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Exclamation Terrified to lose our home!
Posted by: mrsammesse - 11-15-2018, 05:51 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a married mother of three. My husband works 12 hr days and sometimes he will take on side jobs at local establishments to try to make ends meet. Our children are 14(daughter), 12(son) and an infant(son). We don't ever ask for help but, we are at a point we don't know what else to do.   We know what it is like to loose everything and have to start all over. January 2008 our family lost our home, vehicle and everything we owned in a flood and in August of 2016 we lost our home and all of our belongings to an apartment fire. We have been trying to pick up the pieces and get back on our feet ever since. We would appreciate any donation no matter how small. Please will you help?

Reasons for Donations:
We are a family of five. We've run into some pretty bad luck the past couple months. Our only vehicle has broken down, the
repairs are costing us $1,200 we are currently 3 months ($1,800) behind on rent, we are terrified we are going to lose our home and we have absolutely no money for Christmas.  Although, having no money for Christmas isn't high on our priority list right now.  We need our vehicle to be working and we can't lose our home. We have nowhere else to go. Please if anyone can help, you have no idea how much it would be appreciated.
Rensselaer, IN. 47978

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  Broken Phone
Posted by: n0thing - 11-15-2018, 08:26 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi! Currently I am unemployed and very tight on funds. Recently my smartphone broke, and I do not have the money to get a replacement. Would be very grateful for any help. 


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  help with rent
Posted by: mcintyre250 - 11-14-2018, 11:53 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

hello I was wondering if someone can help me out with rent anything will help me i'm struggling my mom died unexpectedly and everything was left on me. I work but is currently on medical leave because i was diagnosed with respiratory failure and i required oxygen 24/7 and i work at a daycare so my doctor didn't want me traveling with the big tank i have and didn't want it to be a hazard to the kids or have them trampling all over it, but i'm currently facing eviction so any donations will help.  

  thank you in advance  

cash app tag $careless100

pay pal paypal.me/mcintyre250

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  Roof repairs needed
Posted by: Silverstrl - 11-14-2018, 05:28 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (4)

First I want to thank you for taking the time to read this and for any help you can provide.  My roof has been leaking for several months and I can't afford my $1,000.00 deductible to file a claim with my insurance company.  I am getting very worried that the water damage is going to cause my roof to collapse since the main damage is at both ends of a main support beam.  My boyfriend lost his job several months ago due to spinal problems, he wasn't with the company ling enough to be protected by FMLA. Due to this I am currently behind in bills close to $4,000.00. While I would love to be able to get help with all of it my main concern is the roof. If it collapses I will have no where for us and our 2 cats to go. Please consider helping with anything you can. Once we get back on our feet we will make sure to come back to this site and pay it forward. Thank you again for taking the time to read this.

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  Help a Venezuelan friend!
Posted by: konihan - 11-14-2018, 04:22 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello! Good morning, evening o night, depending on the time your reading this. I'm From Venezuela, and as you might hear or watch on the news, internet and any other source, the economic situacion is a literal chaos, with an inflation that is over the 40.000% and recently the IMF predict that for the year of 2019 will be 10.000.000%.

Even with all of that i managed to pull it through this economic chaos with a job i had at a drug store, i say "had" because im now unemployed because the drug store had to close due to all the thing i mentioned above, i live with my mom and grandma who are both retired, so they earn less than the minimun wage(and even if the earned a minimun wage we cant still afford most of the basic food) so i am the main money entry the most in the house. I'm also a law studient at the university, where i have an schollarship wich i got from my excelent academy record, its a private university so it really helps because i got exonored of pay certains things, but in order to this i have to keep my good academy record or else they take the schollarship. 

Im telling you all this to give you context on why im in this situation asking for some help, currenly im on finals so i need to focus on my studies to keep the good graded and mantain my schollarship, so i cant(for now) search for a new job, and even if i would be searching now for a new job, there a almost no places places that are still hiring people due to the increasing inflation and what it means to most of the bussines(pay rent, services, taxes, employees, etc) so most of them are closing or not hiring people so they can survive a little longer. 

So here i am asking for some help from you guys, any little bit counts, take to consideration that 1$ is 281.10BsS(this is the black market price that almost everyone here use, because the official price is way away from the reallity and it will probably keep raising) so with 10$ i can make a little buy in the market and survive for like a week or 2, so any little help you can give me i will apriciet it a lot.

