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  Mental Health and strength to get better
Posted by: kelseybeth96 - 02-18-2020, 03:20 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi my name is Kelsey and i'm 23 years old. When i was 18 i was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which has, well taken over my life. For the past 2 years i have suffered majorly with mental health and anxiety and have had a number of attempts to end my life. I have gone through counselling and CBT therapy but have always done this along side work which there has always been a pressure in the back of my mind to convince myself im better so i can get back to a 'normal routine'. My depression has stemmed from my weight due to the PCOS and in 5 years i have put on 8 stone which PCOS makes it easy to do this and near impossible to lose it. I am currently on a waiting list to have weight loss surgery but because of my recent suicide attempt i have to wait at least a year to really get myself better, which i want more than anything. Due to my mental state even getting out of bed was so hard and has resulted me in leaving my job to 100% focus on my health and really get through it this time. I live with my partner a year younger than myself who is an apprentice for an engineering company. He is very understanding of my health and why i have left my job. Although he says he is fine i know this whole thing is taking a massive impact on him and his wage alone we are really going to struggle. Last year he proposed to me! and i then went on to winning a wedding venue local to me and we have set a date for 13th November 2021 and i want to be here more than anything to get married to my soul mate. Any help would be appreciated to make this day as magical as possible for us. Thank you

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  Need Help with car to keep job
Posted by: mismaux - 02-18-2020, 12:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. I'm in my late 20s and I live in Fort Myers alone after I moved here with my wife and we got a divorce. This caused me to instantly have to pay for everything we built together from one paycheck which has been fiscally tight. Now, I am in some serious financial trouble, and I honestly don't have anyone to turn to for help. I have a solid job, but my car is on it's deathbed and I do not have the resources to afford to fix it or purchase another car. If I lose the car and am not able to find a cost effective way to work, I may have to move out of the city completely. I am not sure what is the next best thing to do, and it is causing me a lot of stress. honestly any amount of financial support would be so helpful. Thank you so much for reading.

My cashapp link ihttps://cash.app/$mismaux. If you'd prefer to help via Paypal, just send me a DM and I will share it with you. Again, thank you.

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Exclamation Mental Health Discrimination
Posted by: Ros - 02-18-2020, 12:01 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello all.

I have a longer version of this that took me ages to write out, but realised I needed to cut it down. 
This is more compact & fact-based 'in-conclusion' roundup including a public post that reflects my feelings on some things. 
If anyone wants the full-length version I'd be more than happy to post it underneath in the future. 

I want to flag this post with a TW as the topics I mention could be uncomfortable for some people. 

Firstly, I want to share a public post I made in September regarding my mental health & my weight problems. 
This is just to get a feel for my headspace & then underneath I outline key facts about money etc. 

"For a long time, I've neglected to take of myself. I've tried to better my mental health by all means available & necessary - which has been a struggle & I still am waging a war with myself.

So many things can happen when my mental health takes a dip or strums it's blues rhythm for a prolonged period of time.
I become forgetful & I isolate myself. I'm fatigued & I get headaches. I don't tend to enjoy anything. I can't feel happy or the emotions I should be feeling. I get intrusive suicidal thoughts & it takes me back to an old version of myself that I really don't like.

My eating habits become worse. I've only just come to terms with being open with calling it an 'eating disorder' because social norms tell us eating disorders are only for when you're thin. I used to binge & purge. My overeating may be seen as gluttonous or disgusting. But my addiction to sugary/high-calorie foods is for controlling my anxiety & it's a habit that needs to break & be moulded into a healthy one.
I don't know the psychological full-length of how it started or where it stemmed from, but it's not about the 'why' or 'how'. It's about the 'now.'

I stopped putting my physical health & body first, it was never a priority. I had conflicting advice from medical health professionals to 'sort out mental health first' before doing something about my weight.
In the past I've tried; fad diets, diet pills, fat burners, restrictive eating, binging, purging... but it's all led back to gaining back the weight & gaining more than before.

I get anxious going to social events. I deny myself opportunities because I'm paranoid about what people might say or think. I have been diagnosed with PCOS & recently learnt I'm not ovulating & haven't been for quite some time. The longer this lingers, the less likely I am to become fertile.
I'm dreading seeing those who judge me for what I am now, who used to know me at a healthy weight. What's also stopped me trying is still being known as a former 'fat girl'. The stigma of being heavy bears incredible 'weight'. No matter what I do will I ever be seen for just being me?
I know what it's like to be either side of the scales. I wish I didn't take my lean body for granted.

