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Анвап фільми. Мстители во...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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4 minutes ago
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Анвап капитан марвел. Анв...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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5 minutes ago
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Анвап тачки 3. Анвап орг ...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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9 minutes ago
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Перевозчик анвап. Готэм а...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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Анвап фільми. Мстители фи...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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14 minutes ago
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Анвап сайт фильмы. Скачат...
Forum: Spammers/Scammers
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Анвап орг скачать. Анвап ...
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Скачать через анвап фильм...
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Анвап мультики. Анвап ска...
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Анвап американские боги. ...
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Sad Need help
Posted by: kiararene - 10-22-2020, 02:12 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’m trying to get these vitamins that are like $20. But I’m so broke. They’re called Boric life. Can someone please help me Sad

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  Help me fix my teeth and stop the everpresent pain
Posted by: Agusrambleon - 10-21-2020, 11:56 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, My name is Augusto, I am from Argentina.
 I am here to request the help of anyone who can donate, it does not matter if it is a little or a lot. I'm going to get right to the point: I LIVE WITH A CONSTANT PAIN IN MY MOUTH.

Since I can remember my teeth were always a problem, today I am 27 years old and I have the teeth of someone in their 70s / 80s. I have two molars that fell out over the years in very painful ways, a third that is on the way, and my wisdom teeth that are starting to show up.
Some years ago I had to make a difficult decision: my education or my teeth, not having insurance, social work or funds to face the second, I made the obvious decision and chose my education. No one should be in the position that I am, eating hurts, drinking cold water hurts, drinking hot water hurts, when it's cold it hurts ... it's hell.
My dream is to someday smile and never EVER covering my mouth in shame again.
My goal is to raise money to pay for the repair of my teeth and the correct extraction of the roots and fragments of teeth that I still have in my gums, the extraction of my wisdom teeth and the supplies for said repairs (prostheses and materials). Thank you very much for your attention, and I give you a parting tip: never take your teeth for granted.


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  Never Did This Before ?
Posted by: Suzabelle3559 - 10-21-2020, 09:16 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi to anyone reading this, I hope you are having a very blessed day. 
My name is Suzy. I've been having a very rough time due to circumstances beyond my control. I'm 61 years old and love alone. I am disabled and recently was denied disability by SOCIAL SECURITY. I am living in senior housing and am about to be thrown out/evicted because I haven't paid my rent in 8 months. I have had a reprieve due to the moratorium during the covid thing. But it's all built up and I was planning on paying it off when the disability got approved.
I have been living on food stamps. I worked all my life and raised four children, all who have families of their own and cannot help much financially. I was so sure I was going to get the disability because I'm falling apart health wise and can't do anything pertaining to work anymore. 
I don't get how the govt can take out of your paycheck for years and years and when you need help they just toss you to the wolves! 
I'm afraid I'm going to be living under a bridge somewhere with a shopping cart soon. God has helped me this long and it's really hard to see passed these terrible times.
If anyone has it in their heart to help me I made a cashapp account today.  My cash tag is $Suzabelle3559 
God bless each and every one reading this!  

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Brick ** Please Help Me Build **
Posted by: gingerinmalta - 10-20-2020, 12:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Firstly, I know there are people out here who are far more deserving - I am not underprivileged at all, I have just found myself struggling and am asking for a little help.

I moved to Malta from New Zealand 4 years ago, and have since scraped together the deposit and bought an uninhabitable old stone house.  I could see the vision of what it could be, and I eagerly submitted my building plans to the Planning Authority.  Unfortunately, it has been a year since then and I have spent all this time trying to get through a lot of red tape, and paying a lot of unexpected bills along the way.  Fortunately I have been lucky enough to have a friend let me life with them for cheap-ish, but paying rent, and a mortgage, and all the unforeseen expenses related to this property has left me in a very difficult spot.  And all this during COVID, where I am working and making less money. 

I am looking for a few thousand, just to finally be able to get the works underway and hopefully be in a position to move into the property, which would free up a bit more of my money to complete the project. 

