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Анвап мультики. Анвап орг...
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Анвап топ. Скачать фильм ...
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Анвап фильмы на телефон с...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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Анвап небоскреб. Анвап с.
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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Анвап такси 5. Скачать фи...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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  Begging for Money
Posted by: ninibeggingmoney - 06-02-2020, 01:12 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

This morning , I do not know how to start begging money. I just want you to know that I need your donation . I do not have money even to eat. But that is not so important as to have money to pay my needs. I need money so badly that I am using this web to come  and rescue me with some help where I do not find a way to help myself and that I won’t dismay. Please help me. I am disabled cannot work for the moment . Perhaps there is someone that has The Father-God’s Heart to help me supply All of my needs. God Bless you! You can go to my account:

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  help me please
Posted by: happysky12 - 06-01-2020, 05:17 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


hello thanks for taking time to read, i’m alone and have nobody, i have ran out of food and only have emergency electric left £1.28, i’ve not eaten in couple days and it a week before i get benefits, if anybody would kindly like to help me i’m only looking for about £40 to get food and electric. i’m sorry to be a bother and am on verge of giving up right now! 

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  i want to have a normal life
Posted by: shafinaz83 - 05-31-2020, 12:53 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi.. my name is Sha.. i am 37 years old now.. i am a single mother of 2 daughter which is 17 and 15 years old.. its been 15 years that my husband left me because of accident.. i raised my daughter myself since then.. I also take care of my parent who is sick.. my dad paralysed since 2011 and only moved using wheelchair.. my mum had a hypertension since i am teenager.. actually i work as a nurse.. its s been 10 years i became a nurse.. i had a good life since i became a nurse.. even i didn't get a high paying salary but its enough for me because my child at that time is small... no need for me to worry for their study expenses or anything.. but my life change after 2015..i had a money issues at that time.. so i need to sold my car and bought a smaller one to lessen my burden.. because i had nobody to ask and i had no knowledge about car selling... i listen to my neighbour which he instruct me to sell it to his friend... i got 5000 for it because i still had a debt with bank about 20000.. i used that money to buy another smaller car and live like others... my mistake there is no contract or anything to bind with that guy.. after 2 years, bank send me a summon letter.. they said i failed to pay for the car loan for 2 years.. they tried to call me but failed.. i wonder why after 2 years only they called me.. they summon me to pay for 50000 plus including tax.. i had no money to pay.. so i have been issued for bancruptcy... i only 32 and had bancrupt... i tried to find that buyer but failed.. my neighbour run away.. i had no one to turn too... i cried for a week... then i went to insolvency office.. i received that bancruptcy letter with a sadness and heavy heart... because of i also had another personal loan before.. i had to pay for about 2000 for a month. i paid for it every month without failed... but i always short of money... i had no house... only rented house.. i need money to pay for all bill..money for me to travel to work everyday.. money for my parent medical expenses.. plus my daughter school fees.. my daughter doing great at school and they were studied at boarding school now.. but they school fees is expensive... my elders daughyer need to go to university next year... i nees to do all the thing to cover all expenses... i am so sad of my life... all i want is to have a normal life like others... i can't buy my own house... i want to have my own house... used my paycheck for my daughters studies, not for paying the insolvency which is not my fault.. its just my fool.. i am here begging for money for me to pay all the insolvency debt.. free me from bancruptcy so that i can use the paycheck to buy me and family our own house.. no other debt.. just living expenses like others.. please help me free.. i appreaciate your help so much... thanks.. my paypal is paypal.me/zanieshafina[Image: 48429166_1590928154735069_r.jpeg]

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  Earn Bitcoin on KickEx as it launches it's cryptocurrency exchange platform
Posted by: Michaelcc - 05-31-2020, 12:18 AM - Forum: Work From Home / Make Money From Home - No Replies

KickEX Exchange takes crypto trading to a whole new level! Don’t miss your chance to join the referral program and create a passive income of $20k monthly and more. 
50% of the KickEX Crypto Exchange revenue to be shared with users! Join early and get on top of the network and get the highest earnings! #kickex #cryptoexchange

