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  Need help raising $5k fast.
Posted by: Cje2987 - 02-13-2020, 08:25 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’m not used to reaching out for help like this, so please bear with me as I try to explain my situation.

I am a 30-year-old mother of one biological child (8) and soon-to-be (step)mother of four more (12, 11, 10, 6) beautiful children.  They live with their mothers, one in our state and the others in another state. But we get to have them over the summer and Christmas. I am engaged to a wonderful man who works so hard and does so much for us and for our family. My fiancé and I both come from families that had very little when we were growing up.  As a result, we have worked hard to create a better life and better opportunities for our children than we had ourselves. We have both worked hard in our own ways to try to achieve this goal.  I’ll try to explain a little more below.  However, if you’d like even more information ask any questions you deem necessary. I want to be fully open about our situation and I really am looking for kind hearts who are willing to help us get back on track.
We had a few set-backs over the past couple of years that have put us in a hole.  My ex-husband took us to court to try to take my daughter away from us simply because he didn’t like that my fiancé was being a father-figure for my daughter (there’s a longer story here and I am more than willing to provide details). This resulted in lots of lawyer’s and court fees.  I had to have surgery to have my gall bladder removed and was out of work for a small period of time. My daughter is enrolled in an extra-curricular activity that she loves and is honestly a great life skill building tool for her, but her father has decided to stop helping pay for it, but we won’t pull her out because it’s important to her. The braking system on my car locked up and had to be repaired and paid for out of pocket. We’ve used payday loans, collateral loans, shifting money around, letting some things slide to past due and then catching them up later, all to make ends meet.  However, things are falling behind to a dangerous point.  Both car payments are now past due and potentially subject to repossession. The insurance has lapsed on both cars. All these loans are in my name only. We struggle every month to find the money to pay the rent because the payday loans and other bills that we have to made sure are paid first take up all the money.

In an attempt to help us save money and begin catching things up, my fiancé and his father applied for a home loan for a house in our neighborhood. They were approved and if we can come up with the 3.5% down payment ($7,000), we will be able to move into a house and actually own it and pay less than we have been paying in rent. We have been able to raise $2k between our taxes and asking friends and family. The approval is only good for 30 days and homes in our area usually sell very fast. 

I know it’s a long shot, but I was hoping there might be a kind heart (or a few) that would be willing to gift us the money either for the down payment and/or to help us get out from behind our bills and help us with a fresh start. 

Also, if anyone has ideas on how we could make the money ourselves I am open to that as well. 

If you’d like additional information about our story comment or pm and I will answer. I thank in advance any of the kind hearts out there and I promise once we are back on our feet and in a good place I will come back to pay it forward.


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  Please help my friend pay off his debt before it multiplies again tomorrow
Posted by: INeedHelpPlease - 02-13-2020, 07:28 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


my friend is in desperate need of assistance. He is a 20 y/o male with no one. His family disowned him. His mother is an alcoholic who beat him, his brother told him that he doesn't deserve to live, his father forced him to live in a shed with nothing but a sleeping bag and his aunt threatened to block him if he contacted her again. He has been driven to suicidal thoughts many times, and attempted it at least once that I know of.
A year later he was kicked out and lived on the streets whilst I was helping as much as I could. Since then he's found a flat and is living there and he's been slowly sorting out his bank account, requiring verification which he has thankfully done. He is owed roughly six thousand pounds just waiting to be sent to him by the bank but has to pay off his debt first, a debt that he didn't know existed and was only seen because the bank employee said the overdraft debt was "in the way".
This debt multiplies tomorrow to £250 at least whilst he just needs £50 to pay it off. I know that that's far too much to ask and I'm not expecting much if at all, but he is so close to paying it off and the fact that it is about to multiply has made him feel worse. So I'm asking if you can help by sending anything at all, even if it's just a penny.
I can send the money to him myself if someone sends it to me, I am willing to provide any proof that is needed
Thanks for reading.


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Rainbow Please help.. medical bills
Posted by: Mdawson18 - 02-13-2020, 10:42 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

    I hate asking for money but i have no choice... i work 2 jobs trying to live so we dont live paycheck to paycheck. My fiance is on disability so we dont get much for that. My fiance has been through hell and back. Hes only 30 years old and hes had 7 major heart surgeries, 3 strokes and 2 heart attacks. He was born with a dollar coin sized hole in his heart. His last medical bill had failed to be paid for and its been sitting in collections hurting our credit score.. we want to start a family and buy a home with a mortgage but our credit is too low. Hoping to get the money for the bills in collections so we can build that up to have a family before something major happens to him again.. every-time we get up we fall back down even harder. Anything will help at this point.

Paypal can be searched by my email: mariahdawson18@gmail.com or my cashapp is mariahdaws96

God bless

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Posted by: carib_sole - 02-12-2020, 09:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I am honestly just looking for some extra help, my car was recently totaled from an accident with a deer, Thank God no one was hurt including me. The claim was just complete and the insurance paid most of the balance to the lender. I didn't get anything of course, my car wasn't paid off. I owe a little on the car, unfortunately I am back at square one with no car. I have student loan debt and other bills not to mention, however I am in need of another car to get back and forth to work, I don't really want to get another loan for another car because I also have to repair my credit and pay down my current debt. I am trying to get a decent used car and any help at this moment would be greatly appreciated. my cash tag is $fay32

Thank you
God bless!