Hopefully, with your help guys i would make it through out this rought months ahead and star to seek for a new job, so thank you very much, sorry for the long post and sorry for ant typo and my bad english, its not my first language! Thanks in advance to those who can help!


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  Pregnant and recently jobless
Posted by: Celeris - 11-14-2018, 02:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (2)


Thank you for checking my post. I'm 8 months pregnant and due to my oversight some of my paperwork I got kick out from my job. The fault is mine (I should deliver something on time, and I haven't) nonetheless I have never imagine that I can be left without my job so close to the delivery. Without having a job at the time of the birth I will not receive any help from my government after it. I need help for a lawyer (to win against my boss the case of firing me) and for a flat. As I'm not living in US, I don't need that much, having $100 is like having $300 for me. 

Please, help me gather at least $700 for my flat (and attorney), for me to not become not only a jobless but also a homeless.


Thank you all.
God bless you.

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Rainbow Help me to help, please
Posted by: nana89 - 11-14-2018, 11:23 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, I am a Medicine student abroad. I dream to become a Cardiosurgeon one day Heart . I saved some money to travel abroad and fulfill my objective because in my country this specialization doesn't exist. I still can’t get a job legally and this month has been tough. I ran out of money and I can’t pay the rent, the situation is getting worse and I really don’t want to lose my dream, I want to believe that good people can help me now, so I can get to help more people in the future. 
All I'm asking is to arrive to $215 to pay rent this month. I thank you so so much in advance for the help


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  24 just obtained custody of siblings
Posted by: dreamer18 - 11-14-2018, 10:38 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

A few weeks ago, my dad and stepmom were in a car accident, leaving my dad paralyzed and my stepmom DOA. I live a few states away, so I've asked my job/college for time off to be with my family. While my dad is in recovery, I've been caring for my 4 year old sister and 9 year old brother. I've been okay for the past month, but paying bills at my old place, and caring for my siblings without steady income is starting to become difficult. I plan to move my family at the end of year so that I can resume my old career, but I will need to find a bigger place that will accommodate everyone. I've attempted to find a temporary job in the local area, but finding something that will work with both children's schedule/ therapy sessions, and learning how to care for my dad when he's out of recovery doesn't leave much room for me to be "reliable"

Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do to help my family for the next 1-2 months? A few family members have helped out, but I was in the best situation out of most of my family so I hate to put them in a financial situation trying to help me.

Other people have suggested asking for donations, which would be great (mperspective is my venmo handle) but I'm really looking for something long term. I want to be able to find something so that I can at least pay rent and make sure the kids have a good Christmas-considering.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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  Single Woman No Family or Money
Posted by: TiffyBrookey - 11-14-2018, 07:41 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Wonderful Humans,

I am a single woman in her early thirties, and I work my ass off everyday to pay rent and bills for myself and my dog.  Honestly, the dog comes first: I always make sure I buy him food before myself.  The realization is that my income is far too low to support us, and we are about to be evicted.  I’m a woman with a masters degree and this is what life’s come to...  I havent eaten in two days.  We already received a “pay or quit” notice.  Please help before I become homeless.


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  Second chance to life. Victim of blackmailing
Posted by: Goodlike - 11-14-2018, 03:51 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello i will ask for great help for me and my family and unborn baby.
I got it in really bad situation and i cant alone help from this situation.This is my story:I worked 9 years in one company and my boss forced me do really bad things. I cant go to police, if it go bad i can go to jail.
And one day he forced me to sing papers where i owe him a lot money and kick me from job. I must lend this money and give him, because he can go with this papers to court and i have really bad problem. I must sold everythink what i have, now i live in my girlfriend house. From last money i do truck license and i work as truck driver. I take extra shifts in work, but still little... But 80% money from my income go toloans, and 10% income i use to everyday go to work. Last 10% money i have to life. With girlfriend we are waiting baby in march and i dont have money for it. If i to repay this loans to my 60 years old. Now i have 30 years old. 30 years my life is in ...I this way ask, for this help. If you can send me this funds i have SECOND CHANCE to LIFE. Now my life is totaly ruinded and i dont know what i do. If you can help me, my girlfriend and my unborn son, i will mega greatful to you all.Sorry for my english, i do my best to undestand my story.Thank you all

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