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  I got scammed
Posted by: Tinamarie - 04-02-2020, 02:02 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please help me I'm 19 and was scammed online I need help paying debt so I can live my life.


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  Ministry Growth
Posted by: csmcnewglory - 04-01-2020, 11:22 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have a divinely given ministry for the gospel of Jesus Christ but needs money to empower the converts and establish them the more in faith.
I want to state categorically here that all donations will be judiciously applied to the defined purpose stated above.

My PayPal link is: paypal.me/csmcnewglory

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  Widow in need
Posted by: pahe22597 - 04-01-2020, 04:33 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, thanks for take the time of read my history, my husband passed away 3 months ago, I'm looking for help to repay the loan made for his memorial, I'm having difficulties to pay this amount back, if any of you can help me i will really appreciate it. any dollar count and is a blessing. have an amazing day/night my paypal.me/pahedratoro

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Star DESPERATELY seeking help for what seems like a hopeless situation
Posted by: LookingForAFuture - 03-31-2020, 06:39 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I HATE asking anyone for help EVER. I simply don't know what to do anymore. This last year of my life has been so far past difficult that I don't even know how to describe it. My husband was an active alcoholic when we first got together 10 years ago. He had been in recovery for 4 years. He started drinking again after a difficult job loss. That escalated to pills, which, as of a year ago, progressed to meth. I have had chronic illness since I was 19 years old but in October of 2018, my doctor revoked my release to work. I loved working SO much.I have been a caregiver for the elderly for most of my life. It is what I was absolutely meant to do, without any doubt. My husband's addiction progressed to the point where we LITERALLY lost everything. My daughter and I left a year ago, moving from our 4 bedroom home, to a tiny studio apartment that my mom owns. My husband and I have been off and on for the entire last year. I just couldn't seem to let go. He cheated on me for the first time last March. Somehow, I decided that I could get past it and save our marriage. I had to hide my purse, meds, change jar, car keys, he would steal ANYTHING without a care. I got temporary custody of our neice because his sister is also a meth addict and became homeless. Along with my own kids, who are now 17 and 19, that 3 year old baby girl became my whole world. I am a maker, crafter, seamstress, beadwork artist...the list goes on and on. (I am currently using my fabric scrap collection to make masks that I have been donating to the homeless and some high risk community members.) In August, my neice was playing in the front yard with my son. Her meth addicted father came out of no where and snatched her out of the yard. I called 911 and got her back, but 2 days later CPS came and removed her from my care. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I had a complete psychotic break. I attempted suicide 3 times in 2 days. After the 3rd attempt, I was placed on life support. I was on a ventilator, my family was taken to the chapel and told that I had no brain activity, I was never going to wake up. I was on life support for 5 days. When they took the breathing tube out, by some miracle, I started breathing on my own. I woke up a few hours later. After 2 more days of recovery, I was taken to an acute mental health treatment facility, where I stayed for 14 days. In this time, my husband never came to see me, or even ask about me. He was there when I was put onto the ambulance so as far as he knew, I was dead. He cheated on me with 6 different women in the time that I was gone. AGAIN, I decided that even after ALL of that, I decided that we could work things out. Our relationship became very, VERY bad. In November, we got into an altercation, he broke 9 bones in my face. I stopped living that day. I am breathing but broken. I used my crafting ability to support my 17 year old daughter and I, but with the virus, no one is buying. My only income is my child support of $481/month. I have been waiting on my disability to be approved, but they have suspended decisions as "non essential". I haven't even been outside in 25 days and it was 40 days before that. While I was in the hospital, my husband took my car, that I worked my ASS OFF to buy. He was pulled over with a large amount of meth and guns in the car. It was taken into evidence and I will be unable to get it back. My daughter and I went without a car (we don't have public transit here) until my sister and her husband gifted us one. We finally felt free again. One day last summer, my daughter was t boned by a wrong way driver and the car was totalled. The other driver was uninsured, and my insurance said that I was underinsured and I literally got NOTHING. The accident was in July so finally in late November, I was able to sell nearly everything we owned and bought a cheap car. 3 days later, the transmission went out. Since the domestic violence incident, I decided that we had to move (location left out for safety). One thing after another has kept us from being able to escape to safety. Money is the only thing holding me back at this point. I have an escape plan but it requires money. I have secured housing in the new location, but our car is not running. Flights are $20 right now to get us there, and since the housing I found is furnished, I can put everything in storage here, sell the car for scrap, and go start a new life. BUT, I have to be able to pay the move in fees and rent (I have an approved housing voucher that is currently being transferred, but we have to be there for a period of time before that can be done, hence the furnished apartment.) I have NEVER in my life had to depend on anyone but myself. I moved out on my own at 15 and have been doing it ever since. My daughter was diagnosed with PTSD because of all of this. I have spent my whole life taking care of other people, now I can't even make myself get up and take a shower in the morning. I am receiving mental health treatment now, but I have NEVER been this low in my life. I seriously just want to stop living, and if it weren't for my kids, I would do just that. It seems like a crazy story. It feels completely surreal. It feels like a nightmare that I CANNOT wake up from. I have no idea what to do. NO idea where to go from here. Sad

