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  Social anxiety
Posted by: stepdan - 08-07-2020, 02:05 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everybody

I have suffered from social anxiety my whole life. Everyday is a struggle.it includes intense bouts of blushing sweating nervous tics and many other symptoms at the thought of talking to people or actually talking to people. 
Despite this I opened a small business which has incurred massive debts and even though I work everyday it is only to pay off some of the debts. The business has gotten worse since the pandemic. 
On top of this my wife who I have loved since I met her told me she doesnt love me and wants a divorce as I am not man enough to support and take care of her. We are still together as she says she will only divorce me when some of the debts are paid off.
I am stuck with this condition, disorder or whatever you want to call it. I have a business which is sinking even though I work hard and a wife who doesnt love me but I still have to see her everyday as she wont let me go yet but eventually she wants rid of me.
Many people in this world need help but if anybody can relate to my story and is willing to help in any way I will be very grateful.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story

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  Need urgent help
Posted by: Ammikumar - 08-07-2020, 08:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Dear Sir/Ma'am

This site has  given me a ray of hope in the complete darkness around.

At present I am a student. My brother is the only earning member in the family. Due to Covid-19 he has not been paid  since 6 months.

He had loan running and at present 6 months has passed he has not been paid a single peeny.

Last month he got frustrated and left the job since he was not able to meet financial responsibilities and got into depression due to the same.

At present my sister has to undergo surgery and I do not have any means to support him. He is not able to arrange funds for that.

Situation in the family has become extremely critical and I fear for my brother.

Reaching out to you if you can help in this devastating situation. He is not in a condition to do the same and embrassment is the another factor which has drawn him into depression.

I have created a PayPal account for the same and sharing the link if you want to help. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

PayPal link -  https://paypal.me/amitkumar399339?locale.x=en_GB

God bless you for Nobel cause and thanks in advance.


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Posted by: thejayxoxo - 08-06-2020, 07:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

This past year has been hard and with my parents getting covid, I've had to step up and take on a lot of responsibility. I love my parents and would do anything for them. 
I'm currently laid off from work as well and really looking for extra help. Anything will help..

My venmo is 

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  All new low
Posted by: Danrich30 - 08-05-2020, 09:09 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Since the start of covid 19 I've been losing stuff daily. 

I lost my car, my puppy, my flat, my job. 

Ive currently moved back with my sister. I'm 30 and feel like I've hit the worse low ever. I don't have any family I csn turn to for help. 

I need to keep my head above water and never thought in my life I'd be doing something like this. 

Ive give so much in my life time and maybe it's my turn to get some kindness. 

Anything you can spare will be appreciated 


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  No way out
Posted by: tendjei - 08-04-2020, 05:28 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I hate doing this but I see no other way. Im 23 years old and I cant sleep anymore because of financial worries. I had to move out from my parents when I was 16 years old because of a bad living situation. I have been supporting myself since then but I recently lost my job and I haven’t been able to pay my rent for the last 3 months now so unless I can get some help I will be homeless. I cant even afford to buy food so I just keep getting skinnier. On top of that, my grandmother got cancer and it breaks my heart to be not able to help her through this because of my situation. 
I’ve had a pretty terrible life in general but I’ve always gotten through them on my own, but right now I cant even think of a solution so I am forced to do this and hope with all my heart that someone out there can literally save my life by helping me out. I would be forever grateful.


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  Ur help is mean a lot for us
Posted by: Ann9 - 08-03-2020, 08:16 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone,I'm single mom with 2 kids,I'm losing my job since covid,n till now still tried looking another job but not available yet.so far I just can efford buy food n also my kids things.and I still not paid my rent since I'm not working.is been 3 months now.so just can hope someone can help us with this situation.And I really appreciated n thank you so much for your kindness

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  I live with alcoholics
Posted by: Erik - 08-02-2020, 05:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. I would like to apologize in advance for my English. My name is Erik. I am 27 years old.
I've been working since high school. I have been working in England for the last years.
I am in a very difficult situation. My mom is an alcoholic and so is her boyfriend. He is also a gambler. 
He has two children for whom he does not pay alimony and he was already in prison for that. 
When I was in England. Every month I sent my mom money to make her feel better. 
To pay me the car loan I took out when I got a job after school.When I returned from England a year ago. I found out that my mom lost the vineyard.
 She would lose her house if I didn't return. I found out that the money I sent her went to gambling and alcohol. She didn't even pay my loan, for which I sent her money. 
To make matters worse, I found out that she had taken out a loan in my name, which, of course, she had nothing to pay from. I have big financial problems.
I live with two alcoholics. Which everything they find will sell. I can't bring food home or eat it or sell it as a lawn mower, gasoline. 
If I lock my room, they'll both break the door for me. I will clean up the house after them with dirt, urine, broken bottles. 
I don't know what to do next and who to contact. Please, I need to pay off the debt that I have thanks to my mother. 
So I can move out. I have always had a job. I can not bare this. I will be grateful for every penny that will help me get away.

My paypal link paypal.me/EricP1992 

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  Incontinent Products
Posted by: seeseepownda - 08-01-2020, 03:30 PM - Forum: Chit chat - No Replies

Hi this is Celeste- a/k/a/ see see  

My Dad transitioned back in 2017 and I have a lot of incontinent products
left over from his personal belongings.

If any one out there can use them please contact me at : earlc.renee@yahoo.com/252-885-3501

They are boxed and never been opened. Each box contains 100 disposable under garments/pull ups.

Sized: Large. -  I also have boxes of  disposable  lining under pads for beds or chairs, sealed and never been opened.
Each box of under pads has 3 bags and each bag contains 50 pads.

All of these items are in mint condition. My asking price is $50.00 for disposable garments
My asking price for disposable under pads are $55.00

submit your contact name and address and which purchase you would like to make.

I will handle the shipping cost and ship your items.

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  need some help to repair our house
Posted by: decerie - 08-01-2020, 11:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi guys, I need some help so I can repair our house so we can move there. I need to raise $6000 to rebuild our house as it is full of termites and need to half concrete it as we are near the river, so we'll be safe in case there'll be flood. I have 1 daughter who is 5 years of age, I am a solo parents and currently have no job due to covid. Need badly help, any kind hearted out there, pls I need i help.

Any help would be highly appreciated, you cand send me email to contact me.

Thank You.

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  Assistance needed
Posted by: Ibkjehiel - 08-01-2020, 08:09 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Need assistance  as a student. I need €500.

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