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  Need help with rent.
Posted by: RissaY - 11-19-2018, 03:02 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi there, I recently came up short on my bills this month. I could barely afford my co so upeand I have nothing to give to my landlord for rent. I was wondering if there was skme sweet soul out there that would be willing to help me out and donate me abiut $100 just so I can give it to my landlord and pray he lets me keep making paynents. I have a young seven year old daughter and I need to keep a roof over her head. As is I'm already short on keeping food in her belly. Any help anyone will give is greatly appreciated. I have a PayPal.me account y if your willing to help me my account is PayPal.me/smokentoke that k you very much I greatly appreciate it.

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  Trying to Help my Dad, who has Neuropathy
Posted by: RileyGray710 - 11-19-2018, 02:06 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am trying to help my father, who is 68 and banging nails (barely) for a living but living with Neuropathy. He is an angel and deserves some financial help so I am desperate!


John is banging nails at 68 years old living with Neuropathy, a disease that is damage to nerves - where he has trouble walking, tingling/numbness, can’t sleep because of the pain, loses his balance, affects his joints… and much more. His is NOT caused by Diabetes. And at night he gets so upset as he can’t do things anymore he says… And all because he needs to pay the mortgage. He always says “I’ll figure something out”.

It's heartbreaking.

Why should anyone care? Everyone struggles right? There are worse off people for sure right?

John is different…  And to do something to give back to him as he now struggles daily with the little things we take for granted like balance and pain management. So that maybe it will help is retirement years a little easier knowing some of his medical is paid for. A way to say THANK YOU and that life does reward those that help others when in need.

Let me tell you…
John is different. He has seriously put everyone first in his life and now he struggles with this disease and to pay for his needs. He is in the financial position because he has given everything to everyone else without asking for anything in return. He would give you, a stranger, double of what they have in their pockets. And seriously would give his liver if he could. He actually tried for his brother-in-law…

John is the type when his mother-in-law passed and he was selling their house, a young couple moved in. He gave them a handful of cash on selling day and said you need it more than me - good luck! He is the type who will do work for free to help a friend. He will also spend his Sunday cooking hundreds of meatballs to give out to family, coworkers, and friends. And when he plays the lotto, he always says, if he wins then his friends & family will not have to worry about money.  Over the years he has put a roof over not only their 3 kids heads, their families when in need, but over the years when people needed a place to stay - they called John - aunts, nephews, cousins, grandkids, friends and more.  He took care of his aging parents and in laws, day in and day out, and funded for any additional care they needed.

He hosts holidays to the extreme, even if he had no money in his pocket, just to keep the family together and having holiday experiences like no other. And if you don’t have a place to go, even if you are not family, you go to John’s because NO ONE spends the holidays alone if you know him!  He is the glue of the family and friends.

I know its unorthodox - why him? Why is he different? If you met him, you would get it. And some good people just deserve a break.

Let’s give back to someone who deserves it. Please help. I have set up a GO FUND ME PAGE - any social shout outs or support you can give would be greatly appreciated.



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Posted by: olivxr - 11-19-2018, 01:54 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I’m newly employed and I won’t be getting paid until the end of December, I have no money to get me through until then. 

Anything will help me, I will be extremely grateful for every pennie I receive from this. 

Please help me. 


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Heart Simple student mom just trying to make it through the holiday.
Posted by: Tiffanyamber - 11-17-2018, 05:01 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My boyfriend recently walked out on us. A-hole. I know. But he helped with the bills, rent, school, food. Now that we’re on our own, it’s been harder. My son has always been my ray of sunshine. God knows I’ll do anything for him. I’m a little behind on rent. $500 to be exact from $1200. My rent is due on the 20th of November so it’s coming really close. I pray to god to touch one of your hearts to please help me. This is the only stress I have right now. Ive put school on hold just because I dont have that money righ now but that’s not my main concern. My main concern is not being heslmeless with my sweet boy around the holiday season. I know he sees me worried and struggling which is why he told me he asked Santa for him to help us, that he wants no toys or games. For a 7 year old to ask Santa. Anything helps. I promise even with $20, it does a lot.


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  Huge financial crisis (close to being homeless)
Posted by: Ekcharette - 11-17-2018, 03:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hi guys,

I never thought i would come to this moment. I truly am a hardworking person who just happened to fall upon some hardships...

This does not need to sound like a pity story, however i know my childhood was just not right at all. My father was abusive to my mother, and the rest of my siblings when i was younger. I’m 21 now. He’s not abusive anymore, and he’s  ever home now, but i still have flashbacks those days. We have no relationship at all.  

And somehow we’re all stuck in the same house again. I don’t know what to do. Every day at home is just terrible. I try to spend as much time away from the house. 