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  Help me please
Posted by: MagiStar - 03-30-2020, 09:18 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi.My name is Zeljko.Im from Croatia.Due to coronavirus i lost my job.I live with my father who has healt problems.Any ammount is appreciated for food and bills,even few euros.Sorry for my bad english.Thanks in advance

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  Any Help Appreciated
Posted by: chrissinho - 03-29-2020, 11:51 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Due to the Coronavirus, I'm now in the unfortunate situation of facing eviction from my home in México. I'm originally from the UK, but I am currently somewhat trapped here right now. My work has stopped and there are no safety nets for me. Now, due to the fact that I cannot pay my rent, my landlord has told me that, together with my cat (her name is Harry, btw), I will have to leave if I don't pay the rent promptly. I'm trying my best to raise enough funds through online work, but it is as yet insufficient. I will do my best to ensure that anyone that helps me will be repaid, long-term, if they wish, or if they prefer, I can forward any financial help offered to me on to other people via this website. I can also offer any writing work in return. I would prefer to work to pay my debts, but I've been forced into this by a terrible, unforeseen predicament and I am running out of options. Cat pics can be sent upon request, donations or not! Any help will be enormously appreciated.  


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  PLEASE HELP to my dog she is dying
Posted by: DOGLOVER - 03-29-2020, 06:57 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello first of all sorry for my bad English im from Bulgaria 25yo and i have the most heartbreaking problem at least for me
my dog is sick she have a problem with the bones and is paralased now i need to pay 250BGN so they can start the therapy but i cannot pay that money my payment form work is 500GBN and im paying rent for a place PLEASE if you can and want to help me i dont want to lose my only love i sold my phone for the first couple threatments but now i dont have what to do i have only old laptop and my dog no parrents no any think... please help
Im dont have paypall and cannot make for some reason so i will leave a payoneer details so if you can and want to help me i will proof that any penny you donate me is goint for the therapy 

Bank name:

Sort code:

Account number:

Beneficiary name:
Kristian Todorov

Bank name:
Wirecard Bank AG

Bank address:
Einsteinring 35 85609 Aschheim, Germany



Bank country:

Beneficiary name:
Kristian Todorov

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  I'm in desperate need of help..
Posted by: Zeewest525 - 03-28-2020, 11:15 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Cash app- $Kenzi525
PayPal email- zeewest525@yahoo.com

Please if anyone can help me anything is greatly appreciated.. I'm being evicted and I'm behind almost 700$ on my car payment..I desperately need to keep my car so I have somewhere to sleep and a way to get back and forth to work.. unfortunately I do have a job but with this coronavirus pandemic my last paycheck wasn't even 100$.. I cant afford good, gas..or anything I need.. I'm becoming desperate and i dont know what to do..

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  Please help me
Posted by: Edward Fry - 03-28-2020, 02:16 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, I don't have a home of my own. I'm trying not to take out loans because I can't pay them off... And most of my life is not enough to save for your housing, so I ask for help, I hope with Your help I can realize my dream. Thanks.

if someone has a desire to help, this is my Payeer

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  Just got out of jail - trying to get into sober living
Posted by: wjanasie@gmail.com - 03-28-2020, 04:40 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I was recently released from jail and am living in a car with a friend. I am trying to get into sober living and not trying to go back to my old way of life. Someone please help me do the right thing! My PayPal is https://www.paypal.me/wesleyjanasie

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