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  Monthly Rent
Posted by: nickcarter163 - 05-30-2020, 11:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, my name is Nick Carter and I live in Los Angeles. As you may know, rent is not cheap here, especially my apartment. I am an 18 year old student currently attending UCLA. I actually live quite close, only a few street away from the main campus. As for this month's rent, I am sadly a $100 short. I know what you may be thinking, why don't you ask someone you know for the money, it's not that much to borrow. I thought that too, but I realized I didn't really have many people to look to. Most of my college friends are also struggling financially, and my parents have refused to help me out anymore. I know I cannot turn back to them as they have already supported me enough. You also may be thinking why shouldn't I just get a job. I am a full-time student, and especially with having to stay indoors now its impossible to look for a new job. I'm already stressed with my online classes and am currently looking for an online job. I have yet to find one that aligns with my passion of the arts and music however, as that is what I am most talented as. When I first applied to UCLA I was very confident I was going to be rejected. But when I got the acceptance letter I was beyond ecstatic. So far my parents have been paying for my college tuition along with my rent. In the middle of December 2019 however they realized they needed to focus and save more for their retirement funds as my dad had lost his job. I fully understood and started taking simple and petty jobs throughout the campus. My friends even offered to pay me if I drove them places. I was able to pay my rent this way until the cornavirus forced us to stay at home. Now, with no other means to find money opportunities, I ask for your generous help. If you have the extra means to help me be able to pay this month's rent I would be extremely grateful. I understand that $100 means a lot to many different people, so if you are able to donate any amount at all, it is the most appreciated. And when the time comes around I hope I will be able to pay back the favor. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you might be able to support me. 


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Big Grin Please help me become a doctor
Posted by: MangKanor - 05-30-2020, 12:54 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, if anyone has extra cash to give, I am accepting any kind amount to help fund my education. I am currently taking up Dentistry, and I really want to finish my education to become a doctor. I promise myself to pay it forward if ever I get to graduate by dedicating some of my time for dental missions to help the less priveleged

Funding my education is really hard this past few weeks due to our family income being stopped by the COVID 19 Pandemic Undecided


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Posted by: Berrybri247 - 05-29-2020, 12:16 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


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Music 32F in recovery needs your support PayPal.me/reverierain
Posted by: Berrybri247 - 05-29-2020, 12:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

    I am a 32 year old female.  I am an in dependent woman and I hate asking for help.  I am an alcoholic. I relapsed 3 years ago. I have been sober 4 months now.....finally. And I am quarantined in treatment.  I don’t want your sympathy, but here’s the chain of events;   Flat tire, flat spare, impound, lien on vehicle, lost health insurance multiple times, homeless sort of, denied food stamps, almost lost storage unit to auction multiple times, no tax return received, no stimulus check, denied unemployment, denied general assistance and food assistance.  I Move to sober living as soon as I have the funds, but I can’t get a job because we still can’t leave to property for safety reasons.  I need $350 deposit, $50 administration fee, and $1,350 for July, August, and September rent.  .  I also need anything extra right away for food and toiletries. Anything will help.

Thank you
So grateful!

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  The online investment platform that is helping me during this lockdown.
Posted by: Michaelcc - 05-28-2020, 12:05 AM - Forum: Work From Home / Make Money From Home - Replies (1)

I will be succinct in this,it's an international online investment platform where you can earn some dollars for performing some task and if you have just $3 or some Bitcoin you can also buy a share there  and receive dividends daily but if you don't have,you are free to earn from the task or job you do,you can make more dollars through performing task or job and referrals. Just register and look for "perform job" option,then you can start. And if you want to buy any share just buy those in unit of $3 because that is the least share price and they can't fall beyond that.
This is what has helped me during this lockdown and I'm happy to say I've tested it with just $20 because that's what I could afford and I've done some jobs like am doing now to get referrals and I've earned over $20 through jobs and referrals. 
 For a new investor you can't withdraw until after  29days and depending on the point you collected from doing jobs and referrals, you can withdraw even once in four days. You can withdraw in dollars to your PayPal account or bitcon when you supply your bitcoin wallet address before withdrawal.
So if you don't mind having other stream of income then you can try this,I've tried it simply and if you have any question you can reply me here,you can check it out here:

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  Desperate Dude Desperately Demands Dough!
Posted by: DesperateDude64 - 05-26-2020, 06:14 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a fraud victim that lost nearly $100,000 from loans and other wires that a scammer used to have loans and wire in my name that I have been stuck with since November 2018. I am currently losing $2,000 to $2,250 a month and I am extremely barely surviving on the skin of my teeth.

I desperately need money today. Please help me because it's your civic duty under penalty of perjury to assist your fellow man by relinquishing your possessions.

Please fund me at


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