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  I’m grateful for what I have in life I just don’t want to lose it please help
Posted by: MikJo - 03-10-2020, 11:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone first off I wanna say I am if I’m here writing this that means I have reached a point in my life where I’m ready to give up and I hit rock bottom The lowest of a bottom and this is a desperate cry for help

I have nowhere else to turn and no one else to turn to It’s a very hard thing for me to do and very thought of this right now is making me I want to break down in tears hard to explain what it does to me panic is an understatement and although I may appear normal on the outside The inside is kind a like And emotional explosion let’s use examples of whatbaking soda and vinegar Together do There’s just no way to explain right now without writing a book 
I suffer from extreme social anxiety and major depressive disorder along with adult ADD it’s a lot and it becomes very overwhelming. More so with situations like this literally shut down my thought process mean energy level my ability to concentrate function to even talk to times I isolate myself when this happens but anyway there’s a little bit about me Well the part of me that’s been taking me over and trying to keep a roof over my head so I don’t wanna get too far ahead here I am in desperate need for $575 as soon as possible my rent is behind my landlord is being very strict and trying to get me out also he has a hotel license which means he can throw  me out the next day technically . I think he’s actually going to pursue that and put me out on the street if I don’t come up with My back owed rent  money rather quick I am helplessAs of right now with my options and resources when it comes to the situation . I have a game plan and how to get out of it  
I think it’ll work just fine it’s called work I have interviews lined up I have one tomorrow I’m very excited about We are the star and get back on my feet I’m not asking for a perfect life or a perfect future perfect anything I’m just asking to get by and be happy with what I have .  So once againI’m asking for your help anything you can do will help me tremendously Financially ,emotionally mentally as well to get caught up And back in touch With the real world I need just this little break to get me a head so I don’t have to worry and I can be focused on getting that job am and clearheadednowhere to turn this is me turning you guys anyone that can read my story and reach out to help me 
 I have not a dollar to my name I have no family apparently anymore I’ve lost everybody important to me in my life to suicide or overdose. I can’t and won’t let that become me  I  have two very Smart handsome boys a 16-year-old and a 12-year-old and they’re awesome kids and I just don’t want to corrupt them by letting them see how I’m struggling I feel like I might be A bad influence in their life if they see this constantly ever since their father And I got a divorce honestly I feel like that’s when everything started to take place and happen and end up in a downward spiral
my life has gone downhill dramatically I was a stay at home mom /homemaker I never had to work that was 15 years of my life I learned with after that I was 17 when I moved out of home 21 when I got married my ex-husband we were married for 10 years together for 15 this was five years ago And it seems like I’m having a really hard time keeping my head afloat took a lot of wrong turns and ended up a lot of bad situations This is the last time I’m gonna let myself go through anything like this not just for me for my kids not just for me for my kids So I’m out here I’m asking for any help whatsoever with my rent is due two days ago anything you can possibly put towards it would be huge for me it’s $575 I owe him that’s back rent and two weeks Paid ahead till I get my first paycheck so I don’t end up here again I want determined person and I will go after what I want in life I’ve never not done them but I also have a hard time with my anxiety and it causes a lot of indecisiveness in my life I just don’t want to end up back here again thank you for listening to my story and I hope to hear from you soon 
I’m showing you all love sincerely , down and Defeated 

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Lightbulb starting a business in a 3rd world country.
Posted by: ain2020 - 03-10-2020, 04:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

"the heart that gives, gathers"
Marianne Moore.

-hello potential kindred spirits.
i'm a member of a team of students aiming to start a business in the country of Libya, and this business is a media company we named observe.ly, and if you follow the global news you may already know that this is an incredibly daunting task.

our vision is to use media as a way to spread our cause and opinions regarding local issues and causes, such as the lack of basic human rights & the absence of free speech and faith freedom, the corruption and greed, usage of kidnapping and extortion as means to acquire power & money, the role of religious corruption and social tradition in the decline of the quality of life & other various topics that had plagued our country for the last decades.

unfortunately our current staff are lacking the funds to afford the bare minimum equipment & services "couple of computers & hardware needed to create content to official hosting for our website" and other steps necessary to start our journey.

and considering the current economic & political situation going in our country with the ongoing civil war and whatnot, and while we chose to not let our external circumstances affect our spirit & motivation "since almost all of our members are college students or undergraduates and there are those who support their families.
still we are facing a huge obstacle in the starting of our project !.

anyway long story short we need to raise a minimum of 1500$, and since paypal and cash app and most of the online payment methods & ewallets are either unavailable or downright banned my country, and the only option we have are cryptocurrencies

-if you have any tips or advice on how we can raise that kind of money considering our current situation or if you anyone i can contact, please email me at observesly@gmail.com

-if want to help us by donating in crypto you can send to this address

you can visit our "bud" of a webpage here

thanks in advance and god bless you!.