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  Assistance in getting a laptop for online schooling
Posted by: Starseedangel13 - 02-12-2020, 06:38 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I want to signup for online schooling but I need a laptop to take courses with I can't buy both I need to spend the money I've saved on the school that's why I'm asking for help I'm looking at a $700 apple laptop. But unfortunately I cant afford a laptop and a tuition. I want to take a class in math science geology and world history. I went to a special ed school and learned nothing in those subjects because the other students were way slower than I am and they had to teach at a preschool level. Please help me get a laptop for schooling! DM me I'll send you my routing and account number for my banking app. I'd appreciate it.  Heart

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  I'd like to do something for my brother
Posted by: tobine513 - 02-12-2020, 06:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Let me start by saying this is something I would never think to do unless it was for one of my family members. Right out of college  2013ish my mother got sick, had four strokes and at the time my brother was still in high school. I stepped up and did what was needed to help my family get through this and our mother survived and though still has some issues is in a much better predicament nowadays, though the strokes left a lasting effect of her mental status. Though I have taken care as much as I can, I have my problems with mental health and physical health, being diagnosed as manic depressive, PTSD, Agoraphobic, Generalized Anxiety, and Social Anxiety. On the physical route due to genetic defect I have difficulties with my arms and back and have lymphodema which is ongoing pain and swelling in my legs. 

All this leads to my coming here because my health has gone downhill more and more my brother has been all too happy to pick up not only in taking care of the woman who raised us but myself too. You name it he's all too happy to help cooking cleaning, getting us to the doctors, keeping track of meds if needed. He's been my only support when it comes to everything we've been through and I've never been in a position to really give back. He works and my mother and I are both on disability. We barely get through the months but we make due. On the 14th it will be his 24th birthday. He was a valentine's day baby, in 1996. 

I'm not asking for a lot, anything would be appreciated but it would just be a way for me to show him not only how much I appreciate him but how much he's kept me going.  Putting my pride aside I'd just like to be able to do one nice thing for him. Thank for even just reading my story. I don't know if anything will come of this or not but I figured it was worth a try. 

cashapp: $LizT513
paypal: paypal.me/Ekt90

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Heart Living Help
Posted by: zora - 02-11-2020, 11:44 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am disabled and have a hard time doing anything.  I owe a lot of money and would like to pay it down.  I owe on a mortgage which I know I'll never be able to pay off without help.  I owe a lot on credit card bills which is what I'm hoping to pay off with help.  I owe on bills which I'd like to pay off including medical.

My medical problems:
Scoliosis, daily back and hip pain
Major Depression
Have hard time hearing
and more.

If you know any ways to really earn money online that can help to.  I'm looking for help to make $500-2,500 a month.  

If a few people could donate even just $5 dollars a month it would help tremendously.  Feel free to ask me any questions and I'll try to answer them.  Thank you very much.  Donate below


If you can join below it gives me some money just for joining.

https://cash.app/    Get $5 dollars Referral Code, VTPVVWH

https://www.rakuten.com/r/ANIMAL1741?eeid=28187  Ebates You get $10 after spending at least $25

https://www.joinhoney.com/ref/r94kxg0 Gives coupons and can even be used automatically.

 Sell stuff on (gives me tokens which can be used for shirts)
It stays listed until it sells!  It is absolutely free to list an item.
The 3.5% fee on all standard sales is lower than Amazon or eBay.

https://www.vitalcard.com/u/2F6BF6    Not sure it is is a scam but it only requires an email, I'm hoping for $500 a month as that will pay for my families groceries and gas.  s a new credit card that gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus additional cashback for referring others (down three levels).

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Heart Fresh start before our baby arrives in May
Posted by: Sparkylis - 02-11-2020, 07:31 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Thank you for reading this. I am already grateful for that. 

In May 2020 my partner and I are expecting our first bub. 11.5 weeks to go. 

Personally, I made mistakes in the past. I used to be addicted to poker machines. I have received a lot of support from my friends, family and mainly my partner even though I spent a lot of money, lied and had a double life. 

I managed to get off this addiction also with the assistance of G.A (gamblers anonymous), a personal counselor and self exclusion. I excluded myself from all the casino areas here for the maximum time they will let you exclude. 

The only thing that reminds me daily of my past mistakes is my last debt I’m paying off. I have been paying off the minimum at the moment to keep my head above water but with the baby coming and not getting any maternity leave from work I am worried this will chase me forever. My partner and family have supported me that much that I don’t want to burden them anymore. Hence I’m asking for some help. 


Thank you. Every bit helps towards a debt free future with our little boy or girl.

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  I need money for an invention
Posted by: Parkchemiker - 02-11-2020, 05:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I am from Germany, English isn't my mother language, but I'll try the best.

[Image: BILD1517.JPG]

I discovered a glow-in-the-dark effect at fiberglass fleece and made a night light out of this.
A stack of fiberglass mats in a plastic box. A red glim comes from the night light. 

More information at Open Science Framework
I ask for money to found a startup.
Here you can make a donation

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  Need 298.50$ help to buy beautiful red gown
Posted by: raman12370 - 02-11-2020, 10:25 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

    Dear Donaters,

 From the depth of my loving heart, i want to say to you thank you to pay attention at my post. I am young and beautiful girl from India. Iike every girl, I also have a dream to wear red velvet laced heavy gown at farewell. Because of from lower class family 298.50$ are like too much for us, we did not afford that much costly dress. I know where there is such a biggest and kind heart person who can fulfill my dream to wear that dreamy dress. 
Hope little help of 1 $ from everybody help me to fullfill my dream.
Thank you 
My PayPal I'd link-  

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