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  College student starving while hunting for job! Please Help!
Posted by: macdonaldn - 10-08-2018, 01:18 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a college student that recently became homeless. I really need money to pay for my food and education. Once I get a job, I should be able to take care of myself, but until then, I'd really be grateful for all the help I can get.

Thanks for reading.

Donate: paypal.me/nmd897

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  Want to be closer to my son
Posted by: mitsutech - 10-07-2018, 03:03 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I was in a decade long relationship, we have a 4 year old son together. We have been split up for almost a year, she left me in a ton of debt trying to keep our family afloat. I left her everything about a year ago and moved to a friends house, I now have a 3 hour round trip to work and back. My son goes to school next year and I want to be closer, I want him to stay at the school nearby because it specializes with autism. I need to clear up some debt to move closer. Anything helps, and I would greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions feel free to message me. If you decide to donate I thank you for your kindness.


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  Looking for Help, Anything Appreciated
Posted by: Moonsynger - 10-06-2018, 08:33 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Shawn. I'm 40 years old, living in West Virginia. I lost my job a little over a month ago, and as of yet have not been able to find another. I'm writing this requesting any donations to help keep me on my feet until I get working again. I'm at my wits end trying to figure out how to make my car payment, house payment and utilities. I'm not great at asking for money, but if you can spare anything extra, I would be grateful. 

Thank you for reading and please keep me in your prayers that I find a source of income.


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  Electric bill past due.
Posted by: Mommytootwo1618 - 10-06-2018, 03:46 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a single mother of a 2 year old and 5 month old. After rent and other bills I came up very short of paying my power bill. If it is not paid by Tuesday they will come out and terminate my power. I work 40+ hours a week and still struggle to make mends meet. I have tried picking up some side jobs, with no luck. My kids are my world and I do everything I can to make sure they’ve are more than taken care of. If anyone’s would kindly help I couldn’t appreciate you enough. My electric bill is $340. If anyone can help here is my PayPal 


Thank you all in advance who can help!

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  Homeless and in need of help
Posted by: Dragonflyrnk - 10-06-2018, 12:59 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm not the type of person who asks for help from anyone but at the moment I'm in serious need. I had been living in motels for 6 months after leaving an abusive relationship and finally thought I'd caught a break when a friend deeded me a trailer. It needed some work but nothing major when I looked at it and I would only have to pay $250 a month in lot rent. Well it took her 3 months longer then she had stated and her husband, kids and herself trashed the place when they did move. Well since then it's been one thing after another. To top it off the park was being sold to another person so when I found issues with the lot no one would take responsibility. The biggest issue occurred the end of Aug when the water and septic line backed up into the bathrooms and eventually the kitchen also. In my half bath it just kept throwing anything and everything gross up causing the floor to basically cave in and ruined about 80% of my clothes that were stored in the attached bedroom. I had to seal up the hallway so any animal etc could get into main part of home. Well the main bath toilet backed up also I did run a 50ft auger down all the drains and no obstructions so the problem is in the line outside the home. I contacted the new owners telling them about the issues. They came out once and looked underneath and said they couldn't see any issues, I even pointed out the water pooling up in the grass near where the lines are buried. They said they would have the lines checked and get the other issues fixed. All of which are issues that cause serious problems...dead trees that could squash me, irrigation sending water to footers instead of drain, black mold found, now the septic and water lines. So now I have no way to use my bathrooms at all and have to shower at friends and walk down the street to use bathroom. The owners have yet to send anyone out or had fixed all while I spent over $1200 in a month just trying anything to get the lines working. So then a month later I got sick and had to go to hospital. Seems the septic material and the mold have caused me to get massive lung infection and it was reported to health dept. I was told that we could not stay in the home for more then couple of hours. So I had to pack some bags, my puppy, and leave having no place to go. I stayed at a hotel few nights but with just having started my new job I needed to save my money until I would get paid. The owners of the park are also hounding me because I didnt pay the past 2 months lot rent. I didn't pay it because they did not adhere to terms of our lease. I'm working with housing commission to find a place but could take a month or more before they can do anything. I spent all I had trying to fix the issues and sleeping in my car or my tent and showering in truck stops and begging friends I'm about to have a breakdown. If anyone could help with some money for food, gas, everyday needs and/or being able to get an extended stay at a hotel until home is ready. I'm also contacting people with rentals locally to see if they would be willing to take deposits in installments because it'd be several  several months before I'd have 2 months rent when the average rent is 750-800 around here. Anything would be appreciated more then you know

Easiest way to help would just send thru paypal.
My paypal information is: My paypal.me/jkorczynski

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  I just need some assistance..
Posted by: Des1924 - 10-06-2018, 12:28 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

First off thank anyone who even takes the time to click my thread and read this.