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Heart Breast Cancer Patient Needs Help
Posted by: Ghostgrl1 - 03-10-2020, 01:15 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello and thank you so much for taking the time to read my post.  I am really embarrassed to have to ask for money, but I am about to lose everything and I am going to have to rely upon the kindness of strangers.  I am facing foreclosure.  The financial struggle is getting to be too much.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer last January 2019 and I have been on short term and now long term disability since. I am only making 50% of my salary and the financial struggle is almost getting to be too much.  If I can’t get approved for a modification, I will lose my home.  Please, I don’t have anywhere to go.  I am going to be able to return to work in April, but it is simply too little too late.

Also, lymphedema is now starting in my right arm from the removal of 29 lymph nodes. It is swelling and painful and I am going to receive therapy.  I do have medical insurance, however I have to meet a $1300 deductible before my insurance is really helpful. I really need to get into see the doctor in to do the therapy, however I do not have the money to do so. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.  Please send any donations to paypal.me/hifrmthesky.  I will be eternally grateful for any help.

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Posted by: marieoc321 - 03-09-2020, 08:23 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, I am currently in college and living off of 10 euro a week. which as you can imagine is not a lot.. I can barely afford my books and tools for college. I am also living away from home which is very tough. This summer I have to do work experience abroad in order to go into second year but as you could probably tell I won't be Able to afford it at all. I am looking for any bit of help at all x I would very much appreciate it. 

PayPal : paypal.me/MOConnor518

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Heart $55 Help with Light disconnect.!!! $Sisidadon
Posted by: Zicklin09 - 03-09-2020, 12:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

In desperate need of help with Light bill. Have applied for help from charitable agencies and they have yet to even get back to me. The response is that it takes up to 45 days to receive assistance but I don't have that much time. Due to health issues I can't repeatedly go to these places also having to bring my baby. I am definitely willing to pay back this help as I have to pay back others as well.

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  Hi Everyone
Posted by: Zoey - 03-07-2020, 10:36 AM - Forum: Chit chat - No Replies

I am here to introduce myself to you. I am writing my first post in this community and I am going to tell you something about me and ask you something about you. I have some hobbies and activities which i like to do in my free time. I like to go outside for fun with my friends and my job fellows like in shopping Malls and to eat dinner in restaurants. In addition, i also like to cook something new for my whole family.

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Posted by: Nana - 03-06-2020, 06:54 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Can you please help me with $500 before Monday i must pay my rent lost my job 3 months ago and are 
currently looking for a job please please
my paypal link:paypal.me/Nadia745 

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  Looking for a miracle
Posted by: Candy - 03-05-2020, 10:14 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am so tired of living this life. If anyone out there can help me to break free from my abusive marriage I will be eternally grateful. My husband is unstable and an alcoholic. We have a daughter together as well. I try my best to be peacemaker at home so we can have a somewhat normal existence. But this is now at the cost of my health as I have developed Lupus from the constant stress. I have no family who can help me, no one who can give me a place to stay, and I am in debt from having to constantly pay for everything while my husband keeps all his money to himself and for drinking. If there are any kind souls still left in this world I beg if you are able, please help me, help us.. I want to take my daughter move away from this monster. I literally have nothing of value to my name, and nowhere to go. I am writing this with tears in my eyes and the last bit of hope in my heart that someone can save us.

If you are able to help with any donations please use the following PayPal link. Thank you


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  Help with car
Posted by: jill9872 - 03-05-2020, 01:38 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My car is behind 450.00 dollars. They have turned it off for being behind. They have a device on it so they can do that remotely. I am a single mom and I'm trying my best to stay afloat. I was recently diagnosed with MS. I am waiting on my disability to come through but it's not happening quickly. I am also working but my hours have been cut due to this MS which affects my ability to perform my duties. Once my disability starts coming in I should be okay, but right now, I'm struggling terribly. I just need a hand up. If anybody finds it in their heart to help me I would forever be grateful. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


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  Need help paying electric bill
Posted by: Jasen92980 - 03-04-2020, 01:42 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a single father and I just received my electric bill for this month and it is over $300 my heat is electric and I need to pay it so my kids and I can stay warm. Any little bit will help thank you.

Cashtag is $Jasen929

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