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  Laid off because of COVID-19 Paypal.me/ARamnanan
Posted by: Annababyi - 03-19-2020, 08:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’ve been laid off work because of the virus I’m asking for some assistance with my rent and money for food I live in Trinidad and it’s really hard here for me right now anything small or big will be gladly appreciated god bless and thank you

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  I am in Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania now
Posted by: huangchenyu - 03-19-2020, 12:03 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, I beg you to help me,Please do help me. 
I am in Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania now being treated for novel coronavirus pneumonia,It has cost me 100000 dollars,I do not know why it has cost me so much money.I am just a college student, I can not do anything, I just want to go through my college life in peace,But the hardest thing for me was that I was diagnosed with novel coronavirus  pneumonia,I am completely hopeless now,But I still want to live,so I beg you to help me.
The doctor here told me that I need to pay more for the next treatment,but I hardly have that much money with me now,so I have to only ask those kind people for help,I sincerely hope that you can transfer me some funds to help me get through the illness,If I can successfully get through this illness, I will repay you with all my energy.
If you can help me, even if it is only a few tens of dollars, I will be very grateful to you

May god bless you and me

You are the hero of my life


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  Strugling single dad
Posted by: Oliver87 - 03-18-2020, 10:53 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi guys sorry I have to come on here but in my time of hardship and having to take my daughter out of school and being of work myself due to recent situation I would be gratefull of any help anyone could offer me it would be much appreciated thank you for taking the time to read my post I say again I feel really low at the minute and having to ask for help from random strangers is killing me but I have to try somewhere as I dont no where else to go I appreciate you just taking the time to read my post even a kind word here and there would do me the world of good at the minute. PayPal at oliveraob87@gmail.com or kind word via email will do thanks again

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Sad Pregnant and struggling to make ends meet
Posted by: Alicia355 - 03-16-2020, 12:05 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello all my name is alicia I'm 25 years old from south africa I have a 3 year old daughter and I am currently pregnant with my second child I have been struggling to find a job for years now so I decided to register my own company in 2015 however not even that helped as corruption in my country is high if you don't know anybody your company won't  receive work even if you tender and have all the necessary documents or they would expect you to pay to get a job 2 contractors ran off without making payment I tried getting my money from them but my complaint has landed on deaf ears I am now stressed out as my rent is over due and i have no means of paying it my baby is due in less than a month and i have nothing for the new born as of yet my 3 year old needs to start creche but i can't enroll her because i don't have the means to pay for it I'm so stressed and don't  know what to do i have nobody to lean on for support as of now I don't even know where our next meal will come from I will appreciate any help and will forever be thankful.

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  Desperately need your help
Posted by: Jeaniferrogers1516A - 03-15-2020, 02:04 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm so happy there is a place you can go for help when you need it. Thank you for caring and taking the time to read my post. Asking for help has always been hard for me. But I'm panicking and desperately need your help. 5 months ago I feel on hard times and had to put everything I own in a storage unit for 200 a month. I was going to be living at an Extended stay motel so I had no choice but to rent a storage unit. After falling behind on my payments, I clean houses so I might make 350.00 a week, and the place I'm renting is 260 a week, so after falling  behind on payments the storage facility decided to auction off my unit. I eventually won the bid for 243.00. plus they charge 100.00 cleaning fee but is refunded after it's cleaned.  I have until Monday March 16,2020 to pay and pick up everything in unit. If I don't then the next highest bidder will get all my belongings. I cant stand the thought of losing everything I own over 343.00.  I'm desperately seeking your help for the exact amount of 343.00. Anything u can give will help. Thank you so much for your time. And God bless.

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  Helping the homeless with Corona virus
Posted by: Revrand Craig - 03-14-2020, 08:54 PM - Forum: Chit chat - No Replies

My name is Craig my friends joking call me revrand as I'm always trying to help others. I'm currently based in Northern England and spend a great deal of my spare time working with homeless people. Trying to fundraise for warm clothing and food. At the moment with the Corona virus pandemic homeless people are scared! Lonely and don't have the means to self isolate like many of us!! We're out on a nightly basis offering support and a warm meal and most importantly reassurances that if this virus as expected does attack the weak and the poor then they won't have to face this alone! Please please help us! Spare 20 pence or 20 pounds 20 cents or 20 dollars to help us not to offer false hopes when it comes to Corona but to continue being able to supply warm blankets or a warm meal to the most vulnerable people in our society. Thank you. Pay pal email is Craigsibson40@gmail.com

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  Debt and a wedding
Posted by: Beck9030 - 03-12-2020, 08:54 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I never thought I would have to go to something like for help. To make a long story short I am supposed to get married this spring. The debt that I have to take care of is getting in the way. Neither my parents or my fiancé’s parents are able to help. We have been struggling to pay off the debt, the house and the wedding that It’s all not possible to do. We both work but what we make goes to that and every week there is none left over. It’s a hole that I so desperately want to get out of. Desperately. Beck9030@gmail.com  Heart Heart

