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Exclamation Mentally ill man in need of financial assistance
Posted by: Owenthomas1989 - 09-30-2018, 12:46 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a PTSD sufferer I developed the condition after I was very violently attacked following a recent disagreement with my attacker (a man twice my size and heavily built)he grabbed me in the middle of town in broad daylight Infront of over 100 people and repeatedly thumped me in head until I was knocked unconscious and my head split open with blood pouring out leaving a permanent scar, he grabbed me again off the ground planning to continue the attack but luckily security guards at a local store intervened and a pedestrian called the police I was then taken to hospital where my wound was cleaned and the cut on my head was glued back together after his arrest he was realeased with a community supervision order (basically a slap on the wrist) it didn't even go to court, he came out of it laughing. The attack itself left me with PTSD and severe depression  which have both caused an inability to work (I quit my job a day or two after the assault  occurred) that has in affect caused debt, other financial troubles and fears for the immediate future such as bailiffs and homelessness  all making my condition worse , recieving CBT from a professional did help but i feel it's all being undone by my current financial fear, I’ve tried getting professional debt advice but anyone I spoke to was just an unintelligent moron. I even tried sharing my story on gofundme but because of all the scammers the only campaigns that get guaranteed funding are the ones that feature semi naked women. So I’m begging the users of this forum to please help me by sending a donation. Even a donation as small as one pound would help. You’d be literally saving my life https://paypal.me/OwenT405

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  Single Mom Just Adopted Two Siblings
Posted by: Kcolleen - 09-29-2018, 02:50 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My mother just adopted two children, 3 and 4 years old in order to keep them out of the system. She is not rich and she has four children of her own, so she does not have money to spare for clothes and car seats. The kids came with nothing except a stuffed animal for each of them. My mom just flew all the way cross country to get them and that alone cost my mom $1911.95. My mother has one child in college she is paying for, one is severely disabled, and one is disabled, but still functioning normally. These kids are not foster children and so the state will not help out with needs. This was a signing over of parental rights due to parents going to jail. Anything can help. We just want these kids to be safe.

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Exclamation Need money for a car battery to get to work
Posted by: beranx - 09-28-2018, 09:50 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Kiley, I am an 18 year old disabled girl who lives with her mom and two cats. We recently lost both my grandparents, our family home, and our car. Now we have a used car. We've been having problems with the battery, but now it's completely shot. We need $60 to get a new one. This is our only source of transportation, to get my mom to work and to get me to doctors appointments. Today my mom had to take the bus and was late for work. We just finished paying this months rent and we have $10 to our names. Ubers are expensive. If anyone can help with maybe ubers or money to get a new car battery, anything would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless you all

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  Help me?
Posted by: Rainedoes - 09-28-2018, 03:05 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My situation is quite unique, I think...my name is Raine and I've recently turned eighteen. I live in a household where my parents, mainly my father, are verbally abusive. It has yet to get physical but the possibility still open to happen. The reason I need money is to get out of this place. I have no siblings, no money, no job because my parents keep me home, and even if I were to try and get one I'd probably be denied due to the fact that I've been homeschooled all of life and never graduated. Again, thanks to my "family". I don't even have any close relatives to try to live with since I'm related to dependent junkies for the most part...so, please, I have no idea how much I would need to get out of here, but consider helping me out? I dream of going to someplace small like Florida or Ohio, or anywhere! Thank you for reading...

Here's my paypal in case anyone is interested: https://www.paypal.me/ra1n3

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  Need help please
Posted by: Michaeltheman - 09-28-2018, 05:07 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

You Went through back surgery a year and a half ago in debt bad borrowed a lot of money from friends and family And car ac compressor just went out needing 1000$ to get car fixed by Monday oct 1 thanks in advance

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Posted by: BTC504 - 09-27-2018, 09:38 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Thank you for taking time to click on my post. Im Bianca. A 31 yr old in desperate in need of any kind of help that you can give. Im in jeopardy of losing my car. I was jobless for a while but had money saved and all my money went to trying to save my car. Two days ago, I was hired at a grocery chain store but I wont be working long if I don't have transportation. I need my car. That's all I have that's mines. If my car gets repo'd, there goes my livelihood. Im asking for $520 but anything you can give me will be very appreciated. 

Here's where you can send your generosity….

Cash App: $BeeYonCah
                                                                   Thanks Again  Heart Heart

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  Need to bring Prospective husband to America
Posted by: CharBenter49 - 09-27-2018, 06:59 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a 49 year old male I have made the acquaintance of a nice man who I am seeking to bring from Russia over to my city Spokane. After we meet and if he loves me as much as he does now just through the communication type medium through the computer with the Internet and emails and phone calls but he will have a long time during the winter in order to visit me and if all things work out he and I will be marrying each other. Yes I am gay but we are both very committed to our religious faiths as well and because of my past I am also coming from being a pastors son and this is no black flag for his ability. In fact the last church he was a pastor of his most telling thing that amazed me was that ALL the people I knew who weren't connected to the church he pastured all said of my dad that he was the most honorable and honest man they'd ever known. All of them saying if it wasn't for the people in that church they would have attended. I am not only seeking a hand out but I would love for those if they live in Spokane itself and wish to be a part of the wedding or to come and visit us after are more than welcome. I feel bad having to do this as I am currently on SSI and only get 735 a month and the ticket will cost a total of 1,650.00$ American or 107854.40 in Russian Rubles to get him here and the rest of his staying here I will take care of for food and company and so forth. I would appreciate any help that can be given and I would like to thank any generous soul who reads this and takes heart for a couple of love sick people who are in such need of aid for this holiday. I thank you and will answer any questions or thoughts people might have. God bless and keep you all out there. I appreciate your time and efforts.

Me Smile Heart

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  Help me pay for my moms medical bill
Posted by: Axolotl - 09-27-2018, 06:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My mom has cancer and she needs to pay for her medical bill. I will have rewards for donations. Thank you. God bless. Heart Angel

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  Daughter's 5th Birthday
Posted by: Hopefulmom86 - 09-27-2018, 04:49 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone. I am just trying to get ANY help that I can to make my daughter's birthday special. I know that I won't be able to do much because I don't have any funds right now. But I would love to buy her a pair of tennis shoes. Fall is approaching and my daughter currently only owns one pair of flip flops. Her birthday is tomorrow. So anything that you could help me with would be a blessing. My goal is $50, so anything that you could bless me with I would appreciate. I will definitely pay it forward, when I am able. Thank you.
Cash app $meca86

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Posted by: tyreltta - 09-27-2018, 03:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


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