It's funny, the psychological version of myself when I was 'thin', isn't the girl I'm proud of.
In the past 5 years I've grown (pun intended) & become mentally stronger & tougher than ever before, that doesn't mean I don't struggle - but I love who I am inside (most of the time.) I just want that to be reflected on the outside.

It's no secret that improving your physical health helps with your mental health & I'm done letting my mind take me for rides that burn 0 calories.

Everyone *always* underestimates me, including myself.

Well, it's game over.
See you on the other side."


  • At 18 I was officially diagnosed with depression, anxiety & Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD or EUPD.)
  • At 20 I was let go from a retail job due to mental discrimination. I was told profit was more important & that I was unreliable for the company. I wish I would've done more at the time. I've recently reached out to the company & they've said there's nothing they can do for me.

  • I claimed ESA that Summer & was able to feel more independent & confident being financially stable. 

  • Since moving in with my partner at 23 my ESA benefits were stopped. He couldn't financially support me at all on his salary. 

  • I have attended a 6-month practical skills group for my diagnosis & take regular medication.

  • I've been living on PIP which gives me £234 per month, I am struggling to financially survive. 

  • DWP claimed over & over again I could not claim anything else. I've recently come to find out I missed out on 18 months worth of Universal Credit between the time I moved in with my partner, until the date he got his new job with elevated wages. I was ill-informed & made to feel vulnerable & confused. This equates to over £2,000 worth of financial help I would have benefitted from. 

  • I have been applying to jobs I feel I could handle, to roles that are relevant to me but I've had little to no response & nonsensical reasonings why I hadn't got the post from the 2 interviews I was asked to come to.

  • My partner works so hard & I hate the fact I'm unable to contribute in any way. I feel worthless & useless. I've been contemplating suicide again & it scares me that my mental health is once again getting in the way of everything I want to pursue.

  • I am asking for as much help as possible to get myself on the right track & attempt to find myself & my dreams again. 

I am grateful to everyone who reads this & wish the best for you all on whatever journey you may be on. 
Anything at all is appreciated. 

You can go to: AllMyLinks this contains 2 payment methods & my social media & email. 

Or please go to my: PayPal.me/190894 for ease. 

Thank you. 

R -xxx

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  Help Getting My Life Back on Track
Posted by: dledmisten - 02-18-2020, 02:13 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am an elementary school teacher who has been through a rough couple of years, starting back in 2016. I began to be hit by medical bills for myself and my dog, and in trying to improve my career, I ended up at some tough schools. It culminated in a massive stress attack on Dec. 31, 2017. After that I moved to be closer to my family, only to land at another bad school. I started having stress attacks again and had to quit my job. I was left with a mountain of debt and had to cash in 18 years of my state retirement to settle my debts. It was not enough, and so I had to declare bankruptcy. Now, a year after the worst has passed, I am in a much better place. And I am ready to repair my life, beginning with my finances. I would appreciate so much any amount. And I hope that once I am back on my feet, financially, I can "pay it forward" to someone else.

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  Need money to stay afloat during winter
Posted by: Rjblackburn321 - 02-17-2020, 06:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’m a 25yr old man, I have a job but it’s seasonal so winters are very slow. I have 2 kids ages 2 &3 and we are just trying to survive weeke to week at this point I’m enrolled in college for the next upcoming semester, but I need help with child care which costs. Any amount helps thank you

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  Unite my family by helping travel costs
Posted by: Abdisamedkeyse - 02-16-2020, 10:39 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

I did not see my family for the last four years due to financial restrictions, I studied in Malaysia while my family was there during my studying, after finished I decided to come back to my country along with my family but, I come across huge financial problems which forced me to left them behind to find job in my country Somalia. Luckily within a small time, I secured my first job with very small amount of salary which allows me to cover the living expenses of my family back in Malaysia by sending them  90% of the total salary I receive every month without saving.  After four years of this struggle, the contract of my work comes to end and I did not go to work since last December 2019 and not able to feed or cover the needs of my family anymore. 
Thus, I decided to bring back home in order to share all good and bad moments at the same place but, the flight expenses of a minimum of $3200 force me to look for help and write to you on this board. your contribution of any amount will be big welcome from the hearts of 4 children who need to come back to their home and reunite with their beloved father, a mother who is struggling alone to feed them and me as a father who eagles to see his beautiful family.
Please click this link to give 