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Posted by: jonrogers8712 - 03-12-2020, 03:29 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Joni and I am currently employed as a nurse. I experienced some financial difficulties last year in trying to help my dad who was diagnosed with lung cancer that has now put my home into foreclosure. Although I am capable of making the monthly mortgage payment now, the bank will only stop the foreclosure proceedings if I pay a reinstatement fee of $13,699. I do not have any of this money at this time. I have a 3 and 7 year old and this is our only residence. I have no one I can borrow this sum of money from and the bank will not give me a loan because the late payments have destroyed my credit. I have never had to ask anyone for financial help but I am desperate now because I do not want to lose my home. I just want to be able to look at my children and know that they will continue to have a roof over their head. I am emotionally drained from trying to find anyone to help with this situation. I have reached out to local nonprofits and churches and have had no luck. PLEASE, someone, help save my house. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can provide more information if needed as well. The payment could be made directly to the bank and not me if needed as well. PLEASE HELP!!!

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Photo In the name of the Lord God, please help
Posted by: Lord69 - 03-12-2020, 12:36 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, dear! 

My name is Ildar Zaripov. I am married to a very sweet, kind and charming woman. We have two beautiful children. Son Valery and beautiful daughter Yana. It so happened that we are unable to pay the mortgage debt and we are in danger of eviction. In the name of God, please help.

Ildar Zaripov

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Exclamation Im nobody special Just another statistic needing some love and light
Posted by: MikJo - 03-11-2020, 01:09 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


Hi there, 
I have nowhere else to turn and no one else to turn to It’s a very hard thing for me to do and very thought of this right now is making me I want to break down in tears hard to explain what it does to me panic is an understatement and although I may appear normal on the outside The inside is kind a like And emotional explosion let’s use examples of whatbaking soda and vinegar Together do There’s just no way to explain right now without writing a book 
I suffer from extreme social anxiety and major depressive disorder along with adult ADD it’s a lot and it becomes very overwhelming. More so with situations like this literally shut down my thought process mean energy level my ability to concentrate function to even talk to times I isolate myself when this happens but anyway there’s a little bit about me Well the part of me that’s been taking me over and trying to keep a roof over my head so I don’t wanna get too far ahead here I am in desperate need for $575 as soon as possible my rent is behind my landlord is being very strict and trying to get me out also he has a hotel license which means he can throw  me out the next day technically . I think he’s actually going to pursue that and put me out on the street if I don’t come up with My back owed rent  money rather quick I am helplessAs of right now with my options and resources when it comes to the situation . I have a game plan and how to get out of it  
I think it’ll work just fine it’s called work I have interviews lined up I have one tomorrow I’m very excited about We are the star and get back on my feet I’m not asking for a perfect life or a perfect future perfect anything I’m just asking to get by and be happy with what I have .  So once againI’m asking for your help anything you can do will help me tremendously Financially ,emotionally mentally as well to get caught up And back in touch With the real world I need just this little break to get me a head so I don’t have to worry and I can be focused on getting that job am and clearheadednowhere to turn this is me turning you guys anyone that can read my story and reach out to help me 
 I have not a dollar to my name I have no family apparently anymore I’ve lost everybody important to me in my life to suicide or overdose. I can’t and won’t let that become me  I  have two very Smart handsome boys a 16-year-old and a 12-year-old and they’re awesome kids and I just don’t want to corrupt them by letting them see how I’m struggling I feel like I might be A bad influence in their life if they see this constantly ever since their father And I got a divorce honestly I feel like that’s when everything started to take place and happen and end up in a downward spiral
my life has gone downhill dramatically I was a stay at home mom /homemaker I never had to work that was 15 years of my life I learned with after that I was 17 when I moved out of home 21 when I got married my ex-husband we were married for 10 years together for 15 this was five years ago And it seems like I’m having a really hard time keeping my head afloat took a lot of wrong turns and ended up a lot of bad situations This is the last time I’m gonna let myself go through anything like this not just for me for my kids not just for me for my kids So I’m out here I’m asking for any help whatsoever with my rent is due two days ago anything you can possibly put towards it would be huge for me it’s $575 I owe him that’s back rent and two weeks Paid ahead till I get my first paycheck so I don’t end up here again I want determined person and I will go after what I want in life I’ve never not done them but I also have a hard time with my anxiety and it causes a lot of indecisiveness in my life I just don’t want to end up back here again thank you for listening to my story and I hope to hear from you soon 

I’m showing you all love sincerely , down and Defeated 


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