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  Help please much appreciated
Posted by: Mommyofthree - 03-03-2020, 07:26 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a 24 year old mother of three little boys ages 3 years old , 1 year old and 2 months old. We were just up and left. I've been trying to find a job. However with three little ones it's extremely hard without any help. I'd greatly appreciate your help.

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Big Grin I need to have my teeth replaced with implants
Posted by: CallistaCascade - 03-03-2020, 05:55 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

At 30 years of age, I should have a full set of teeth. I don't. Bad genetics and an American diet have all but caused most of my teeth to fall out of my mouth, I went to a company called "Clear Choice" to find a solution to my problem. They are a great company and the people who work there seem genuinely interested in helping. My problem is that I lack the $56,000 it takes to get it done.I am asking for a portion of that money to get me started with the process. I am asking for compassion and help in replacing all my teeth. They are a viable solution to the problems that I am facing. Something they taught me is that the risk of Alzheimer's and Dementia increases when you're dealing with dental decay. My teeth have been falling out since I was 22. It shouldn't be like this. I have no confidence to talk to people or put myself out there for jobs or promotions. I need a better smile so my family and I can have a better future.
[Image: 89056284_2862157517234337_83039220252907...e=5E85D838] This is Me. I am a kind hearted soul and i wish no harm to anyone. 

[Image: 5XU1TpVwvccNTMqEd3VQFTK0aj2WA-VpbK2mU1Kz...66-h537-no]This is what my teeth look like now. It has affected my confidence, my self esteem and overall my ability to socialize. I have 4 and a half teeth up top and a few half teeth at the bottom. It affects my ability to eat and even sleep sometimes. 

This is what I Need and again,[Image: mimg_6516616_1583240349-630x740.jpg] 
a full set runs $56,000. I was told if they just did the tops it would be $28,000

If you're interested in helping, I would greatly appreciate it.

Cashapp is 

Paypal is 

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  Desperately needing $7 for gas to medical appointments
Posted by: ellie_f - 03-02-2020, 04:02 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello all, I’m hoping someone can help me with $7 for fuel. I have several medical appointments starting today and throughout the week. Luckily I live in a small town so I can make all four appointments with 2.5 gallons. (Approximately $7)
I have the cash app and the user name is FrancisFa

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this.

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  Please donate even a single doller
Posted by: raman12370 - 03-02-2020, 10:37 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

hi donaters,
I am promoting this page ... She is indeed of help to get admission in queensland


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  I need your help
Posted by: my1029 - 03-02-2020, 06:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My life is difficult now. I have to deal with many repayment requests every day, including loans and credit cards, which prevents me from living a normal life. This distress caused me great pain. I am burned to death by these things every day. I hope someone can help me through this dilemma. I don't appreciate it. I will help others in the near future.


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  Starting New Job 03/02/2020
Posted by: alems410 - 03-01-2020, 11:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'll cut to the chase here.  This is not a sob story so I'll just be real.  Was let go about a month and a half ago from a major company due to downsizing.  No crying there because what is done has been done.  In that time was able to secure another position selling corporate group insurance.  Passed all of my initial exams which came with some steep out of pocket costs.  I can also prove that as well.  Now I start work tomorrow.  Only thing I have left to do now is apply for my state licenses.  The total for all my state licenses is just under 400.00.  Anything helps as I and any means I may have are all tapped out.  Thanks for your generosity.  Cashtag  $lemasterOdisaster.  PS I will not be accepting any payments for more than what I have outlined.  For individual donations collectively totaling more than I have outlined will either be returned or donated to a charity of choice. 


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  Help an emigrant to start over
Posted by: airisle - 03-01-2020, 05:21 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a 31 year old girl, Venezuelan, graphic designer and emigrant, it is quite difficult to work being illegal, however I was doing it in a company for 3 months, after that time they simply fired me without even paying me, I can not complain since I'm being illegal, they can deport me, they took advantage of us since they know that we need the money to eat to help our families in our country, so they abuse of is and makes us work so many hours and for nothing, now  I have a debt between rent and food expenses of 1k but I would like to start my own business, making models for school and university projects, I need a laptop that runs the design and animation programs and materials to start at once, so if anyone wants to help me, please I will be very grateful.

I'm in a need so big for a while and no matter what I do nothing gets the way it supposed to be, so please help

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  In need of approx $7 for gas
Posted by: ellie_f - 03-01-2020, 03:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone. This is my first time posting here. I imagine most of you are in the same situation I am, so I’ll say first that I hope better days are ahead for all of us. 
My immediate need: about $7 for gas so we can get to multiple medical appointments over the next week. 

I made a cash app and the user name is FrancisFa
I do have PayPal but I’m not sure how I would get the money out of the PayPal account to pay for the gas. 

Other pressing needs we have...if anyone knows of any organization in the north Colorado area which might help us with one or more of these things, we’d appreciate it so much.
We owe (as of today) $300 to our storage company and are in danger of losing our things. (AAA King Storage in Greeley, CO)
We need to pay $130 to Xfinity or risk being shut off. 
We owe $220 for utilities, including a $75 late fee. 