My mother on the other hand is dealing with school, two jobs just to make ends meet. My father doesn’t provide any money at all around the house. So whenever i am there there really isn’t much to eat because my sister and mother get hungry too. 

Just a few months ago, I had been attending a college in Wilmington. Due to the damages Hurricane Florence had on the area, it forced me to live back with my parents about an hour away. I lost my job, and everything. 

The person who was planning to sub lease my apartment, had bailed out in me last minute, so now i am still responsible with this past month and next month when it comes up. 

This totals to 961. As of right now, i have no money. And i am surviving off of one meal a day. I feel embarrassed that I’ve come to doing  ALL of this but i seriously am in desperate need of help. Anything. A mentor, someone. 

I’m currently working a part time job about fifteen minutes away, from my parents house. I also am managing my time for creating music to express all of the things that I’ve gone though.  

I intend on paying back whoever would be so kind to helo just another kind hearted person out. 

I also am fairly skilled with computers, and marketing so i am willing to work for anything. 

If you were so amazing to listen to all of this, thank you. I don’t even know if anyone will read this or help me out but i need it. I really do.

I have a paypal using this email: elicharette13@gmail.com

Many blessings to whoever will be able to help me out. You won’t go unnoticed.

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  Asking for help
Posted by: Dan12402 - 11-17-2018, 02:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone, my names Danny and I'm from Ohio. I live with my mom who got laid off months ago and we're very behind on the mortgage payments. I'm still in school and I'm currently working at a fast food restaurant witch isn't close to enough to keep us afloat. I hate asking for help like this. It's very uncomfortable but I no longer see it as a choice. I cant give anything back in return except prayers that good karma comes around to you. I dont want to post a picture of the house so here's the backyards view. Thank you everyone.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=286]

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  Single mom in need
Posted by: Crissiexoxo - 11-16-2018, 06:22 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, I’m crissie. I’ve never done anything like this and I’m nervous and scared. My ex drained my bank accounts, changed his number and I have no idea how to find him. His family is no help, they say they don’t want to get involved even though me and my daughter are left with nothing. My bank account is completely overdrawn. My family helps as much as possible but financially they just aren’t in the position to help. I don’t get paid for another two weeks and I’m worried I won’t be able to afford rent and her tuition for after school care. Also my vision is poor and I’m not able to drive, I get rides a lot when I can but I often have to rely or Uber to get me and my daughter back and forth to work school and daycare. I hope someone can help me. I'm trying my best not to let depression take control of me because i know my daughter needs me. I have never felt this low before ever in life I’m honestly grateful for whatever I am able to get. I know it’s just a minor setback and once I’m on my feet I will repay it to someone else’s in need. My cashapp is 
https://cash.me/$crissiexoxo I appreciate anyone who helps.

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  Pregnant female on her own.
Posted by: KittySouth95 - 11-16-2018, 05:50 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am 23 years old looking for some financial help. 
I am 10 weeks pregnant and on my own; the father denys it... And i don't have many friends or family; just my elderly handicapped grandfather.  I live in a RV. It is hooked to a pole with cords; and no water. I am looking to get me a new home and a way of going. As well as household items. And groceries. 
Anything helps. I have a small job but it only pays so much. I don't have a way of going to get a better job. So really in desperate need. Thank you


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Rainbow Help me and nala please!
Posted by: Danos22 - 11-16-2018, 01:33 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My story:

Hi everyone my names Dan I'm 26 years old and have worked full time my whole life until a few months ago when I left my job for another before they ppulled the plug on me.. I've run out of all my money I lost my girlfriend am behind in rent, electricity etc. Haven't been eating whatever food I get I give to my dog nala she is allback i have and keeps me from beennew super depressed, it looks like I will be on the street shortly I'm doing my everything for another job but I just needchecked some help in the mean time it would mean the world to meloot and my pup. If u can make a donation of any kind I would be so gratefull. This is myhow paypal: 


Thankyou for taking the time to at least read my situation.

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  We need help this month
Posted by: Whovian205 - 11-16-2018, 03:34 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a mom of three with a very hardworking husband. We have had a run of bad luck starting with our car being totaled by an uninsured driver. My husband had to take time off work during this due to our middle child being injured. Funds were spent on my daughter, parts to get our our other vehicle working so my husband can get back to work . We will be behind on rent and utilities. I am trying to keep from heat being turned off or being evicted on top of everything else. This has been very hard on all of us. I hate asking for help, but I don't know what else to do. I have asked for assistance but was told priority was going to elderly and disabled (not arguing with that). They were already overwhelmed with requests, and we are at the bottom of the list.


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