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  This is truly embarrassing...
Posted by: ANMP!$C3$ - 02-21-2020, 12:02 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

...but I don’t know what else to do. I need help.

So, I recently moved from NYC back to my hometown of Chicago, and, aside from giving up my cute little apartment and putting my shit in storage, practically no parts of my move went according to plan. Upon getting home, my significant other of 2 years ghosted me. I had nowhere to go because of some miscommunication with the person with whom I thought I would be living; they basically cast me aside because an opportunity to get laid by one of two married men was more appealing. My family doesn’t really help much; they’ve always seemed to take from me more than they help me. I am currently living with another ex. He and I broke up years ago, but we have been friends for over 25 years; he’s struggling financially, too, after having closed his business, and, even though he opened up his home to me without me asking, I still feel like a burden for imposing on his space. Finding a job took a little longer than I had anticipated; although, compared to my layoff six years ago, I found a job fairly quickly — 3 weeks versus 10 months.

The upside is that I am now working (just started my new gig last Monday), and I am finishing my thesis for my master’s degree (I finished all of my pre-thesis coursework with a 3.87 GPA; yes, I haz a smart). However, in the interim, the little bit of money that I had saved ran out, my checking account is horribly overdrawn, I am behind on a few bills (the important ones that I could pay, I did pay), and I don’t get my first paycheck until next Friday (2/28). To add insult to injury, my birthday is this Sunday (2/23). I don’t really celebrate my birthday; it almost always seems to turns out crummy, especially in even-numbered years, and even more so in leap years (for example, on my 33rd birthday in leap year 2012, I had to have two wisdom teeth and another molar extracted). I don’t see this year faring any better, because, aside from my aforementioned ex/friend who took me in like a little lost puppy, no one seems to give a shit beyond saying Happy Birthday to me on Facebook. But I’m used to that. Don’t give a shit about that. I just need to get my head above water for now.

With that, I am humbly asking if anyone out there could shoot me a few bucks on CashApp or Venmo so that I can at least get back and forth to work tomorrow and next week. And please note that I always pay it forward, as I know what it’s like to be without; I’ve vacillated between prosperity and destitution from my childhood to young adulthood enough to be intimately familiar.

CashApp: $bludmn79
Venmo: @bludmn79

Thanks for reading.

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  Need help to keep my home
Posted by: Sw2304 - 02-20-2020, 03:32 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

In the last 6 months things haven't been going to plan for me, I lost my job due to the company needing to make cuts I only was able to pick up a part time job at the time which was only seasonal so it ended in december leaving me with no income I've been looking for jobs since.

Me and my partners relationship had been rocky for a while anyway but when I lost my job things went really bad so he left which then left me in a worse situation as he was the main source of income while I was looking for a job, i am eligible for benefits but they barely cover my basic expenses.

As a result of all of this I havent been able to pay my rent for months leaving me in a mountain of arrears and now my landlord has told me that I need to pay all the arrears within the next month or hes going to evict me, if he does this I will be homeless and literally have no other options. 

I am trying to stay positive but at a time like this it can  be hard to do.

I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this and see what I had to say, I will be grateful for any donation every bit helps.


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  Help me beat my debt!
Posted by: melancholyturnip - 02-20-2020, 08:34 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone!

I'm melancholyturnip and I'm turning 32 this year.

Just over two years ago I moved to the city from my small town to start a new life.  I got settled with a good job and all seemed to be going well. However due to the company I worked for declaring bankruptcy only a year later, I was retrenched with no compensation. I had to survive for several months with no income, and during this time I incurred a lot of debt. Once I got a new job the interest had left me with a staggering amount of money to pay off.

I'm currently living from paycheck to paycheck with no money left to even afford to do repairs on my car or medical treatment. I suffer from mental illness and I cannot afford medical insurance. Our state hospitals are dismal and very slow. Seeking treatment through those channels means I have to take valuable time off work.

I live in South Africa, a third world country where the exchange rate from major currencies like US$ and pound/euro is very high. Even a small donation of $20 would provide me with over R200 in my own currency. 

If enough people can donate small amounts, it could really make a difference to my life. Thank you all in advance!

Please see my PayPal link below:


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Heart Need money to open a restaurant
Posted by: Sreevt04 - 02-20-2020, 05:31 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I came to Spain with big expectations and dreams that I would be successful one day after my studies. I came for Masters program (tourism) and I had to drop the program as I'm weak in studies and also as I didn't complete the program, I don't have any legal paper (same as illegal immigrant). And also last month some guy stole the money left with me. My boat has been sinking down and down after I reach here.
I'm roaming here in Spain finding a job. And also I cannot go back to my home country just empty handed.
My dream was to start my own business here in Europe and to become successful one day. But, as you can see, I'm a big zero here.
I have dreams and ambition to create my own business, and spread it around the globe. But, as you know I am unable to do so due to the financial problems. 