Again, if you know of any organizations that might help us, I would be so grateful for the info. 

As with so many people who find themselves in situations like this...it was just one thing that led to our world imploding. On 12/4/18 we lost our only child due to a cord accident. It was the day before my due date. After years of being told it would never happen for us, we got our true life miracle! Only then it was ripped away from us. And oh my god, how we miss that little boy. We’ve practically become agoraphobics. We push each other to go to grief counseling and medical appointments. I really want to get to a point where I make our boy proud. 

Thank you for listening.

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Heart Asking for Help with Student Loan/Debt
Posted by: xoxOakland - 03-01-2020, 04:53 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hi I'm Oakland.

I am a college graduate with a business degree in management. I just moved to NYC because my company transferred me here. I work full time for my company. I also do a ton of side jobs around the city. But my dream is to make music, but I can't really pursue it because I am in debt and want to be responsible as possible. 

I have credit card debt, student loans, and personal loans. The credit card debt and personal loans comes from the uprooting and having to somehow live and work in NYC.

I haven't ever missed a payment. I always pay the minimum amount, but the end goal seems to be keep moving further and further from attainable. To save money, I only eat a few times a week. 

Every cent will go toward paying off my debt, building a saving account, and getting a safe long term place to live. 

I will also return the love and pay it forward every kind of way. I will never forget or never not. appreciate what you did for me. 

I could be debt free, happy, and making smart financial decisions if I could reach my goal of $12,500. But honestly any amount would truly be appreciated. I know reaching my goal would change the direction of my life and I would never be in this predicament again. 

Even if you don't donate, I truly appreciate you reading this message. 

But if you find it in your kind, beautiful heart to give a young woman a new life; please donate here: https://www.paypal.me/oaklandtownship1

Thank you.

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  Help So We Dont Become Homeless!!
Posted by: Lunaticdough - 02-29-2020, 03:38 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

In the middle of July my girlfriend Ari and I moved from the Chicago area to Tennessee. It was a very sudden move, and not anything we had ever seen coming. We were fired from our job and given 24 hours to be out of our house at the same time. We had no savings, and the little bit of money we had in our checking account was quickly gone to rent a moving truck. We piled in with our two cats and dog and drove straight to Tennessee to stay with my girlfriend Ari's sister before crashing after being awake for almost 72 hours straight. 

Two days before we moved in, on July 18 2019, Ari's sister Jaime tripped over a small lip in between the living room and kitchen. She caught herself and thought she had simply rolled her ankle, but when we got here her foot was swollen and bruised, and I took her to the ER. They did an xray and sent her home, saying that nothing was wrong. They said to take Advil and Tylenol for the pain and to just go about her regular life. She went about her life as normal, and two weeks later her foot was black and blue and hurt to step on. She also had a black necrotic wound on her heel. Taking her back to the ER, they told her this time that amputation was likely, but they'd suggest getting a second opinion and suggested seeing the same ortho person that the Tennessee Titans sees. So we took her and were told that he had never seen anything like this in the entire time hes been working, and doesnt know what to do, so to head straight to Vanderbilt's emergency room.

We sat in the waiting room for hours, but eventually Jaime was admitted to the hospital with a scheduled surgery for the next morning. They reset her foot and put an X-fixator in and kept her for 6 days. When they sent her home they never gave her or us any kind of care tips, only told her not to put weight on it at all, and to come back for a follow up in 2 weeks.

2 weeks later at the follow up they admitted her again, this time because her foot was infected, to the point of having maggots. They did surgery again to remove the infection, including removing some of her skin, and was in for another week. They attached a wound vac onto the wounds on her foot and told us to come in twice a week to have it cleaned and changed. Since then it's been multiple follow ups and home health aids coming in. Someone had to stay at home with her at all times, and the one car that we have between the 3 of us has to be accessible very often in order to get her to lots of appointments. It was determined that her foot is ultimately unsaveable and was amputated on January 20th. Shell be fitted for a prosthetic in a few months, but until then will be in a wheelchair. This makes it difficult for her to get in and house of the house and car, to and from the bathroom, and makes it difficult for her to go back to work, even though shed like to because shes been out of work since the beginning of August 2019. She was drawing disability from her job, however they stopped paying her that about a month ago. She returned to work February 19, and while she has problems getting around and getting to the restroom by herself is impossible, it was going well. However, her doctor admitted her back into the hospital on Tuesday February 25 due to an infection in her amputation sight. She will have 2 more surgeries to clean it out and be in the hospital for a week or a week and a half before being released and being able to go back to work.

Currently, due to not having much income, we are extremely behind on bills, the worst one being our mortgage. We currently owe almost $4000 in back pay that we have no idea how we are going to pay. We also have March mortgage due soon and are unsure how to pay that either. Jaime will not be receiving pay for the time she is in the hospital, and I have not been able to work due to having to care for her. Ari has been looking for a job and has been unsuccessful in getting hired anywhere. My PayPal is a.cownie@icloud.com. Thank you!!

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