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  Single mom in need of a little help
Posted by: SingleMomOf2 - 11-05-2018, 08:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hello, I am new to this and not really sure about what else to do. I am a single mom of two beautiful little boys, I work full-time and I am currently in college to be an EMT. My car broke down on me about three months ago, I am having to pay for Ubers to get everywhere, which is very costly with the amount of running around I have to do daily. My mom found me a reliable car from a family friend for $500, but as bad as it sounds I can't afford to save money towards getting it. Out of the $800 I need to get it legal and all, I have only been able to save $127 due to having to pay rent, pay for Ubers, clothes, food, a babysitter and other essentials. Anything helps and I will forever be grateful. Thank you so much. Cash.me/$CDFL0807

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  Looking for a blessing
Posted by: HLH81818 - 11-05-2018, 06:36 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'll try to keep this simple, I'm in need of help. I have a family, married with 4 kids and currently struggling. I was recently rear ended and lost my vehicle. I drive for Uber/Lyft and I haven't been able to drive this month due to losing my car. My account is overdrafted. I'm going to lose my car insurance and my phone will be shut off if I dont get this taken care of...my husband works and I work a part time job as well but with 4 kids to feed...its been a struggle. I'm not even sure how we will get through Christmas...if you can help at all, any little bit, we appreciate it. Paypal- https://www.paypal.me/heidip728

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  Looking for a blessing right now
Posted by: TTK544 - 11-05-2018, 06:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’m usually the person who always helping others but now I’m in need of a helping hand. This last month been overwhelming from student loans, cut hours from work, car troubles, and now medical bills ??‍♂️....it’s very stressful.  I don’t want to ask for much just enough to keep gas in my car so I can work harder to get back standing tall. I would appreciate anything, donations, gratitude, etc.. Thank you!??

CashApp: $TScrews


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Rainbow PLEASE help
Posted by: Allyy77 - 11-05-2018, 04:34 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I hope there's people out there generous enough to help me. I am struggling with my finances right now and I know this is the desperate way to do this but if anyone could send me $5 or even $1 it will add up and help me tremendously. I already know I'll get hate for being "lazy" but I have a job and I'm in school and it's hard living right now. I barely eat and I barely sleep due to stress. If you decide to comment something rude I'll delete the post because I'm already embarrassed posting this... My PayPal is


 or in email form [email=aldriii98@gmail.com]aldriii18@gmail.com[/email]

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  Just $10...
Posted by: Bloodphaze - 11-04-2018, 11:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

So, I'm going to be honest. I am not in a situational crisis, there are many people on this site that are worse off than I am. So I completely understand if you pass up assisting me.

My problem is that I am currently unemployed and I suffer from some anxiety and panic attacks. I also still need to have my wisdom teeth removed and they seem to be kind of infected. I'm working on that, I've got myself on gov't insurance and I have appointments, I've seen the doctor, gotten medication. I am still yet to be completely looked over, however, and diagnosed with anything. Anyways, this is all beside the point.

I am in a long distance relationship with a girl who lives in a rather bad situation. Without giving too much detail, a family member stole quite a bit of money from her. This put her in debt and caused her to have to forego certain things, like her membership to games we play together.

I know this sounds so stupid, but it means a lot to me and I love her. But I'm dead broke and stuck in a situation in which I can't make much money. I'm already being helped by someone till I can get healthy and get a job again. I don't wish to beg them for other things as well. I am simply asking for $10 so I can play with her and have fun again. That would be enough. This also wasn't my first stop, I tried doing Amazon Mechanical Turk jobs, I've tried doing those Survey things. They all screw you out of your time and I have gotten very frustrated. So that is why I am here... If you help, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Again, I fully understand if you think that this is not worthy of note. After all, I'm not in a dire situation. I'm just poor, desperate, and I am asking for just $10.


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  NYC Educator Needs Help
Posted by: pko2019 - 11-04-2018, 10:35 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hi all,

I am an NYC-based educator who is caught up with all kinds of credit card and personal loan debt. It is really weighing on me. I can't believe that I am in this position, and I want to get back to a place where I can live happily and give back to others again. I would sincerely appreciate any kind of support to help me get back to a more sustainable lifestyle. Thank you so much for your consideration, and I will definitely pay it forward in the future. 


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  Desperate and sick
Posted by: Samjshearer - 11-04-2018, 10:19 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm dealing with a currently undiagnosed illness. I've got an appointment with a neurologist this week but as of now all I know is that I'm unable to do much/concentrate and am in immense amounts of pain. I've pushed myself to work as much a can to make ends meat but I've fallen behind. I'm about 1000 behind and these upcoming unknown medical expenses arent going to help. Anything is appreciated and I hope to get some answers soon and get to a place where I can pay it forward.

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Sad Okay so I recently got fired
Posted by: beetlejugobeetlejugo - 11-04-2018, 09:38 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I recently got fired and I've been looking for a job way before I got fired because it was getting hard to go to my job and I was looking for a place closer because I live in a small and the bus system is the greatest.  Huh  I'm not asking for much I just want to collect at least $100 to get me by this month. I need to pay some debt I have due to a credit card and my dog's surgery and to also buy my lizard food. Honeslty anything helps. Please and thank you.
Im leaving my paypal here : https://www.paypal.me/jgh333

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  Please help me pay my rent and to pay for school
Posted by: Dannie162 - 11-04-2018, 05:47 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please I am in desperate need of help to pay my rent and school payments. I am a single mother of 1 and is unable to pay my rent last month and this month and just got a eviction notice. I had car issues last month that cost me over $1400 which made me fall extremely behind. Me and my daughter is barely making it. I owe as well over $75,000 in student loans with interest still growing to obtain my BA degree in Public Administration with a minor in Homeland Security, with the car repair issues prevented me to pay my monthly payments. My fear is they are getting to put a hold my account and I wont be able to finish school as well as evict us and we will be homeless. My family is not in no position to help us out due to their own life circumstances. In addition, I take care of my mom who has a mental illness. I have always helped people and never thought it would be my turn to ask for help. I owe $2,500 in rent and would accept any donations that can help us so I can get back on my feet. Thank you and God Bless! Angel


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  My life is just beginning but I am struggling a lot and need help.
Posted by: pengpeng - 11-03-2018, 08:11 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I am here to ask you for help. I am in debt, about 3,000 dollars of debt is what I am talking about.
I am a student and I work on the weekends. But it is not enough to pay it off. I try to take additional jobs but still, I cannot do it on my own. 
I am only 24, trying my best in everything. I am straight As student, worked, studied and maintained my GPA. 
But I had a health problem. And now I am in debt. 
I live in small European country. 
Please, any donation will save me. I can send my donators postcards in return. Anything...
Thank you for your time. 
I am sorry. 
click here to help

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