As a last hope, I would like to request you to help me financially to start my own restaurant/bar business here in Spain. And also I would like to provide jobs to some from the streets who are willing to work.

I think, I am the first person to beg money or job from you like this.

Seriously, I am not sure whether you are going to see this or not.

 And also, I wouldn't send you this if I had other options. This is kind of a last option for me.

My paypal: http://paypal.me/sreevt04

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  Here as a last resort
Posted by: mismaux - 02-20-2020, 05:15 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am in some serious financial trouble, and I honestly don't have anyone to turn to for help. I moved to Ft Myers, Fl with my wife because she was attending college, but she divorced me and remarried, leaving me alone in a city without any friends or family. I have a really great job, but the extra financial responsibility after the divorce has left me living paycheck to paycheck. Now, my car is on it's deathbed (over $1500 in repairs for brakes, battery and engine), and I do not have the resources to afford to fix it or purchase another car. If I lose the car and am not able to find a cost effective way to work, I may have to move out of the city completely which would mean losing my job among other things. I am not sure what is the next best thing to do, but honestly ANY amount of financial support would be so helpful at this point. I'm really not the type to do this, but I feel so desperate and stuck that I'm not sure where else to turn and found this via a google search. My cashapp is $mismaux.

Thank you so much for reading.

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  Need help paying for service dog
Posted by: kelly.choi95 - 02-19-2020, 09:45 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name's Kelly and this is to help me raise money to pay for a trained service dog. I've always found that a service dog would be beneficial to me, but I am unable to get one due to how much it costs. I finally found an organization that is more affordable than others. The last step I need, is to pay off the full amount within a couple months.

I am diagnosed with BPD (borderline personality disorder), major depressive disorder, and anxiety. I'm currently on medication, but there's only so much that it can help with, and at times I honestly feel it doesn't even help or work out. I've tried counseling, therapy, and I even go to see my psychiatrist every two or three months for follow ups.

I believe a service dog would help me the best because I'm a huge animal lover and absolutely love dogs. I know how my mood is and how it always gets better when I'm around them. Having one that is trained specifically to my needs and being able to assist me at any time would help reduce the risk of potential harm to myself or to anyone else around me.

Any little bit would definitely help me out! Thank you for taking the time to read this and for helping me!

Here's the link to my gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/9wcc6-service-dog?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link-tip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet

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  Just a cancer survivor trying to raise her daughter
Posted by: 4ria - 02-19-2020, 03:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. I'm Aria and here is my story; its a little long and I do hope you stick through it and maybe learn a little something as well.

In 2017 I was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer: mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, that make up approximately takes up 5% of all mucinous ovarian cancers, which itself is only 36% of ovarian cancers. Ovarian cancer has been noted to take 3% of all female cancers and affects roughly 1 in 78 women, most of whom are in their late 60s-70s. I was twenty seven when I was diagnosed. Most tumors are measured in centimeters. Mine was nearly eleven inches and about sixteen pounds. I was a case study, which in a way is pretty cool I guess.

Many have asked me, "Aria, how could you not know?!" I'll be honest and tell you that most of it was denial, and part of it was my personal health care providers dismissing my discomforts as irritation in my bowels/stomach and advising I have a more strict diet and lose ten pounds to feel better, mind you, I wasn't severely overweight, but I guess that's just what doctors say when you're suddenly looking pregnant, but not be pregnant. I also have family history of hypothyroidism and I had figured it was my turn now to go through it. Nope! Just a case of rare cancer, though luckily it isn't hereditary in my personal case. My BRCA results were negative, so it was all a mutation within myself. (Don't even get me started with the self-loathing I had gone though lol it's still a journey)

If you take anything from this, please get yourselves and loved ones educated on the signs of ovarian cancer. It is a silent killer and those who get diagnosed are diagnosed much higher in grades and stages because it wasn't caught early. The signs were THERE for me, but I simply didn't know about it. LADIES! please get your goodies checked regularly.  Heart Heart GENTLEMEN! Support the women in your lives and also educate yourselves in this. Moving on.....

Two surgeries that consisted of removing an ovary, a fallopian tube, small part of my uterus, my appendix, and my omentum, followed by therapy, and I was deemed no evidence of disease in 2018! I had amassed some large debt which depleted my savings, because I only worked the shifts I could at the time, but for the most part life reassumed. I was happy, healthier, and I just had to check in routinely with my health care team. Six months later, another bomb dropped. I was pregnant. Despite being on birth control. My daughter was my miracle baby, fighting through all the craziness from that year+ I had gone through.

I worked until May 10, 2019 and I gave birth on May 24th to a healthy fighter. I discussed with my work that I would be cutting back from full time to part time and only working on my husband's days off, rather than spending over half my paycheck to a sitter; I was (and am) going to enjoy every bit of my daughter growing up. I filed for maternity leave (six weeks) and also family bonding (another six weeks). I didn't get anything until late October. I was advised by EDD (the branch that funds disabilities) to wait until I get paid out before returning to work. Unfortunately, I still haven't gone back to work due to slow days/not enough hours.

