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Анвап орг полицейский с р...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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1 minute ago
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Скачать фильмы на андроид...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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1 minute ago
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Анвап фильмы 2018. Сверхъ...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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7 minutes ago
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Щит анвап. Отряд самоубий...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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7 minutes ago
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Анвап мультики. Анвап орг...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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12 minutes ago
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Анвап топ. Скачать фильм ...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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Анвап фильмы на телефон с...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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Анвап небоскреб. Анвап с.
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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Анвап такси 5. Скачать фи...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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Анвап орг фильмы бесплатн...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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  Patiently awaiting a strangers kindness
Posted by: NotoriousSLC - 06-09-2020, 03:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

There's so much to my story and I don't wanna be the debbie downer. So in a nutshell I became homeless after placing my entire life in a storage unit.  Not knowing the cost of moving and paying for help and supplies placed me and my girlfriend and cat out in the streets last December.  We survived homelessness during a pandemic and currently reside in a less than reputable motel room in Mauldin, SC.  I cannot work due to a back injury. So my girlfriend works here making just over minimum wage to keep a roof over our heads. Basically I need help paying for my storage unit.  Things that mean nothing to someone else, like my family photos...will be thrown away...my girlfriends mom passed away when she was three. she didn't know her...she has only a few things of hers..in storage... And to top this off, I bought my cat an over the counter flea collar and shes gotten sick from it, She needs to see the vet.  Please help us! all of this is time sensitive.  

I've never felt so helpless and desperate.


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  Help with cost of Funeral burial headstone.
Posted by: LeedsMan1983 - 06-09-2020, 01:28 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello and thank you for taking time to read this. My great Auntie who was the grand old age of 92 sadly passed away last year. Auntie Lily was a Nurse all her life and a avid Church goer, donating a lot of her money to the Church of England.

My family have been able to cover the funeral costs but we are trying to raise money for a Headstone on her grave. These cost a few thousand pounds in the UK.

We are asking for any donation, no matter how small. I can post the picture once the stone is up and any other questions please contact me on here. I am keeping this from my family as they are embarrassed about finding the funds at the moment during this Pandemic.

Any donations welcome. Thank you. paypal.me/LeedsMan1983

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  I'm Ashamed, But I Need Help
Posted by: hfields819 - 06-08-2020, 10:25 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (3)

Hello! My name is Holly. I have never been on here before to post my own request, but I am truly desperate. 
Ever since the pandemic hit, things have been especially hard for my family. Bills have been hard to pay, essentials have been hard to maintain, etc. We finally got approved for SNAP benefits, but we are still awaiting our unemployment claim to come through. I have been filling out applications everywhere, as has my husband. Anywhere from house cleaning, fast food, factory, etc. No job too small, we will take it if offered. I have applied for Cash Assistance too, still awaiting approval. We have shut down all non-essentials out of our life. We have even sent our cats to live with someone else to maintain food and stability until we can take them back in again. 
With our savings and the stimulus, we have been able to pay up our bills for another month, and the help of a friend. However, I have one doctor's appointment I do not have the money for at this time. I've sold all of my electronics (with the exception of my phone- for job hunting and such), and I cannot miss this appointment as it has taken me months to get it. I have tried everywhere to come up with the money.The doctor's appointment itself costs $250 and my medication to pick up with $146. I am sincerely asking for help. I really could use a break right now. I know times are hard for everyone. I hope things change for us all soon! God bless. 

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  How can I create a business plan ?
Posted by: Xiande - 06-08-2020, 08:31 AM - Forum: Chit chat - Replies (6)

 I have a startup software company. I want to create a business plan which helps to give directions to my employees about my organization's future goals.

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  Website making
Posted by: Xiande - 06-08-2020, 08:28 AM - Forum: Chit chat - Replies (5)

I know the site is probably oversaturated with guys who know how this thing is done 

If anyone have some free time...and like to help me make a simple site for my charity organisation,I would really appreciate it!

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  What is the best way to start a business?
Posted by: Scinetic - 06-08-2020, 08:27 AM - Forum: Chit chat - Replies (6)

How do I start a successful small business?

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  What is the lock near the url?
Posted by: Scinetic - 06-08-2020, 08:22 AM - Forum: Chit chat - Replies (3)

What is it? I always noticed that the lock is either green or gray, as for example on this forum, and sometimes it is completely crossed out. What does this mean? Is it related to security?

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  Need money, NOW.
Posted by: LunarFishWind999 - 06-06-2020, 09:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (2)

Struggling, I had to give up my stimulus money to help fam pay the rent and help my family stay alive, still need more to stay afloat, my mother is struggling with cancer and I want to invest in high quality treatment.


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  Need help for legal fees and to survive!
Posted by: walterborocurves - 06-06-2020, 07:43 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I own a small business in a VERY small town. Recently the building where I lease, was sold. After 10 years of being in the same building, I was pretty much pushed out by the new owners. I was illegally evicted due to the judge not following proper procedures. I can't afford to reopen currently, I'm having to pay for legal fees to take the property management company and the county to court, I've got storage fees for my company equipment, and I'm not bringing in anything because the business is currently closed. The legal process hasn't moved in months due to COVID-19 and my life savings is GONE! I've got to keep this moving and I don't know what else to do. PLEASE HELP!!!

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  Financial Assistance help
Posted by: welly89 - 06-05-2020, 08:17 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am Cecilia Musonda from Zambia, Africa I am a single mom of three kids and I take care of my grandmother who is 90 years old. I am pleading for help of financial assistance for we are suffering terribly.
Please we don't have PayPal services in Zambia for receiving money and cashapp is not yet available in my country for those who wish to assist me they can contact me on ceciliamusonda1@gmail.com.

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