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  Rebecca's corneal surgery
Posted by: resaenz2 - 02-14-2018, 06:08 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

At the age of 9 my parents found out that the reason of my poor school perfomance was my vision. After that, every time I had an appointment with my eye specialist, my vision was changing dramatically and in a bad way. I went from many pair of glasses and contact lenses. In 2004, I was able to get lasik done. My vision was great until 2010 that I got glasses prescribed again. Once again every year my eyesight is getting worse.  My doctor told me I need a treatment that is called Corneal Cross-Linked, to strenght the cornea of my eyes and avoid them to get weaker  or  I could eventually need a corneal transplant before a could become blind. This treatment is not cover by the insurance companies in USA, only paying cash (starting $3000 each eye plus traveling) and there is only one doctor in NM and one in CA that he recommends. I am doing my research and going to Costa Rica, the treatment,  airfare, examans and expenses will be  equal the cost of only one eye here in USA. I will need the help from everyone who knows me  and dont know me, and would like to help me to save my eyesigth. I can get my treatment done as soon as I get the whole amount of money.  I am working on a side job to save my money but if anything else helps me to get it sooner, that will be great. 
Please consider donating and share the word to a few people you'd like to share my story with.!!!

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  need help with bills food and clothing.
Posted by: edd57 - 02-13-2018, 11:46 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

my wife has cancer and i'm staying home to take care of her. we are behind 2 months on electric bill.                       i don't have a car and its hard to get around without one.                                                                                     we need help with money for bills food clothing and a car thank you.  Sad  paypal.me/edd57

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  no car and behind on bills.
Posted by: edd57 - 02-13-2018, 03:04 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

my wife has cancer and i have to stay at home and take care of her.    we are behind on the bills and i have no car  to go get food or medicine .  please help thank you. we need money. Sad

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  Mental Illness Took My Best Friend Away From Me.
Posted by: sydneeyates - 02-12-2018, 05:48 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I feel a bit weird sending this. I'm not honestly even sure if it's real. 

However, my situation is very complicated. I will do my best to keep it short. Everything is intertwined and well, I'll just start. 

Mental illness controls my life, even before I even knew I had one. Being emotionally and verbally abused as a child led me to constantly use destructive coping mechanisms to deal with never being able to be enough for anyone, but always having so much love to give. 

My eating disorder, Borderline, and upcoming Bipolar disorder along with anxiety and tendencies of OCD were controlling my every move. 

It was when I was a shy 16 year old that I went to a football game with my best friend who was supposed to meet a boy there. We walked up, this boy and I locked eyes and my whole life changed. It was like meeting someone I had been in love with for years and never knew it. I always tell people that I have loved this boy in lifetimes before this and lifetimes after this. It's very hard to describe a love like this. The closest thing I can relate it to is Bridges of Madison County, as cheesy as that sounds.

We didn't know, but his Acute Bipolar was about to make it's debut- 6 months into us dating. When I say he gets sick or goes manic- I mean he goes psychotic. His mannerisms change, his voice changes, his eyes change. He is the type of crazy that people literally run away from. I can show you photos to explain better if you'd like. He is also an addict, which did not help the bipolar. And so for the upcoming 9 years - I live in partial fear that this illness will steal my best friend away from me for what can be months at a time. 

Well, rewind to this past February. We finally get engaged. It's been a rough, intense, happy, sad, joyful, hopeless, wonderful 8.5 years. And then he decided to go off medication. I still don't know why. He got sicker than I have. ever. seen him get. 
And this time his mania was focused on me. He was convinced we were not together. He changed his number while I was being treated for depression in the psych ward. He blocked me on social media. He basically abandoned me. And ended up cheating on me, which even though hypersexuality is a symptom of mania- I've never been even close to considered he would sleep with someone else. 

