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  I give pictures for medical help
Posted by: slikar - 10-14-2018, 02:12 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


My name is Jovica Petrovic, I am a painter. 
I'm sick and I need to get
Rispolept Consta injections that are very expensive. 
Please help me by donating to PayPal account: 
I am grateful for any amount you can donate. 
You can see a medical report on this link: 

I want to give you some of my pictures, you can 
download them from this link: 

Regards, Jovica.

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  So strong after so long
Posted by: Jennifer.merritt75 - 10-14-2018, 11:45 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Well here goes...I don't even know where to begin....I took care of myself and my children for a long time until my second child's father came home from jail.  I wanted to be loved so bad that I did whatever he did. I have him whatever I made.  Anything I could do to keep him around I did it.  It didn't matter that he would bring woman into my home while I was asleep or that he would hit me so hard I would have to lie to the doctors to get my notes for work. They would always ask but I always said I fell or opened a cupboard to fast.  By the time he moved on to destroy the money one I was so empty and ruined inside that I continued using. I lost my jobs and apartment and me and the kids ended up at my dad's.  I found another job though and was able to look good enough for family to help me out with a place agian but that only lasted a few months.  Agian back at my dad's.  It had gotton so bad I would stay and Chase just one more hit and then I'll go home.  They were already alone at this point...my father goes to work at 5am and typically assumes I'm there.   The sitter I had kept catching the kids alone.  One day though , one day I didn't return until 5pm.  They were gone by the time I got home.  I couldn't breathe. My heart stopped.  I kept looking in closets knowing they were gone.  When I charged my phone up the sitter left a message saying she had warned me and she got there once again they were outside riding bikes and that she had them.  I couldn't face anything...I was scared of the trouble I was in...I was scared of what was going to happen I was scared to have to face those children when they knew that I was a scumbag.  They were 6 and 7 now and far from stupid.  I took off for three more days I couldn't deal with this.  No one knew I had come home though.  I stayed out for three more days and didn't whisper a word of what happened.  I just got high sand messed up as I could hoping I would never have to face the reality.  But I did. I went to a 29 day. It didn't take.  I was out covering the pain I had caused those children with my own selfish self.  Until one day I stood on the street after months of running...staying in abandoned houses and project hallways...sold my car...sold myself...robbed and lied...I good there and I called my mother and begged her telling her that if she picked me up one last time I would go to any rehab of her choice in the morning and that is exactly what I did.  First thing I went to a detox in Rochester and from there I went to gowanda 29 day....I knew it wasn't enough and I decided to go to a year long woman's program. I did and I loved it. I was seeing the kids it was like everything was going to be alright.  When I got out I had to continue along with family court. I didn't have just a childs father against me it was the two father ...the two grandmothers...the sitter...cps...and the children's lawyers...and then me....I was strong at first but as time went by I let them beat me down and eventually I was out using again.  I tried over and over through the years to see them but he way the visitation agreement was set up all parties had to agree on the visit and they never agreed so I never saw my kids agian. Except in passing at Wal-Mart during the holidays.  They never saw me though.  It was all my doing I couldn't cry now. I had loved crack more than those children.  I went on I got involved in another abusive relationship then another.  I married the third in 2009..even though it was only verbal his time.  I left him less than a year later. It was February 2010 when I met noel. I loved him so much it hurt. With in 3 months he tarted hitting me.  Within 6 we were living with my dad.  Within 10 I was pregnant.  Mind you I was using with him. We got our own place only to wind up back at my dad's.  And why would I have a child when I couldn't get back the two I already had.  It was bound to happen.  And it did.  She was 2 and a half when they took her. Not the same as before but the past didn't help.  He took off somewhere too...no idea where.  I didn't know how I could go on except turning to alcohol and pills this time. He was the worst though I woke up in hospitals time after time with his beatings but I couldn't let go.  There is a lot to all this I didn't include it would of been  novel.  Today I talk to my older children. Today I live alone. Today I am in family court going for custody of my daughter. Today I am strong. Today I am sober. 2 and a half years now.  But this is why I write.  I am trying so hard now. I continue to do the right things. Yet I keep getting pulled back further and further.  I am waiting on a social security disability case appeal now that I am fully disabled...mental and physical. I try to work and I become depressed or my body gives on me.  With all this being said I am ready to take the next step of inviting my older kids or dinner.  But my table is a garbage find with one chair and my couch is a futon that just bottomed out.  I need help to get some new ones.  It might sound petty but after everything I have been through and to come out on top I go to church weekly and these little things come up and test me.  And this is just one of them. So I ask kindly for any help I am get.
Thank you
Jennifer Merritt

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  Stop Human Tradficking Please Help
Posted by: Elaeva - 10-14-2018, 02:28 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi all,

I am seeking help as I am trying to set up a shelter for survivors of human trafficking. Due to this happening to an acquaintance recently, I have decided more needs to be done.

The shelter/s would provide a safe place for survivors to begin to get their lives back. They would be helped both emotionally and practically so they may eventually work towards regaining some of what was stolen from them.

I cannot do this by myself and need as many people as possible to help, even just one dollar will go a long way.