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  Praying I don't let my son down
Posted by: Lynn313 - 02-16-2020, 07:48 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a single mother to an awesome 12-year-old. He is smart, obedient, and empathetic, but has had to experience some transitions with his living situation. He moved back in with me once his father found himself evicted, so I went from working around the clock as a taxi driver, to only being able to work short part-time day shifts. I'm preparing to change jobs for a more stable income, which will leave me without pay for a few weeks, but I'm already behind in rent. I have managed to keep the lights & gas on so far, but I've given up my phone, internet, & many things that I used to take for granted.. My son deserves a safe place with stability & I'm doing my best to provide that for him. Im late for this month, & I still owe for last month. The late fees are adding up. I received an eviction notice today that gives me until February 20th to come up with $1200. I have been homeless before, but my son lives with me now, and I have to do anything and everything in my power to give him the stability he needs. He is such a good kid, & I just want to be able to make him feel safe. I can afford the monthly payments if I can just get caught up with what I'm already late on. I'm so scared I'm going lose my apartment that I'm working double & triple shifts losing sleep trying to make ends meet. I don't have any family willing to help or anything of any real value to sell. I took all of my clothes to a consignment store & sold everything I could make money on. I don't have good credit, so I'm not able to get a loan. Im desperate for any help I can get, but I can't let my son know how close we are to losing everything. I feel like such a failure for not being able to provide something for him as basic & simple as shelter. I'm doing my best to make the transition from my old workaholic lifestyle to being a full-time working mom. I hate asking for help with anything, but I need it now more than ever. I would be grateful for any help that anyone could give me & it would go directly to pay my rent to keep a roof over my son's head.


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  Just need a little support
Posted by: |Funky@Bird| - 02-15-2020, 07:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I don't usually like asking but I am a bit desperate right now. So I lost my job just before Christmas and I've been living of my savings while looking for another job. Well, my savings have run out and now for a few days I haven't had any heat in the apartment, so all I am asking is for a little bit of money to get my heating back on. Thank you for reading and many thanks to anyone who's able to help. Smile


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  From worse to worse. Help me be a father!
Posted by: Proudfatherof2 - 02-15-2020, 07:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

So how do I start, in April 2019 me and my wife went through an amicable separation due to breakdown of relationship as we both realised it was not the relationship we wanted. I have two children age 5 and nine which I see almost every day.
I am trying to get my life back on track, I currently live in a caravan on a farm in Surrey England. I recently resigned from my job after landing myself a better job position at another company, I worked my notice left my company of five years, started my new company but one month in, The new company decided that there were no need for so many drivers and laid five of us off including me. I am at an all-time low and have not a penny to my name.
on top of that I had an accident in December which wasn’t my fault, it was Surrey highways, and I managed to skid on oil slick and flooding into a tree. I don’t know what else to do other than bag, I need a new car, I need money to buy me and my daughters food and on top of that my caravan is no longer waterproof due to storm Ciara that hit England last week.
I’m not asking for a lot at all, at the moment literally £20 will get me by.
I have various other issues including dental and health problems but at the moment my access and time with my children is top priority,  please please please help me for the purpose of this advert, I need monies to provide food and transport.
please help me get out of this blackhole I seem to have fallen into

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  reliable car
Posted by: lakotagirl - 02-14-2020, 01:25 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a single mom with a special needs teenager.My sons dad abandoned us for another woman so we get no help from him.My son is legally blind and on the autism spectrum. I myself am a cancer survior. got my right kidney removed due to a tumor (stage 2 cancer) in july 2018 and in december 2018 I gott a hip replacement.
we live on the rosebud rez in rural south dakota. the worst thing is to break down in the middle of the bad lands on the way to the doctor. this happened to us. so we are in great need of a reliable car wich you can not  get under $1,000.
we tried to get a loan but since my son is still in high school with no credit history so far and on a fixed income (SSI/SSA) nobody wanted to help us.
I did a fund raiser and raised six hundred. we still need about $1,500 to even have a chance of aquring a car so we can attend to our doctors appointments.  I am in urgent need to have a ct scan and xray is the follow up appointment after kifney removal wich I had to post pone already 3 times.
please people have pity on us and help us out to reach our goal. every little bit helps if hundred people only give $20 that would be $2,000 and we can make it.

thank you so much in advancehttps://paypal.me/lakotaboy?locale.x=en_US

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