 I am currently in need of some assistance. I used to have a reliable job that was work from home via computer and was consistently paying my bills and life wasnt too bad. I shared a house with my aunt and a long time family friend and split the bills 3 ways with them. I am only 21 years old. Growing up family was really all I had during the times we were homeless or drifting from home to home and state to state. We always stuck together as a family. Well, not this time around. During the last 3 months of living with my aunts, they had kept all the money I had given them for bills for themselves and I didnt know this. I thought all was well, they were the grownups and i was too trusting and naive towards my family members I guess. Well, one day not too long ago (March of 2018) I had gone over to a friends house for the weekend. When i got back home most of the house was cleared out minus my own personal items. Both of them had packed up and moved out over the weekend, neither of them reply to me on anything and have blocked me now. There was a pile of bills on the table and each was 2-3 months overdue, multiple shut off notices. Half of the bills were in my name supposedly to help me build credit etc. I ended up losing my job shortly afterwards as my internet had been shut off. I spent all of my savings and my income tax just trying to pay off the bills. With no job, no vehicle, and no one who lived nearby that could take me to and from a new job I ended up getting kicked out. I couldnt find a job, even got turned down at nearby fast food places because i didnt have a vehicle. My mom was able to send money and help me enough by finding me a part time job working for a friend and a low rent apartment as well as paying for the first months rent. Now I am simply trying to get out of debt. I still owe $550 in bills that are in my name. At the moment I am simply struggling to survive and not get evicted barely paying on those debts while paying my rent as well, I cant afford a vehicle either with my last breaking down so I am walking to and from work now, which is only a 8 minute drive...but that is an hour and 20 minute walk, my credit was completely destroyed and we had to get the apartment lease in my mom's name. I cant allow myself to be evicted, after all my mom has done to help me I dont want to do anything to negatively affect my mom and I dont want to be homeless again, Im trying to find a second job but with no vehicle it is hard to find a place willing to hire me.

Any amount will help me get my life back together, whether you send me $5 or $50 anything helps.  The amount I currently need to get paid off is $550.

Any little bit helps.


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  Restore My Electricity
Posted by: Sapphire6 - 10-05-2018, 09:43 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

:Hello and good day to whomever is reading this.  I am a mother of four struggling to make ends meet at the beginning of a divorce. My electric was shut off October 2nd due to a very large amount past due.  I also suffer from mental health disorders and until recently have been unable to leave my home, let alone work because of my health and situation at home.  I have a wonderful family that is helping me get back on my feet and believe in myself again.  It's hard to stay positive when all of your bills are behind and utilities being disconnected.  I have finally, after years of emotional abuse, lifted my head above water, but am finding it hard to swim.  I need help.  In order to restore lower I have to come up with $1149 plus a deposit of $210.  I am trying so hard to fix what I let get broken, but it's so hard and all I need is that little extra help to get ahead again.  Playing hide And go seek in the dark with the kids is awesome, but not having a stove or fridge or freezer to eat cooked meals, not so much.  I feel like I have failed my children as a mother.  I should have been stronger and able to walk away years ago. Instead now they see me struggling and it kills me even if they are being so amazing about it all.  I don't not know what else to.  I have asked the state and salvation army for help but because my husband and I are still legally married for at least another 8 months I do not qualify.  I beg, I plead, I pray, that I can get a little help to make life a little easier for my children and myself.  Asking for help is not easy, but today I have no shame in doing so . I am proud that I finally grew strong enough to open my eyes and free my children and myself from a situation that was slowly eating me alive. I am proud to ask for help because it makes me feel like I am in control of my life once again.  I, with all of me, would be beyond grateful to anyone and everyone that may be able to help.  It doesn't matter if it's a $1.  A lot of people giving $1 can go a long way. On top of the money I ask you to keep my family in your thoughts and prayers to help is rise back to the top of happiness.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.


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Exclamation my own tragedy
Posted by: markova99 - 10-05-2018, 08:13 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good morning I just found that website.
I'm so desperate for finding some money.My parents and mine came from Russia to Spain looking for a better live.
Everything was okay until 2015 when my dad lost his job in a local factory because they were out of business(a lot of factories closed because the difficult economical situation here)
I had to end my studies  because we didn't have enough money and I was in search of a job since that.
The only jobs I had were temporal ones earning a misery and with that and the welfare,my parents me and my brother should survive.Sometimes my mum found a job taking care of older people,babies or cleaning house and a lot of times we should take a loan to survive and that leave us in a really bad situation were we don't know if they will take our car as a payment of the debts(and here in Spain in most of jobs they ask you to have a car).
Sometimes I begged for money near a supermarket in the street and I though about became a prostitute(but thanksfuly I never did that)
I really would apreciate any amount of money that will help me and my family to survive
Bitcoin 1J7wizKkX2jDwcHHK53xCsRk4oEwwwUjF8

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Posted by: kimberleycrump - 10-04-2018, 02:19 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’m a newly single mom with two young boys and I’m in desperate need of help. My soon to be ex husband is not contributing, I’ve exhausted all of my family’s resources, and we will have nothing by the 15th. 

Any amount will help and be greatly appreciated.

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Exclamation Needing urgent assistance to pay a shortfall of a debit
Posted by: Nita67 - 10-03-2018, 02:10 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi I am a very hardworking young women from SA who is currently just just making ends meet. I have a son and unfortunately have fallen behind on the bills this month for the first time in forever. I have to raise R1000 ASAP to pay a shortfall for a debit order. I have paid everything I could and with the current increases on everything besides our salaries I am struggling. Is there anyone that can help I am prepared to pay back every cent but I just cannot apply for a loan. I am being declined.

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