11:55 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have had MBC for almost three years but my first breast cancer happened in 2011. I had stage 3 and had to do 6 months of chemo and 8 weeks of radiation. My immune system is not the best now after doing so much chemo. In 2016 I had to do another 6 months of chemo and now I take Ibrance and Letrozole which is working well for me. I've been in remission for 18 months. 

I'm on disability which is not much and I struggle to pay bills and keep food in the house and I would love to be able to buy fresh fruit and veggies so that I can get my immune back up. And also to buy Ensure. My WBC is 2.8 which is too low. My absolute neutrophils is 1.18 which is also too low. I can't afford to eat healthy and I'm stressed about having this type of cancer and stressed about bills and buying other things I need. I'm just tired of struggling all the time.
The link to paypal is below. Thanks and God bless you.


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  Need funding to support children
Posted by: Kj81 - 10-30-2018, 02:52 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Makyias, I have 4 children and I am in need of funding to support them. I don't really ask a certain amount because I know other have a hard time with money themselves. I love my children and me not having a job to support them is very hard. I have applied for multiple jobs and no one is willing to hire me. I have a 1 year-old daughter, a 7 month old son, a 6 month old daughter & an unborn son on the way. I have nothing for my unborn child yet because of me being unemployed. I am asking if you can give anything if you may please help me in my financial situation, and it will be greatly appreciated. My PayPal is PayPal.me/SurveysSearcy

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