I always had these really intense nightmares where he'd get sick, cheat on me, leave me, and basically forget he loved me. My nightmare came true- 3 months before we were supposed to get married (on September 10). I didn't know stress could affect the body that way. I developed a tremor so bad i looked like I had tourettes or parkinsis. I was severely underweight. I was drinking and doing drugs just to get through the day. The sicker he got, the worse I got. I really thought this time the mania was so bad he'd never come back to me. 

But he did. He finally agreed to see me after stabalizing. And I was so full of anger waiting in that parking lot. But when that damn boy got out of his car. I couldnt be angry anymore. He was him again. He wasn't moving too fast. Talking too fast. His eyes were sad, but they were his. And he remembered me. And his love for me. I dropped my purse and I just ran. He finally came back to me. Things were so broken, but that love that we had when we were 16 meeting for the first time was still there. 

It's been very hard for both of us to find jobs that allow us to be financially independent bc with my own mental illnesses, and especially with his, there are times when we can function normally, but then there are times when we physically can't. I get scared we will never be "adults" - in the financial aspect anyway. 

So, that's one reason I'm asking for money. I'd like something to build a life on. 

But also, my parents lost over 30 grand in wedding plans and I blew all of my money this summer so they are paying for everything right now. I'm in debt bc I use my credit card bc I don't want to ask for money. And I have a job, but it's just a cycle of spending it, paying the card back, having no money, spending it again, and repeat. I am in school from 845-745 monday wednesday friday and I work thursdays, sat, and sundays. 

I'm dealing with just so much guilt, sadness, loss, anger, hopelessness, regret, and I'm just really tired of disappointing my parents right now. 

I'd like to help give Eric some hope that things are going to be okay, that we can be adults bc his depression is getting the better of him right now, as well. 

I'd like to send you some photos and a video that explains eric and i. It'll help explain a bit more. 

I attached a letter that I wrote when I knew Eric started getting sick this past spring.

If this is real, thanks for listening.
Warmest Regards,

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Hand Up
Posted by: Wolf28 - 02-11-2018, 11:31 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please can anyone helo. IIjust lost my job and am behind in a rent payment. I hate asking for money but have no where else to turn as of I can't take out a loan I have tried. I have nothing of vaule to sell and my family is unable to hell. I have tried everything I could think of besides selling my body. I'm not asking for much and I will pay forward when I am able to. Thank you in advance if you are able to help. My request is for $900

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Exclamation Please Help us Pay for Rent
Posted by: adams.long16 - 02-10-2018, 07:53 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, everyone. 

This is generally my last resort, but I feel as if I have no other options at this point. In December, my fiance and I moved into our first apartment together and we were living without a car. I'm a junior in college and work on campus. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my first paycheck until this past Thursday, but I can only work 13 hours a week because I'm a full-time student as well, so the check wasn't really enough to pay for everything. We were fine for our first two months of rent and bills, but we soon realized how difficult life would be with without a car. We found a beater that we ended up buying for $500, and then we couldn't afford to get it on the road (getting insurance and getting a license plate). That first check I received went directly to pay for said insurance and license plate, so on the plus side, we have a legal car now. But now our rent is due on this coming Thursday, but we have absolutely no way of paying our rent for this month. My fiance was finally contacted about a job and started just this past week, so we're going to be much more stable when we start getting constant checks from him as well. For now, however, the $330 is just unattainable for this week. 

There's one other thing I hate to ask for, but it's getting necessary now. My cell phone is almost 3 years old and at this point, it's stopped charging almost entirely. It dies after about 2 minutes of being unplugged, which has been a common problem for iPhone 6's, I've figured out after trying to research the problem. I have to have a charging case on it all the time to even be able to use it, and even so now it'll randomly restart and turn off while it's charging. Having my fiance at a new job and not seeing him for hours, having a cat that has diabetes, knowing my parents are going through a divorce, and trying to find a balance through all of these things is difficult in general, but not having a cell phone makes it 100% harder. I have insurance on the phone because I'm on my parents' plan, but I don't have the $150 too pay for the deductible. I've been putting this off for quite a while because the phone was still at least working at that point, but now I feel as if I can't wait much longer before it won't even turn on anymore.

