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  Zoe Jared is here
Posted by: Zoe Jared - 01-13-2018, 04:24 AM - Forum: Chit chat - Replies (2)

Hey Guys, I am new here and just recently logged in here. i am so sure that this will be so much stunning time for me for this and this will be so much attractive time for sure for s ahead as it. I can have such an alluring time there for sure.

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  Poor enlightened traveller☀️
Posted by: Danny Boy - 01-13-2018, 04:01 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone?..i am on a journey around south east asia.I have very little money although i have worked hard for the last 20 years to raise and provide for my beautiful daughter.No she is grown i chose to go travelling to be open to this world and share knowledge and life experience and spirituality with whome ever i meet.To be honest i am not ready to go 'home' yet and would like to hopefully travel for another couple of months.If any soul out there reads this and feels to help me on my journey,myself and the universe would much appreciate it.Blessings love and light❤


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Video Father of 2 on the streets
Posted by: Strugglingdad - 01-13-2018, 12:43 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am asking for help from anyone who can. I am going to lose my home in the next week i have 2 kids and i dont know where to turn. I have exhausted all options as far as government and charities so now as a last option i am reaching out to the public for help. I need enough money to get into a new rental property and to buy all the furniture i need to live in and raise my kids in a comfortable homely environment. Any help little or large will be appreciated so much thanks for taking the time to read this.

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  going to loose my car and my baby is sick
Posted by: Blue_21 - 01-12-2018, 05:57 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

im a single mother of a one year old. I lost my house in Harvey. We have still been struggling to get back on our feet. I’ve been looking for a job nonstop but no one wants to seem to give us a break. I’m about to loose my car. I don’t ge child support so I can’t buy diapers and all the important stuff. Please someone help.

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  Hey need food 3 year old starving
Posted by: NikkiM1874 - 01-11-2018, 10:38 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey everyone. Im a single mum to a 3 year old daughter and we are desperate for some food and electric right now,  we r wrapped in a blanket freezing cold right now and i dont see us getting out this situation any time soon. Is their anyone able to help me out with some funds for gas electric and food?  Im so desperate 
Thanks for reading. 

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  Get me out if this country.....
Posted by: TgcMush - 01-11-2018, 10:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good day

I am a 32 years old and live in Harare, Zimbabwe. I am looking for money to help me leave Zimbabwe and start living a productive life. Unfortunately because of Zimbabwe's economic situation, our currency is unusable outside of the country and to get a visas to relocate,I need proof of funds or at least a sponsor. We can not even buy or send foreign currency in or out of the country due to the shortage of cash in the country. Zimbabwe has over 90% unemployment rate and if you are lucky to be working and actually get paid on time, the ever increasing cost of living means you are surviving from hand to mouth every month, unable to save. This inability to save is what hast made mW put off starting a family of my own as I would not want to bring a child into this kind of lifestyle since this is not what I had to live through when I grew up.

My ultimate goal is to end up in Brazil and join a friend, who's family took me in as an exchange student. He has been asking me to come down and join him but I do not have the funds for travel or to sustain myself long enough to find a job without becoming a burden to him. For the flights, visa and living expenses for at least 3 months which would be the most time I would need to find a job there, I would need roughly US$10,000. 

If this is too much to ask for, I have been working in a plan to go to South Africa, work there and make my own way to Brazil whenever I can. For this I would need US$6000 to cover the relocation fees and living costs while I get a job within the first 3 months. 

  I have the passion and drive to work and earn living for myself to be able to live the lifestyle I want, but Zimbabwe does not offer the opportunity to do so. Even though I have probably sent thousands of job applications to all corners of the globe just to get my foot out of the door and be able to start from there.

I do hope you considery application and look forward to your response. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have for me.

