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  I haven't eaten in 2 days and no electricity
Posted by: Spikesterz - 11-13-2018, 11:38 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please help me I have not eaten in 2 days tomorrow will be 3 I am in debt on the electric by £15 and I have no money friend and family can't help so please I'm asking for help here is my paypal link anything helps http://paypal.me/ethanjones846 thank you kind people that will help

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  My wife had a stroke and I need to take care of her
Posted by: shammons@mail.com - 11-13-2018, 07:50 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have been out of work since May, 2018 and it has become harder and harder to pay bills and rent. My wife had a stroke on November 3 and her doctor told me it will be a long, hard road for her to recover because she did not tell anyone she was in trouble until it was too late.  She just started working as a caregiver and was afraid to tell her boss she was not feeling well because she thought she would get fired. She won’t be returning to work any time soon.
Now, I need to buy a wheelchair, walker, shower chair and a commode for her when she comes home.
I need $1000 to cover the cost of those items - Yes, I do need a lot more than that for rent and other bills, but I just want to be able to get her immediate thing first.
Our rent here in Southern California is $1600/month and the utilities average $150 - We desperately need to cover those bills as well
Because of our situation, we covered for food stamps, so we don’t have to worry about the cost of food
Unfortunately, I have been unable to find a job recently and now, the doctor told me I will need to be available for my wife most of the time, unless I can find a caregiver to take care of her when I do find a job.
Basically, I am in a position where I can't see a way out without a miracle. If you have the means and the desire to help, I would really appreciate any help you can provide to help me take care of my wife the next few months while she works on her physical therapy.
The doctor said she will probably need a minimum of six months to recover, and he does not believe she will recover 100%. I do believe she will recover fully with God’s help as she was able to move her left thumb a bit on Saturday, but it is clear it is going to take a lot of time and hard work for her take make it happen.
I would like to be able to stay home with my wife to help her with her recovery as long as possible, so I am looking for as much financial assistance as possible while I also continue to look for a job. I am also looking for something I can do from home, which would be perfect for our situation.

My PayPal email for any donations is paypal.me/ShaunHammons

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Wink Need help keeping home
Posted by: laydiskillz89 - 11-13-2018, 02:57 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi my name is Rakesha Burton & I am a disabled, mother of 1, I really need help with keeping the home that we are currently in so we wont be homeless, we also need financial help with keeping the place warm. I would greatly appreciate any help given.
My Cashapp is $SKGSkiLLz

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  Asking for karma and a blessing for Kami
Posted by: 1010Pennylane - 11-12-2018, 08:07 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi all, my name is Kami.  I recently had a couple of major setbacks in my life. I have always been a person who has helped family, friends and even strangers whenever I could. Now that I am in a time of need, everyone seems to have disappeared.  I am hoping there are some folks like me who help if they can. Three years ago, I quit my job to move in with my father who was battling Alzheimers. He passed peacefully at home two months ago. We had been living off his pension, and now after funeral expenses and living on the last bit we had, I have nothing. I am waiting to hear back from several places I have applied to work. I know I will find something, but until then, I need money to pay for utilities, groceries and the very basics to get by. I currently have 18 cents in y bank account and I'm scared. Thank you for listening nd if you can't help monetarily, I'd appreciate prayers and good thoughts. https://www.paypal.me/kami375

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Heart Problems with money in the family
Posted by: caxadolla - 11-12-2018, 07:52 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a teenage girl, a model student in my high school. Sadly, my parents can't afford many things that I need for school. They work over-time, just to make my future brighter, to keep me healthy and happy. They are trying so hard and I want to help them, but for my age, I can't get a job. I found this website and hope shined in my eyes... Please, everyone who can help me and my family, donate. I would thank you from all my heart. Heart

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  needing help
Posted by: Soph2190 - 11-12-2018, 07:35 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Lost my job can’t pay rent ?
Paypal me https://www.paypal.me/sophhinchy

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  Asking for karma and a blessing for Kami and kids
Posted by: 1010Pennylane - 11-12-2018, 04:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, my name is Kami.  5 years ago, I had a wonderful life. Overnight my whole world shattered.  My husband left, I lost my job and my father came down with a terminal illness. The past two years have been spent caring for my father full time.  He passed away two months ago. I have always given of my time and money to help others to include friends and family who needed help at some time.  Now that I am in need, everyone has turned away from me.  I am hoping that total strangers may bless me where my friends and family have not.  I currently have 18 cents in my account.  I am spending each day putting in applications for jobs.  I haven't met with any luck so far, but I have faith something will come up soon.  I am discouraged and worried.  I have never been in this position and it's hard to ask for help after being rejected by so many I thought would be there for me.  I thank each of you for reading.  Even if you can't help monetarily, I accept prayers and good thoughts.

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  last month rent
Posted by: dogoveli - 11-12-2018, 01:45 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a postgraduate student about to submit my dissertation next month but i've ran out of money.

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  Help With Lyme Disease Treatment
Posted by: Morgan - 11-11-2018, 11:28 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, my name is Morgan.  I am in my 40's and a hard working divorced woman.  About two years ago I was finally diagnosed with Lyme Disease after slowly losing the use of my right leg.  This was a very difficult situation for me and I was happy to finally have an answer and what I thought was a solution.  I was put on antibiotics, but did not recover after six months.  

I set about learning as much as I could and was shocked to discover that antibiotics did not help after the disease had gone undetected for so long. Effective treatment involved the use of strong botanical protocols and testing to determine which path to pursue.  There is much trial and error involved.  Most shocking was learning that Lyme treatment beyond antibiotic care is not recognized by the CDC and, therefore, treatment is not covered by medical insurance.  I was fortunate enough to find a doctor who had suffered from Lyme as well, and was motivated by his own experience to study and become certified holistically to treat others.  He was previously a chiropractor and had to stop practicing due to his own declining health.  

I was also fortunate enough to have retirement savings and the ability to obtain a small personal loan.  In just over the last year I have spent over $15,000 out of pocket to obtain treatment and we feel my chances in remission are good with continued maintenance.  Unfortunately, this maintenance can cost upwards of $500 per month.  I used treatment protocols from DesBio Labs, Beyond Balance, Standard-Process/Medi Herb, BioBotanical Labs, and and Energetix. These formulas are only obtainable through a licensed practitioner.  In addition, out-of-pocket blood work must be done quarterly to ensure proper dosing and progress.  I've included some visuals from my doctor for verification.  

Lyme is still a mystery to the medical community and general population.  Those afflicted have difficulty explaining their varied, and often strange, symptoms to friends and loved ones.  It can leave the patient feeling alone, isolated and frightened.  I would be willing to answer any questions in order to help anyone who may be suffering as I have just so they do not have to feel alone.  I am now able to walk again without assistance and work again to feel like a contributing member of society and I am grateful.  I need to repay this short term loan and try to maintain a regimen of treatment on my wages for at least another year to clear this infection.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Morgan G.

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  Desperate Times
Posted by: Keekee72 - 11-11-2018, 12:45 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Christine and I'm in need of some help. I am 45 years of age and worked hard all my life. I am a nurse and I am currently working every hour to make to provide for my family. I have recently separated from my partner of 18 years and unknown to me he has occurred 30,000 pounds of debt in my name. I'm close to losing everything that I have worked for. I have no family or close friends to ask for help. I have hit rock bottom and want to have a better life for me and my son. My credit rating is poor and I think I'm going to loose my home. I'm a honest hardworking kind person and would be forever grateful for any type of help/support. My life is flashing before me and I have hit rock bottom.
If there's anybody out there that can help someway please do.
My PayPal is PayPal.me/keekee928

Kind regards Christine

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