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  Me and My daughter are about to be homeless..Please Help!
Posted by: vivian47 - 01-10-2018, 04:04 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello , my name is Vivian Vazquez, I live in Clearwater Fl. I started this campaign because we are in financial trouble. I live with my daughter who is 15yrs and her father, though we are not together, i haven't been able to afford to move out. So the deal was I help pay the bills and try and coparent our daughter, but I recently lost my job and now we are like literally one paycheck away from being homeless. I am asking for $5000 because that would pay the bills and give us a little cushion while I look for a job.  I applied for food stamps today so hope that gets approved, because we are almost out of food. And I am registered with a few temp agencies so hopefully I will get a job soon. But for now I really need help to pay the bills or me and my daughter wont have a place to live. So I pray that God will touch your heart and you will help me out.

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  Mom of 3 needing a little help
Posted by: lilmamap93@gmail.com - 01-10-2018, 03:22 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello! I am a young mom of 3 girls and just need a little help. We are just getting back on our feet. I have been in recovery and lived at a treatment/family center for the last year and now that we are out we are staying with family and basically have to start all over. I have been saving everything I can but we are barely making it and barely getting by. Anything at all will be appreciated and used to help my daughters and I. I believe anything is a blessing from God and I will do my best to pay it forward once I am on my feet. Thanks so much!

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  Unable to work due to medical problems
Posted by: Mtk421 - 01-09-2018, 11:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Since I was around 19 or 20 years old I’ve had a job. I’m 47 now, I’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, gout, asthma, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, spinal stenosis and I use a C-pap type machine when I sleep at night. Due to the spinal stenosis I’ve had two procedures to kill nerves in my back, but im still having pain that is keeping me from working.
My doctor is in favor of me applying for disability and I am as well. At this point I don’t consider myself reliable to work because of these problems, but trying to get disability isn’t easy or quick and I could be looking at 3 years with no income. 
I am asking for your financial help while I try to deal with this. I’ve been on short term disability since the middle of August and have fallen behind on bills and only have until the middle of February until they let me go completely at work.
My goal is to raise $60,000 which would be equivalent to 3 years of salary in this last job, to get me through the application process with disability. Any amount will help though.

For donations here is a link for my Paypal account: paypal.me/Nichols345

Thank you for your time.


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  Last option
Posted by: stefan - 01-09-2018, 03:07 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

First of all, please forgive me for the poor knowledge of the English language.
I live in Serbia, I was born here in 1993. I'm 24. I'm not sure why I write this at all, I'm not sure why I'm writing this at all, but I will still share this here, I want to keep it written. Let this be a little proof that I existed.
Difficult childhood  divorce of parents - you know how the story. Whatever. My brother and sister continued to live with my mother, I did with my father. I did not seen them sence then (it was around 16 years ago).  3  years ago my father had a stroke, and over the night become disabled. I was not able to care for him alone, and I had to put it in my old man's home. He died six months ago. Now, there is a debt for that accommodation behind him, and if I do not pay him, I will have to move from the house where I live. I owe around 4000$
I try to make money selling cigarettes over the Internet, but not enough. Next week I'll be on the street. If there is anyone in this world who has more money than he needs, now is the right moment. I really do not know any different way.
I have paypal account: PayPal.Me/heets or if f you have any other way to help me if its available in my country

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  help to save sharda
Posted by: pavani - 01-08-2018, 05:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

       read the heart  touching story of a brother and sister  save sharda

                               FOR MY SISTER

                   Iam  writing this letter to you all to save my sister, my sister sharda is suffering from TBM a killer disease almost her nerves system got damaged due to this now she was struggling for her life in the intensive care unit we had spent our lifetime earnings to save her but now we are in the last stage and hope to save so i beg you all to support us in paying her medical expenses
 we need 75 lakhs of indian rupees to save her please share this story with your friends as much as possible  we need to be funded in 15 days i beg you all for my sister's life she is our everything we want her back with that everlasting smile please save sharda
                                                                                            with love

please save sharda by clicking here click here to save sharda

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  Need help
Posted by: mariemorgan96@gmail.com - 01-08-2018, 01:07 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have nowhere to turn I've been out of work 2 Years due to illness I am getting better and returning to work soon but I lost my car and I need help so that I can return to work I can't borrow the money as I have no job to show ability to pay I'm only asking for enough to cover rent and get a cheap car $2500 will get me where I need to be I have 2 children also but if I can't get help soon we'll all be homeless I don't have any family to go to for help