If you happen to be in a position to help me out a little, I would be so grateful.  Heart

Thank you for taking the time to read this,


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Heart Help me achieve my dream!
Posted by: Rubyspy95 - 10-19-2020, 09:00 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My dream has always been since I was a little girl, was to own my own business. I'm fed up of working for someone else and giving my all only to be ignored and pushed to the point of breaking all just to put money in someone else's pocket. Undecided
Over the lockdown I started to learn how to make stuff out of epoxy resin and have enjoyed it so much I am now trying to turn it into a full time job. Big Grin  However theres a couple of pieces of equipment I need to increase my quality level but definitely cant afford by myself. So I am asking for money to be able to buy: 
A pressure pot - around £200 - this will ensure the piece contains no bubbles
A table sander - around £60 - to be able to polish pieces quickly and with precision 
More epoxy resin - £30 per kilo
I already have coloured dyes and polishing compounds so this would enable me to be able to produce them fast enough to make a living from it. 
My cash app is: cash.app/£BecsNdBuddy

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  Help Save My Car
Posted by: Mdavison1970 - 10-19-2020, 04:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, i am in desperate need to fix my car. I am a single Father of a teen in Colorado. I lost my job due the Pandemic and am currently on Unemployment looking for a new job. My car recently sprung an oil leak and was ran on very low oil. I was able to leak to stop but now my car is having a hard time starting and when it does, it misses and struggles very bad. I need yo fix it because I am still making payments. I spend my unemployment on rent, utilities, food and my car payment so I dont even have the money to get it checked to see what the issue is. Please help me save my car? 
Thank you. 
My paypal link is:

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  Keeo our kids, our home, and our sanity. Help.
Posted by: errinc123 - 10-18-2020, 10:39 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Okay, so 2020 has already been a hell of a year for pretty much everyone but for the fiest time my husband and I are falling into some financial troubles. We can normally keep up with all our bills and any other expenses. We are in what seems like a neverending custody battle with my stepdaughter mother. My husband and I have primary custody of her, but he mother continuously files motions every month and we have several court appearances a month. My husband has been throw around over the years by the family court system. His daugnters mother not only gets him falsely arrested but our lawyers retainer is $5000 everytime we have to pay... his court appearances are pricey but he's the only lawyer that's been able to get us the custosy we deserve. With that being said. We both work full time. My son is seven and autistic and he requires constant attention, alone with our newborn baby, and my 9 year old step daughter. We're in a pandemic so we also have to home school so I work at night and my husband works during the day. We were caught up and fine until his daugnters mother ran our bill up with the lawyer by making multiple calls he charged us for, filing several motions this past month and trying to obtain a ridiculous epo we had to pay a lawyer to get dismissed ..now we received an eviction notice. For having a past due balance of $2215.00...we of course had to pay our lawyer and weren't expecting to end up this behind from all the fees and appearances... The landlord gave us an extra week to come up with the money since we're always loyal tenants... but we cannot in that amount of time... anything helps....and I know I cant expect this entire balance to be covered but it never hurts to try to get some help ..
We appreciate anything anyone can do for us...❤??

Cashapp: $ChelseaErrin
PayPal: paypal.me/ErrinCee Undecided

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  Don’t know what else to do
Posted by: Layla0126 - 10-18-2020, 07:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Confused Confused  I can barely afford food. Or even petrol to get me to work. I’m scraping by just to survive.  I’ve gone without just so my dog can eat.  I just want to relax and stop worrying about everything.

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  Please read my story, it's important
Posted by: hope2020 - 10-17-2020, 11:11 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, I'm a trader who wants to invest more in bitcoin, now that it's the right time, some months after the third halving. Unfortunately my resources are very limited, I'm unemployed and I have a rare, very disabling disease. I'm sad because my life quality is bad, but I have this dream, I don't want to miss this occasion to increase my resources. The investment is also to face medical bills, because it's too much for an unemployed man. I hope you would give me a little little help, thank you in advance! An advice to all people: invest in Bitcoin now!


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  Help needed
Posted by: Jamiek - 10-17-2020, 07:05 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey everyone, I am asking for a little help. My work has slowed down and I am behind on a couple of bills. I am currently taking care of a niece and also a older brother of mine. I do the best I can for them and wouldn't have it any other way. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank very very much

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