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Анвап бесстыдники. Гарри ...
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Анвап я худею. Анвап бесс...
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Exclamation Struggling student, please help
Posted by: Nikki_2 - 04-28-2020, 06:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good day, I am a college student in my second year. This entire year has already been stressful on me and my family as I am unable to attend classes anymore since my account is on hold. The classes I had registered for this semester kicked me out due to unpaid tuition. I am unable to take out anymore loans. I wish to fulfill my career in the field of medicine. The amount I owe is $21,689.07. I would be thankful and grateful if you can. Any amount is appreciated. Thank you 

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  Financial help
Posted by: Abdisamedkeyse - 04-28-2020, 02:51 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I was looking for job since last three month but I couldn’t find and not able to pay rents and living expenses for my family so that I here to get helped especially three outstanding rents which is $900 before sending my small kids to outside.
Please check the donation button for whatever possible from your end


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  Need money
Posted by: frankravalli2222 - 04-28-2020, 02:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Smile I need any assistance I could get I may have Corona virus and need help to save me the PayPal address for anyone to send anything they  could is frankravalli2222@aol.com

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  Tuition fees help
Posted by: College girl - 04-26-2020, 09:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey guys I’m stuck with my student loans and I lost my job due to the COVID-19. I am about to graduate next month and untill I pay the tuition fees I will not be able to get my diploma. Please help me if you have any extra money to spare by making a donation to my PayPal account https://www.paypal.me/feetloversforever I have tried a lot of things to get some money lately but nothing seems to be working, this is my last hope

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  Swallowing pride to survive
Posted by: Common¢ents4family5 - 04-26-2020, 05:15 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I Am a father and a husband of a beautiful family. We have always struggled but we're happy to sacrifice and do whatever we can to take care of our kids our third child was born in January we were just getting back on our feet after loosing almost everything to help our oldest child get through a dark time. We lost our jobs when we spent two months in the hospital trying to help her recover after attempting suicide at twelve. Things where looking up and getting back on track. Our family endured a very scary situation that reminded us just how precious life can be. Our middle child is autistic so it was very hard to explain and maintain but we got through and we're stronger and tighter then ever. Now with this crisis again we find ourselves struggling no car we sold everything to keep a roof over our heads and our kids fed. I still have yet to receive aid from the government  no stimulus check has been deposited in my account and I'm out of options. I am asking for help I know it's hard for everyone right now so it really kills me to ask but any little bit u can spare would help. I thank you from the bottom of my heart it means everything to me to be able to take care of my family and keep a positive vibe in our home thanks you again ?. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/my/setti...2V0dGluZ3M=

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  Single Mama is struggling, asking for any help available
Posted by: MamaMaid22 - 04-26-2020, 08:45 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello my name is Jodie. I am a 40 year old single mama to 3 boys. My boys are 14, 12, and 9. We reside in a small town in Northeast PA. Four years ago my 16 year marriage came to a screeching halt when I discovered that my then husband was having an affair and his mistress was pregnant with his child. My kids needed me, they needed consistency, something/someone they could depend on. The job I had at the time did not allow me to be what my boys needed, so I quit. I now work for myself, able to set my schedule around that of my kids.
     I'm here asking for financial help because I have exhausted all other options and due to Covid-19 and being deemed non-essential, I'm on the verge of losing everything. I have depleted my savings account, I have had zero cash flow since March 13. I filed my 2019 taxes on February 23. The IRS website says they are still processing my return and I will get a Direct Deposit date when available. When I check the status of my stimulus, it says at the current time they can't determine if I am eligible for the payment. Basically, until my return is processed they are unsure of eligibility. Last Saturday, April 18, PA finally opened the temporary unemployment portal for the self employed. I filed and my claim was accepted and payments will be retroactive, but they will not be disbursed for another 6-8 weeks. I have no money right now, absolutely zero. I can't afford groceries for my kids. I'm in danger of losing our home. Since I file w/ 1099 misc not a W-2, Chase bank requires my tax transcripts to restructure. My transcripts won't be available until my refund is processed. The IRS can't be reached to answer questions at this time. I reached out to Senator Toomey who put me in touch with a tax advocate, who is taking on my case but told me with staff shortages it will be at least a couple weeks until any real progress is made. 
     I'm at such a loss. I feel forgotten. I am at the end of my rope and I'm scared. I'm physically sick and cry all the time. I work hard. I have my whole life. I support my children. I need help and I can't find any. I beg of anyone who happens to read this,if you can, please help myself and my children. I don't want my boys to lose more than they already have, but I don't know how to stop it. This is my Hail Mary, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank anybody who reads this and does what they can to help….from prayers to monetary donations….My boys and I are eternally grateful!


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  Coronavirus emergency help
Posted by: frankravalli2222 - 04-26-2020, 07:02 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Smile I really need help from anyone or anybody I may test positive for coronavirus and really need some help the PayPal address for anyone to send anythng is frankravalli2222@aol.com

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  Urgent need 500dollar
Posted by: pran.@1234 - 04-25-2020, 09:52 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello friends.
I urgently need of 500dollar.i am in debt.
I took some loan. due to corona virus we have no job right now. I have to paying debt money. So i need 500  dollar please help me with this.
I always thankful to you for this help.
 Paypal - paypal.me/PranavSagar

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  Need help for transportation and funds for family
Posted by: Mommyof5 - 04-24-2020, 06:17 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello my name is Taylor. I am 32 years old and have 3 under age children. I have made some bad choices in my past. My 3 children where taken into cps custody about 8 months ago. I am now 6 months clean. I was resontly kicked out of my out patient treatment program due to the fact I was unable to get to class or was late past the 15 minutes grace time to be let into the class room. My year is almost up and my children need to be placed either with family or they will be placed up for adoption. My aunt is the only person willing to take all 3 children but lives in a rv and needs a bigger place to accommodate the children and satisfy cps standards. At this point I would be willing to give up every thing I have and live in a tent to get them with family untill .I have completed my services. I am hoping and praying that those who read this find it in their hearts to contribute to my cause. Thank you so much in advance


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Music I need money to move
Posted by: Melody1$ - 04-23-2020, 10:31 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Rolleyes Hello  I need Money to move. I live in a bad Neighborhood where drug dealings are done in the Open. All day and Night. I dont feel safe living there anymore. I need to move as Quickly as possible 
 Please help. I need $1000 to move. It's hard for me to afford to move because I dont earn enough to do so. I was laid off from my Full time job. I work Part time. But dont earn enough. Please help me. Thank you

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