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Sad My fiance got hit by a car
Posted by: diiopside13 - 02-03-2020, 10:33 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My fiance got hit by a car.
He has 5 broken ribs and his pelvis was broken in 3 places. He was fortunate enough to survive but he hasn't been able to go back to work since the accident, and i haven't been able to get a job because I have to stay home and take care of him around the clock. 
Until now my mom has been helping us but she's reached her limit and can not afraid it anymore. 
We're desperate and don't know what to do. 
I'm trying to raise $10,000 altogether to get 2 new phones with service (to start tech support and customer support jobs from home, and to get a really cheap but good used car to get to and from his appointments easier. We can't afford to keep getting bus passes or paying our friends $20+ all the time for rides, multiple times a day.) 
I'm not asking for the whole $10k. Just anything helps. 
Thank you for reading.

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  Still in little hope
Posted by: raman12370 - 02-03-2020, 07:34 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

    Dear donaters,

I am young and beautiful girl born in middle class family. I want to buy a red heavy laced beautiful gown cost approximately 289.50$ which I was seen in Mall road near my collage. I had a crush on that beautiful dress and day and night I am seeing dreams of my dreamy gown. I want to wear that dress at my bestie's reception party. I am not able to buy that dress this time because I am from middle class family and doing part time job which help me to maintain my monthly expenses of daily basic needs and study material. Even if a single doller from everyone donate to me that I will buy that dress at the end of this month.
In hope to get that dress soon.
Thank you 
PayPal link 

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  Request for help
Posted by: oheefner - 01-30-2020, 01:40 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am in dire need of assistance. I have a 2 year old son and I am a single mother. I had him at a young age and am struggling to find and maintain a job. I need all the help I can get. My landlord posted my eviction this morning, my car isn't running, and I am just exhausted. Nothing I try seems to work. Anything will help. Please if you could find it in your heart to help me, I'll be sure when I am stable to pass it onto someone else. I am leaving my cashtag below. Please help.


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  Help with rent
Posted by: Washington789 - 01-29-2020, 10:30 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Im looking for a miracle here, after the holidays were rough, January being really slow and no family help i need help with rent, i have two small children and dont ask for much - Rent is $1300 and you would literally be my saving grace. I have no one to go to or ask, i will happily and repeatedly pay it forward in the future. Anything will help us - 

Cash app is 

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  Urgent help for Food and Groceries
Posted by: Firefly - 01-29-2020, 08:24 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi generous people behind the screen. I'm Carly from Texas. I've been going through a rough patch of Anxiety and Depression for the last two months, which has affected my work and income. I've been surviving with my last 50 dollars since January 1st, stretching every cent to pay bills and buy food. Rationing and limiting my daily food; I've lost more weight than I should. I need help, I am down to my last a penny, and I'm worried sick. I ask you to kindly donate and help me get up, this is a genuine emergency. I'm positive I will get through this.
Love, Carly

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  A Small Amount of Help That Will Make All the Difference
Posted by: LiquidQuixote - 01-28-2020, 01:25 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


  • asking for $98 USD (but any amount will help)

  • incurred debt during recovery from seizure

  • money needed to start new job and rebuild (for car registration + license fees)

  • no other help available

  • job will help put me through genetics + physiology degree, my grades are on track (A-A+) and I want to help people afflicted with genetic illnesses

  • The job will also help me repay kindness to my girlfriend, someone who I met after the seizure, who loves me despite my situation
I'm writing this message for anyone who has any amount of money they don't mind sparing.
I'm in bad financial and mental health trouble and have nowhere to turn. Recently recovered from seizure, hallucination, loss of motor function and mental ability. Asking for some cash because I wont be able to start my new job and get on my feet without re-registering my car and paying license fees, as my job requires me to drive. I incurred hefty debt during the months of my recovery and badly need this job. During recovery I was able to get a small amount of help from my countries version of welfare but could not keep up with bureaucratic requirements so am barred from any further assistance.
During my recovery I was diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder, although I am not sure on this as I care very much about others and my new job (support worker) and line of study (gene therapy) are based around this. This condition (if I have it) would make me more likely to end up homeless and stay homeless once it happens.  I think some of the things that characterize a schizoid are happening with me (like no close friends), but they feel like pain and suffering while a schizoid is supposed to be indifferent.  I'm trying to do everything I can to not end up a statistic and bring some quality of life to myself and the few people in my life. Being able to get this job is a big part of being able to do that.
My parents are somewhat poor and have their own problems, they have made it clear they will not help me financially. That's their choice and I do not expect or feel entitled to help, and I'm grateful for the childhood they gave me.  I have just reached a desperate point where I need to ask as I have no other options. If you are wondering about the origin of the seizure, I can tell you I am not nor ever have been a drug user. I believe it may be how my genetics respond to stress, as my father has had similar problems in the past.  Much of my life is on an upward swing right now, I have started to connect and do better in so many areas but that will evaporate if I can't get this job to support myself. I would be forever grateful for your kindness and would love to pay it forward once I'm in a position to help someone the same way as I am asking.

Thank you for taking the time to read.  Smile Heart

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Heart Need 300$ to celebrate a birthday for my 2 year old baby
Posted by: raman12370 - 01-27-2020, 11:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Dear Sir/ Mam,

     This February my son turns 2 years old, I want to give a good birthday party to my son as gift. He deserve happiness and joys so I want a good birthday party to my kith & kins and relatives. during pregnancy my husband left us so all of my investment spent on delivery, medicall bills and daily needs. This year I need your support. If even single doller help from everyone donate, it will give happiness and joys for us.
Donate as little as you can. 
Thank you.
PayPal iD is given below


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  Wuhan CoronaVirus
Posted by: lstn - 01-25-2020, 05:22 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi! My friends and me are living in China. We want to help with the outbreak and we need your help! In the city of Wuhan there are people that don't have enough medical supplies (masks, medical wipes, etc.). We have gathered a community of expats that are ready to help. So far we sent surgical masks and medical gloves, but now we are asking for your help. Because many cities are shut down we are not able to send them through mail services, we rent cars and drive there to help as much as we can. 


Thank you !!!!

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  Need help
Posted by: Susie76 - 01-25-2020, 01:32 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I left a domestic situation, he ruined my credit, the only way I could get finacial assistance to buy furniture and household goods  was pay day loans,  but the interest rate is really high.  I need to pay it off, it's $5k.  
Any assistance would be helpful and greatly appreciated

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  Gas Money to Work This Weekend
Posted by: anonimesshuman - 01-25-2020, 08:55 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I worked my first shift at a delivery service tonight.

Earned $80 in 3.5 hrs.  Can't touch the money till Monday.  No cash tips.

No gas.  I was scared I wouldn't make it "home" to the AirBnb I rented to avoid sleeping in my car during this MN winter.  No food.  No friends.  Haven't talked to family in years.  Nothing to pawn.  No credit.

I want to work all day Saturday & Sunday. 

I can pay you back Monday.  I have other money I've earned I can access Monday as well.

Thank you for considering.  I was just lying here in bed considering suicide before deciding to beg random internet strangers for help.

I can accept iMessage / Apple Pay - anonimesshuman@gmail.com

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