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  Home to see my son
Posted by: Queen of Royalty - 09-27-2018, 07:55 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello friends my name is Kenya and I have come to this site to request donations for me and my daughter who is 12 to see my son and her brother. Dondre is my son’ s name. He is a 22 year old King that we have not seen in 5 years due to the fact of me fleeing a domestic violence situation  in NC. We now live in WA State. I moved here to make a change to my life and for my kids to have a better life. When I & my daughter first got to WA State we lived at a DV shelter which didn’t allow boys over 12 years of age and it was a confidential shelter. That is why I didn’t bring my son with I & my daughter. It was the hardest descion I had to make in my life but I couldn’t take any more beatings. While at the shelter I received a Office Assistant Certificate from the local community college. I always thought about and talked to my son that I had left in NC at his grandparents house. My son eventually got into trouble that Which led to jail time. My son is now out of jail living his life with his girlfriend that I’m anxious to meet. They also had a baby that my son gave me the honor to name but she was a stillborn. Me & my son and daughter are close and continue to strive through adversity. I have known been in WA for 5 years and have not seen my son he was 17 when I left and he is now a man. I miss him so much and every time I see his picture I get emotional. I just want to hug my son. He has been thru so much and I can’t help to feel guilty for leaving him. I apologize to my son and he forgives me and we continue to be close. I just want to see him face to face and hug him it’s been 5 long years. I just can’t afford to fly me and my daughter round trip from WA state to North CarolinA that’s the reason I’m reaching out to the world for help . I don’t want another day to go by without seeing and hugging my son. I came here to build a better life for my me and my kids. I now have a apartment and continue to go to college and I am taking dating super slow. Thank you world for reading my story to do at you can send any donation to PayPal.me/KBattle531

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  i broke my arm and now i can't make rent
Posted by: ineedajob - 09-27-2018, 01:05 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Recently I broke my arm after falling down a few flights of stairs, and I just BARELY paid my medical bills. I had to make a huge dent in my savings which was not much to begin with. I need $600 for rent, I take small donations, really anything helps. 


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  need help to start being independent
Posted by: shooting star - 09-26-2018, 11:40 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a recent high school graduate looking for help with moving out. all i would need it $500 to help pay for an RV i would be using. i cannot afford it and i am unable to make the money needed due to my parents asking for my paychecks. i want to go to college and i have the money for it, but I'm not allowed to take any money out unless its college related and I have tried asking too. this is the last payment for this rv and i will be able to fully live in it with this payment. $100 would be used for air conditioning and the rest is paying the RV debt

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  Trying to see my father before it's too late
Posted by: mangojones - 09-26-2018, 05:35 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

my father has literal weeks to live and I'm trying to make it out to see him before he passes away. Some of my family is headed up there this weekend but can't afford to help me go. I'm not eligible for a p2p loan or a payday loan and I desperately want to be able to stay a night and say my goodbyes. please, help me be able to do this


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  Please help me receive treatment
Posted by: MuchokiNemson - 09-26-2018, 04:37 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I really can't remember the last time I laughed out in public without covering my mouth. This is because of a serious teeth decay problem that has left my mouth in a sorry state. With almost all of the lower jaw teeth completely decayed and broken leaving only their roots stuck in the gum, I sometimes have to endure excruciating pain, without knowing which Of the teeth is aching. Sometimes I have to take an overdose of pain relievers while desperately trying  To stop the pain. Apart from the pain, my condition is an embarrassment to me and probably  disgusting to the people around around me. 

Nothing would make me happier than waking up one day with a healthy clean mouth, laugh out loud in public with confidence, record my own videos, make video calls without feeling embarrassed and look in to the eyes of people when talking to them. This is my dream right now, a dream so big and so small, but which matters a lot to me. I am looking for that person willing to restore my smile and confidence. I humbly request you to be that person after reading this. Kindly help me get rid of the pain and embarrassment that I have been through for several years. Help me feel normal again. The teeth needs to be removed and replaced with artificial ones. 

I have been trying to get treatment, but it costs far too much than I can afford. Being a casual worker and a family man with a wife and two children, I am barely able to earn enough for the upkeep of the family and we struggle to survive. My family doesn't feed on what they want, but what is available, without much of a choice.  