Please donate to the following link.          paypal.me/elaeva

Thank you so much  [Image: heart.png] [Image: heart.png] paypal.me/elaeva

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  i have learning disabilities and cant get a job
Posted by: miller007007 - 10-13-2018, 09:47 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I had a nuerological psychological evaluation done by dr. Edward mike PHD. My therapist told me i probably do have learning disabilities when she looked at the paper. i have her cause i have ADD. which explains why i sucked so bad in school. math and physics were a nightmare. i cant go to college. theres no way im passing math and science. I tried working at penz oil burger king. mancinos. i had a work in interview. none of em hired m cause i failed at everything. folding boxes. NOPE. changing the dispenser for people filling up there pop. cant do that one. i couldn't tie my own shoes until age ten. to give u an idea. anyways im living with a friend. any help would be appreciated. if u want to get to know me u can request my email. even a couple bucks any help is good.

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  Help me to survive
Posted by: Yulia - 10-13-2018, 07:10 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, My name is Yulia, I'm 42.
I have never thought that I would be in such a situation, I always used to solve all my problems on my own... But no more strength to fight, I understand that I absolutely can not cope with my problem. During a year my life has turned into a nightmare. I changed work with a salary twice less than previous one, but I had two credits, and because of lack of money I got into a debt hole with the terrible word LOAN....(730% a year) My horrible character trait "all by myself" didn't allow me ask my frieands and relatives for help... I took the extra part-time work, but still there was enough money only for the renewal of the loans... Every day I went to bed and woke up with one thought "Where can get the money for the next payment." Relatives were terribly ashamed to admit it... In the summer I gave up, I realized that it is the end, there is no strength to fight, neither morally nor financially. I wrote applications to all organizations, where I honestly admitted that I can not pay more and I ask to restructure my debt...And here began... I live in constant fear for children, I receive up to 100 calls a day, I am ashamed of my colleagues, who also suffer from my problem. But the worst thing is that the loan componies have found all my relatives and now terrorize my parents. I burst into tears, I understand that because of me they may suffer from health problems. 
What to do? How to be? Honestly, I don't know. I work as a teacher in the morning and try to smile, the children are around, and on the way home, I roar and cry, cry,cry.... Children always ask me what has happened (I have three kids)...but I can't tell them.  I have already gained so much work, but you know in Russia teachers are low-paid, and there isn't  enough to pay my debts.. Help, please, if you can... I need any piece of advice. Unfortunately, but in my country I'm one on one with the problem..  I'll be grateful any help...

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Rainbow Baby due and need help with debt
Posted by: Sabwoman - 10-13-2018, 08:11 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi everyone, I'm due a baby within the next 3 weeks and I have been working really hard to pay off my debts, I'm quite close, I just need around £500 to cover them and then me and my son can start our life together debt free, any donation welcomed and I am a strong believer of passing things forward so once I'm out of debt I will pay it forward x

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  I give pictures for medical help
Posted by: slikar - 10-13-2018, 07:51 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


My name is Jovica Petrovic, I am a painter. 
I'm sick and I need to get
Rispolept Consta injections that are very expensive. 
Please help me by donating to PayPal account: 
I am grateful for any amount you can donate. 
You can see a medical report on this link: 

I want to give you some of my pictures, you can 
download them from this link: 

Thank You! Jovica.

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Music raising a voice and family
Posted by: jaredprior - 10-12-2018, 05:42 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Jared's singing career began in earnest around 12 years ago when his father obtained a music system and the family used to have music evenings where all would sing. Recognizing that he had singing potential he entered and won a local talent event. This was the beginning of a successful career as a local Singer.
At the above mentioned event he met a young singer, Jade, who took second place in the competition, and began dating her. Together they formed an entertainment duo under the name of “Prior Engagement” As a couple they performed in many local venues, weddings, corporate functions, to the delight of audiences from a wide range of backgrounds, age etc.,
Sadly, Jade passed away after a long illness very young leaving Jared to continue his singing on his own. He took up the challenge and has built up a strong following in the Western Cape area.
It was a struggle for a long time, until he met Monique who managed to bring him back to reality and helped him find himself. They have recently Through this the music has progressed and is now stronger in him than ever. Everything in his music career is geared around his family.
The Problem & Solution
What is needed: Two problems are setting Jared back. 1: He was left without a Vehicle when his was stolen shortly after his singing career started taking off and that left him in a financial loop, always trying to keep ahead but never able to quite make it. He is not able to go the normal route acquiring finance, because of the strict rules and regulations if one is a artist/musician. 
2: Progress and grow as a branded business a number of things are needed. The patrons at are requesting a CD which he needs to get into a studio and record. It is a very pricey thing to do but the return on sales of the CD's will outweigh the cost of the recording, printing and branding.
Due to having 3 kids to take care of it is just impossible to actually get ahead and be able to keep money aside for the recording. The vehicle issue has increased the weight of the problem tenfold.
The funds required would be to cover a reliable vehicle for the family as well as business. As well as cover the cost of studio time, printing and branding.

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  911 help needed. Mortgage in default.
Posted by: suziesunshine - 10-12-2018, 03:38 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Seeking $2800 to prevent default on my mortgage. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Questions? Please ask.


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Information single mom starting business. need help!
Posted by: fabigailross3 - 10-12-2018, 02:00 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I have a 7 month old baby and recieve no child support.  I work a full time job and am staring my own jewlery business.  Times are tough and I really need help financially to be able to pursue my new business to the fullest.  I would grately appreciate any help.  I am 19 and Im trying to build a life for me and my daughter.  Im going to be successful with my business but I just need a little help starting off.  Angel Heart

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