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Posted by: Kati - 01-07-2018, 05:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I need help 6900 e To keep my home and my Job. I get brain stroke and diabetes 2 last month. If i lose my home i cant take care my job. Plaese help me someone paypal.me/katituominen
Thank you

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  I just want to finish these last four classes and get my degree after 9 years...
Posted by: Quarkygrl - 01-07-2018, 05:00 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I don’t know where else to turn at this point. I need 4 classes to finally graduate. Just 4 classes. They’re not all offered in one semester so I have to take 2 now and 2 in fall. Well, I had saved up the money to do that by working 3 jobs, yes, 3 jobs at once the past two years. (If you’re wondering how that worked, one evening job, one day job, and one research job that didn’t require me to physically go somewhere). Well I had the money and then of course life does what it does best and said ‘hey, let me just mess everything up for you.’ That meant in the span of 6 months my car broke down twice ($8000 total in replacement of the transmission and engine), my dad lost his job and I had to start paying his rent and utilities along with my own, I got a $3000 hospital bill (l suffer from PTSD sadly and a particularly bad flashback sent me to a psychiatric facility for 2 weeks against my will), my fiancé had to have emergency surgery to remove a tumor and I had to help him out with a $5000 bill and you get the idea basically all my savings and everything were wiped out just like that. 
Okay, so you’re thinking big whuff you saved up money take another year or two and save up more no one gets a degree in 4 years anyway. It’s like 5 or 6 average now right? Well yeah I totally would do that except I’ve been trying to get my degree for 9 years.  Nine. Effing. Years. And each time there has been some extraordinary setback pushing back my graduation. Finances, trauma, deaths, you name it. I’ve tried to be strong and get through it but honestly being so close this time finally and to have it all come down to these 4 classes that I might have to wait another 2 damn years to take??? It would break me. And that’s why I’m on here. Begging. 
I’ve reached my aggregate loan limits, my credits still recovering from past financial woes to get me a private loan, I can’t get a co-signer, I have no options.  
That being said my goal is $5000. With that I could at least pay for these two classes and have the rest to pay for fall by August. Anything at all would help. I still have two jobs but with all the additional expenses I can only save minimal amounts. I just want to finish school and get out of this town and move on. (That’s significant for me because this town is constant trigger for past trauma and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to truly recover until I move far from it.) I also really want my degree from this university and at this point transferring to a cheaper one would set me back a few semesters. So I’m here begging somebody, anybody, please help me. If I can’t get these two classes this semester they’re not offered for another year and they’re the prerequisites for the two in the fall and I just...after everything I’ve been through I don’t have the strength left to keep on for another year. I just can’t do it, I’ve reached my limit. 
For the curious I’m studying physics and minoring in astronomy and computer science. My dream is to go into the space industry and one of my jobs is with a small supplier for NASA. Unfortunately until I get my degree I can only be an intern here and thus the pay is not enough to support my expenses itself. 
Like I said anything at all helps and I will try everything in my power to pay it forward. Thank you for taking the time to read this too. Even that helps in its own way.

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  Need to pay car insurance to drive for Uber
Posted by: mstina11 - 01-05-2018, 04:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

https://www.paypal.me/DukesT I need to pay my car insurance so that I can drive for Uber eats. I barely live paycheck to paycheck and half my bills get paid late. I am Young’s and just really at struggling and the only wa know how to get back on top of things is to make money quickly like with Uber. My job is only giving me 14 hours per week. Even if I get another job they won’t pay me for weeks. I’m desperate ive posted on several sites.

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  Need help for a new phone/shameless begging
Posted by: race - 01-04-2018, 08:32 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, this is just what it is, I need a new phone, and I do have a job and I am saving up. But I live in Mexico and wages aren't really that great. Most of my money goes to pay bills. If anyone is willing to even give a little it would be really nice. And yeah, I'm going big, I really want a GN8  Amazon: http://a.co/hEpqtBb


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