My PayPal email is nemsonmuchoki86@gmail.com



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  I really need help with no where else to turn
Posted by: Qt33 - 09-26-2018, 12:33 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone.I pray everyone is having a blessed day. I just lost my husband to Cancer, pancreatic Cancer. This has been the hardest time of me and my 3 kids life.It just, unexplain how our world changed in days. You know I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with nothing worse than losing my husband. But y’all listen to this. My husband been sick for 5years so we been saveing and putting back money for 5 years just in case. So we took the money we saved and fought a 3 bed room house.so me and our kids would have a stay able place to live. 3 dayside before my husband past a woman show up at our house asking who are we and what are we doing in her house. Bomb shell. The man we gave all our savings to didn’t own the house. He was gone with all our money. Now we have lost Everything. So any kind of help would be a blesSing.

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  Single mom in need of financial help
Posted by: Natasha oleksa - 09-26-2018, 12:45 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello my name is natasha and im a single mom struggling to keep aroof over my 4 month old and 4 year old childs head i am trying to get a motel for a month but only have enough for 3 days..i can get weekly room for 280. But im still short 120..if anyone has ideas on making money while having no childcare. or can give me a donation it would be greatly appreciated and as soon as my children get into daycare i can find work and pay it back..i just need a little help to get going in the right way..thank u for reading and your time.

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  Life is Beautiful!
Posted by: Mammajoojoo50 - 09-25-2018, 10:03 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

To Whom it may concern:
     My name is Rebecca, I am 56 years old and have been declared 100% disabled since 2011. I have fought long and hard to keep my rental home and all my utilities on my own by selling practically everything I own and taking in boarders. Unfortunately my last boarder skipped town leaving me in debt as I tried to be sympathetic to his cause(illness and being laid off). My son and his wife moved in with me, my son is doing side jobs, handy man things to help meet the need of his daughter, born 08-08-2018. I am in need of 2443.00. This amount will pay past due bills and allow me to get back on track. I am asking online as I have gone to every government agency for help only to be told there are waiting lists as long as 4 years. I feel so useless and a failure to my family but will keep fighting. I just need a hand up out of this mess. I appreciate anyone taking time to read this and for considering my request. Life is Beautiful even when it seems dark and lonely. Much love and thanks to all.

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Heart Need money for a new phone
Posted by: PrincessSK - 09-25-2018, 02:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText] Exclamation   Hey guys, I hope all of you are having a nice day and are getting help with whatever you need money for (may it be urgent and legitimate or may it be something luxurious like it is in my case) ! [/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]I’m an 18-year-old student from Germany. I live in a small town near Cologne and have tried my best to find a job, so I can fund for myself. The job options here are very limited as it is but as a student it’s even harder. The employers are really reluctant to hire a young girl that barely has any experience and is also still at school with a strict schedule. My birthday is in a month but I doubt the money is going to come anywhere close to what I would need for the phone. The money that I currently have (115€ = ~$135) is going to be spent on birthday preparations and I wish to leave some birthday money to the side for a new pair of glasses as my current ones have scratches on the glass. I had more money before but I paid off my license with that. I know there are people with way worse and way more urgent problems that they need money for and me begging for money to buy a phone might be selfish and bratty of me. I AM aware and I don’t expect you to donate if you don’t deem it worth your money or time. But I’d definitely appreciate it big times and forever be grateful to be able to fulfill one wish with the help of fellow humans. Heart  [/font][/font]

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Heart Giving back
Posted by: Loïs - 09-25-2018, 01:42 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, my name is Loïs and I'm 20 years old, I currently still live with my parents because I'm finishing up school.
My parents have always paid my tuitions and are currently also paying for my driver's lessons and licence because I don't have the time to have a job due to my school schedule. 

I love them very much but I don't find it fair that they always have to pay for mine and my sister's stuff because we can't. They don't seem to see it as a problem because they say they're doing it out of love, but they've always put me and my sister before themselves. Therefore I decided to make this post in the hope I'm able to give them something back I return for all their care and love over the years. 

Thank you in advance, if you are able to help me out a little.  



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