Please, if you have anything to donate and feel comfortable doing so, I would greatly appreciate it. Anything will help us afford to live. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll get back to you!

Thanks again,
Emmett and his fiance Lucas
Michigan, USA
Paypal: PayPal.me/ELong16

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Exclamation Paying for therapy issues/Mental health
Posted by: Ninche - 02-10-2018, 02:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Collecting donations for BetterHelp 1-month subscription – $25 needed 

I have already spent all the money my Mom could give me, and she even gave me "more than she could", if you know what I mean, for a course Mental Health Masterclass from Radical Transformation Project. It costs $29. Essentially it’s about making your personal plan for taking care of your mental health and setting a method for working on it indefinitely. I felt that it’s a perfect choice for me, because I was chasing resources, and I’ve been researching a lot about that issue, and having all those at the same place sounded very convenient. As you can see, if you look at the curriculum at the course’s page, one part of the plan can be therapy. I haven’t been on therapy for a long time. I figured out that it would help me immensely, especially for around 3 months period, during my Skillshare Mavericks training for Product Designer. (you can learn about it here) That program means really a lot to me. You get around 35 portfolio pieces, career coaching, mentorship, and private job and freelance opportunities in this field, when the school/program ends. I l ♥ it, but I feel like I can’t cope good enough with it because of my Bipolar type 2 mental illness, and that I’m unfortunately not very resilient, even though that is a prerequisite for participation. My mood also gets in the way of even basic functioning, not to mention learning and creating projects for a rigorous school. However, the most important prerequisite is motivation, and I try to cultivate it daily, even though I don’t actively participate in the program sometimes. There will be another 2 programs in spring, and they’ll release even more in the future if you’re interested. ? I want also to mention that, due to the mental health issues I haven't finished high school yet, and I'm 25 already. My dad died in 2002, leaving my Mom, myself and my autistic brother on our own. I have loads of emotional issues. 

However, even though I said I fear that I’m not resilient enough for it and that I am not enough mentally healthy to pursue it, there is a website and an app that is called BetterHelp, and that offers online therapy. It’s really expensive, but I managed to get 80% discount for all services until March because I completed the questionnaire when I clicked on the button that says something like “I cannot afford therapy”. This is not everything that happened. Namely, I completed all prerequisites to be connected with a therapist, and because I couldn’t pay for it, I went away from it. However, I’ve received 2 emails: one with a message from a therapist, and the second was an automated email that informed me that they’ve matched me with a therapist. I then entered the website again, and I saw the message in a private room, with the option to respond with my own. So I did it. I wrote everything that is bothering me, etc, and then… bang – I wasn’t able to send it, and every time I tried to do that, I’d get a pop-up with payment options.


I received the money back from the Smilecourse, and now I "only" need $25. 

Thank you so much for reading this! If some people give me just a little, it will be enough for me to reach a goal of $25. But, feel free to donate whatever sum you wish.  Smile

Heart Thank You  Heart

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  Help me
Posted by: Kati - 02-10-2018, 05:20 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I need help asap
Thank you

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  Need a new laptop so I can work again
Posted by: deesvezda - 02-09-2018, 08:36 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

The last 4 years I have been struggling to make ends meet and I depend a lot on my old laptop to do things and today it decided to die on me. I am not in a position where I earn extra money or have extra I can save, not even an extra to fix my broken laptop. Just been living completely payday to payday and often not even payday to payday. If I can get just at least $300 to get myself a new laptop or even a table top, I would be really grateful


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Posted by: Meeky1991 - 02-09-2018, 04:32 PM - Forum: Chit chat - No Replies

Hello I am Malik from Maryland. I like videos games, movies, and food. I also am trying to raise money on behalf of my dad who recently had a tumor removed from his stomach. I made a thread in the other forum for asking for help but I guess that has to be approved first?

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