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Heart I genuinely need help Urgently
Posted by: KingsleyM - 01-11-2018, 07:51 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi guys I'm trying again as it seems my last post didn't go on. My name is Bing, I'm 38 years old and I urgently need financial help in order to sort my life out. I've worked all my life since I was 18, sometimes I haven't made the best choices or decisions but I try to do right whenever I can. Last year (2017) was horrible to me, apart from splitting up with my girlfriend I also lost my job and towards the end of the year I exhausted my savings meaning I had to move out of the rented flat I'd lived in for over 3 years. I've moved in with a family member but they have their own issues and are expecting a baby soon. I've managed to get a job offer but it is in a different city and I have to move there asap for the offer to stand. I currently need money to secure accommodation (shared as less bills and expenses) , I need to pay a months rent and deposit but I have no access to cash until the end of February when I will get paid from New job (if I manage to move on time). I am embarrassed to come on here and ask for money from total strangers but I am in dire straits and have no choice but to ask for help. Every little donation is greatly appreciated and I can keep you updated on my progress if you wish to know by emailing me on gza5001@gmail.com . If you cannot help me financially your prayers and advice will more than suffice. I humbly seek your help and I hope one day I will be able to help someone in need as well! My PayPal is hrhkingm@gmail.com and my PayPal me is PayPal.me/borninthestruggle . Thanks for taking time out to look at my request and like I said, you can contact me anytime on my email for updates or to offer support, I intend to get back to everyone that contacts me. Thanks again, all the best!!

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  Sister got in almost fatal car accident needing fast financial help for her recover!!
Posted by: astew01 - 01-11-2018, 11:08 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi there my name is Andrea and I'm looking for quick financial help! A little over a month ago my sister, her boyfriend and their best friend got in a horrible car accident thankfully two out of the three walked away ok. My sister (best friend) was pinned in the car and pronounced dead on the scene where they lost her pulse and her heart stopped. She was life flighted to Grant hospital in Columbus OH where they were thankfully able to bring her back! She was left with a shattered eye socket/ nasal cavity, broken pelvis, tail bone, arm, leg, butt bone, every single rib and two collapsed lungs. She was on life support and in a coma for almost weeks. She is now starting to recocer due to insurance they're unable to keep her in a facility so she is heading home tomorrow! We've had a few days to prepare but between being low on money from the start, doctor bills and long car rides we've haven't been able to get everything around that we need insurance is paying for a wheelchair and we were able to find a walker but not the part to attach for her broken arm we also were told she needs some sort of sling to hold her up in the shower and many other things we can not afford she was also cut open and is now hooked up to a wound vac. We have to get her a home health aide being we doing know how to change all dressings/do wound vac and the HHA will also being help with her therapy so she can get back to her normal self! This hit my family and I hard and it hurts me to see my family worring about money at this time and not being able to help my family has helped as much as they could and the hospital also helped a bit but we're far from what we need. Please keep my sister and family in your thoughts! And please do know any donation is so so appreciated and is more helpful than you'll ever know! Thank you

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  Need $250 for Rent
Posted by: noreenlee - 01-11-2018, 06:13 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hello again. I managed to get by this season, but then my car had about $500 in repairs.  I took out a Payday loan, but then lost my job.  My employment claim only pays a little (like $14-50/week depending on my hours).  I secured another job through April, but it pays $2.25 less per hour.

After examining my calendar, I am very worried because at the rate I'm going I don't see how I can re-pay my payday loan on Feb 1.  That's never happened to me before.  Over the decades, I have always repaid payday loans on the due date automatically.

I just need $250 asap to keep my housing stable, with my longtime elderly cat.  I live in the cheapest place possible, and it is no picnic, but rents are very high here.

I am still sober (many years), still working for low wages.  I am trying to get more work hours.

If you can help, please donate to:


Heart In the past, I have helped others too.  Rescuing dogs.  Rescuing cats in a flood.  Volunteering for a county committee.  Feeding the homeless and poor.  Installing hardware into computers recycled for free for the public.  Filing papers at a homeless shelter for over a year.  Being a school crossing guard for the State Patrol program.  Helping an alcoholic get on his feet.  Helping a widow with basic needs, lawn maintenance and moving.  But now, I am one who needs help.

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Sad Need help with rent
Posted by: tamayorihime - 01-11-2018, 05:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, I'm asking for help with my rent. 

I was recently let off from my job due to severe anxiety and depression, and I used up the last of what I had in my bank account to pay off this month's rent. This is hopefully just a temporary dilemma. I plan to start working from home and sell needlework pieces but as of the moment I'm going through a financial tight spot right now. I just need something to keep me going and to help me get back up on my feet. 


I'm not asking for a lot, and any amount you feel you'd like to donate would be greatly appreciated, even $1.

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