I work for a small Optometrist office that has two full time doctors and two part time, including seven staff. When I left in May, it was just about to be the busy Summer season and they had to hire two more staff to make it work. Fall is slow, and despite using every cent I earned from my SSI/maternity/bonding pay to pay off my credit card that I had been living off of, I let my senior staff know I was fine waiting until it got busy during the holidays. Well, the holidays were fast approaching and then one main doctor dropped a big bomb: he was taking all of December and the first week of January off to go on a religious mission. All the power to him, but what about his staff?? I didn't work the holiday season, despite being the second highest in gross sales for eyewear two years in a row. They couldn't accommodate my reduced hours.

Fast forward to 2020. Still no work, and all I can think of is putting my daughter's needs first. All the debt I paid off back in October is creeping higher. My husband's paycheck goes to the rent and other bills. We make it work, we pinch pennies, but living in the Bay Area of California really takes a toll on a single income family. We don't qualify for WIC because the cut off for a family of 3 is 37k annually, which he makes just slightly over. My daughter, while she was born smaller than average and has been luckily using clothes we were gifted from my baby shower, is growing out of her clothes. She's nearly nine months and is eating more and more solids, which I'm struggling to keep nutritious and not just baby cereal. I don't have as well of a balanced diet as I would like and as such, my breast milk supply has been depleted for the past couple of months. Her formula is $40 a tin and we buy 3-4 a month. Diapers are anywhere from two to three boxes as well. Every week I look at the debt rising and wondering how can I make these few dollars I save up stretch. And now.... there's levels elevated in my thyroid that has the potential to be something. I can't go through another cancer scare...

So, here I am, asking for kindness from strangers. Not for me, but for my little girl. My little fighter. The one who's giggles and crooked smiles worth it all. The one who I still fight for. Every dollar helps pay for her belly to be full, a roof over her head, and  her mom fighting another day to give a future for her. They say it takes a village. Are you part of my tribe?

CASHAPP : https://cash.app/$raisinglucy


PAYPAL https://paypal.me/ariaaaamarie

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  School Payments.
Posted by: ma2020tt - 02-18-2020, 10:01 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am currently some time away from graduation. The problem is I owe the school money. If I can't make these payments on time I will be in serious trouble. I'm looking at around $500 in owed money. Things are really tight and there's no way I can make enough. Please. Anything will help.


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  Emergency! Only need $300 to help a great girl achieve her goals!
Posted by: Helpingafriend - 02-18-2020, 09:21 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


Thank you for taking the time to read this.
We genuinely appreciate you.

Here's the situation: 

My daughter's friend attends college in Reno. She is constantly travelling back and forth to Sacramento to work and go to school.
She recently over-worked herself and failed a class which she needed, to be able to enter the teaching program (her dream is to become a kindergarten teacher) She is a great human being and valuable addition to any learning center. 
She has seen where the problem was and knows what to do differently (as well as got a good scare).

 The $300 is for:
$250 to take the class (which just started) and $50 for gas back and forth to give her the money (and whatever is left from gas will go to some groceries for her).

She didn't ask for help. We want to surprise her ( we would love to leave your name and info if you'd like ) and just show up and give it to her. She is otherwise doing amazingly and has a very bright future for not only herself but the children she will be working with. 

We've just spent all our emergency money (2 weeks ago) at the U.C. Davis veterinary clinic for our dog "Tundra" otherwise we would have given her the money immediately. 

Anything helps. We will be doing our best on our end to raise the money as well. 

Thank you SO much for being a part of getting this girl where she should be in life! You are awesome! 

May your day be one of harmony and happiness!

  Chris and Selicia

donate here: https://paypal.me/SCruz1025

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Posted by: HarryS16 - 02-18-2020, 03:25 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Less than 1 minute ago 

Please help me!!! Am stuck on disability of $900 a month... with horrible credit due to being victim of a couple data breaches...am homeless in a hotel right now...have tried every means of housing assistance imaginable but have been rejected by all repeatedly. Part of disability is for crippling depression and anxiety and PTSD yet whenever any social services people hear disability in any form other than a physical injury the only form of housing they even consider are group homes for low functioning autistic people despite that being the polar opposite of me. 

Any funds will help...ANYTHING. Am trying to phase out the disability and chance trying to work again but my ability to have a roof over my head (albeit a hotel room) is now in immediate danger because as part of one of the data breaches I was victim of what little money I was able to save was taken and my bank is dragging their heels on trying to get it back. That and I cannot interview if I do not have a suit.

So I desperately plead for $500.00 or more to help keep things going until I can get my next disability payment at the beginning of the month and get some form of interview attire so I can have even a tiny chance of fixing my life up...


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