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  Purchasing a silicone baby girl
Posted by: TyA1rah - 02-23-2020, 08:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey, my name's TyAirah Hill. I need help to purchase a silicone baby for my anxiety. I have been dealing with stress and I need something to comfort me. I have always wanted one but I could never afford one due to bills. This money would help me get this special girl that I could never stop admiring about. I have try saving up but the bills are making it harder for me to save. I would really appreciated if everyone would help me out. Thank you so much and I love you all.

My PayPal is paypal.me/tyairahhill1

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  Need help for solo trip
Posted by: raman12370 - 02-23-2020, 04:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Dear donaters,

 I am 28years old female. I need 500$ help to make my solo trip to Singapore. I have already invested 300$ some for my tourist visa amount from my piggy bank. But need more for ticket, accommodation  and fares.this will be very first trip to explore the Asia. Travel is my hobby and passion. A little help from everyone help me to become my dream of solo trip true.
Thank you 
Please email me if wana help me

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  I need help to keep my home, desperate
Posted by: Sw2304 - 02-23-2020, 01:19 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

The last few months have my life have not gone to plan, I lost my job and have only been able to pick up part time temporary jobs since even though I am applying for jobs every day and have worked all my life until now I'm still not having much luck other than a couple of interviews next week

Me and my partner at the time had been having a rocky relationship for a while and he was the main source of income in the household but he ended up leaving me so I had to go onto benefits which barely cover any of the bills so I've been spiralling into alot of arrears with the rent and various other household bills

so on top of everything else my landlord has given me a deadline of the 19th of March to pay the full arrears or he is going to start the eviction process so even if I were to get one of these jobs I have an interview for I still won't be able to pay it on time

I genuinely feel like my life is falling apart and I'm struggling to get back on my feet so that's why I'm here this is my last resort and I would be grateful for any donation you can afford and I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this 


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Heart Desperately need help
Posted by: Otoolemel85 - 02-22-2020, 09:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi sorry I've never done this before,but ere it goes. I'm in desperate need of a new family car the one I got now is falling apart and theres  no way I can keep it much longer on the road, I am low income earner with two kids under age of 9. A 8 yr old who deaf and 2 year old little boy. I'm struggling to pay rent,bills atm and the car is bout had it. I do work part time/ casual as a cleaner and I use my car to go clean houses so if the car ends up failing on me then I lose my job,house and will have no where to go Sad . So if anyone willing help me just little bit I'll be so grateful. It would help kids and myself out.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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  Continue My Education.
Posted by: katrinah - 02-21-2020, 11:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]I finally decided to go to college, after being out of high school for over 3 years. I still live with my mom, and she gave me a choice, either get a job or go to school. I have been looking for employment for the longest, but never got a call back. My mom didn’t believe me she is constantly shaming me for being lazy, or accusing me of messing up applications on purpose, so I don’t have to work. She was  constantly pressuring me, so I started looking at online schools. I am experiencing a series of hardships due to misleading classes. I was under the impression the class would be online only, but quickly found out that wasn’t the case. The class was hybrid, which is a mixture of online and face- to face. I found out 2 weeks later, when I was marked as a no show, and dropped from the class or purged as they called it.  My financial aid was cut drastically, resulting in me no longer having  enough to cover my tuition.  I  quite enjoyed the courses and would like to continue my education; unfortunately my account has a hold which prevents  me from registering for the next semester. If I don’t pay by the 26th, I will be turned into the attorney office. I can’t afford to have higher interest which is why I'm desperate for some extra cash. My mom can barley afford to pay her bills, and she’s drowning in debt as well. Anything you can spare will be greatly appreciated. If anyone donates, I could return the kindness by doing any reasonable task you may need done. Thanks in advance. [/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]https://paypal.me/katrina545?locale.x=en_US[/font][/font]

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Posted by: ca318430 - 02-21-2020, 09:44 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello ?? 

I am trying to raise money for breast augmentation surgery. I have been saving for a very long time but it just still is not enough ?. I work a full time job and go to school time job so when I tried getting a second job I couldn’t make it work with my schedule. I am hoping to have surgery in April before my sister’s  wedding  but am about 3k short and just need whatever help I can get. 

Thank you generous strangers!


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  Emergency financial help
Posted by: Ehaines122 - 02-21-2020, 07:40 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Its taken a while to be able to swallow the pride to talk about this but I've been technically homeless for the last 3 months living put of my car and in between couches of friends/coworkers 

Just recently the most stable situation I had went belly up due to my friend moving to alaska unexpectedly. I suppose it's not terrible but it isnt ideal, I have si much debt its impossible to get an apartment by myself with how much I make and how many bills I have 
(Context: I'm in the california conservation corps. They pay us about 1750 monthly. Monthly. Roughly 75 percent of that check goes to paying off my debt  so by the time my bills are paid I have about 150/200 bucks to my name 

I dont know what to do or how to get out of this pit and it's really taking a toll on my mental health

My cashtag is $fleckmann if anybody is willing to help my situation. I know there are folks far worse off than me but I just dont know what to do

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Photo Help me continue studying!
Posted by: MikeMasters05 - 02-21-2020, 07:22 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello guys!

I am here because basically I want to continue my dream of studying photography!

Nevertheless Inhave been working and I have only been able to cover the fees but Indont have enough money for the equipment they ask at school.

I have some old computer and camera but now I have been ask to use more modern hardware (basically a new laptop and camera)

For this I need between $1500-$2000 usd

Of course any help is welcomed and I will continue saving money to study, but if you could help me with a little push I would be really thankful.

Hopefully when I fulfill  with this dream I can help other too!




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  Need to get back to work
Posted by: mburger12401 - 02-21-2020, 07:21 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

hi I am in desperate need of some help my Jeep broke down and there's no repairing it Uber for a living in bed or for 2 weeks I have gone through everything I have nothing left I haven't eaten in 3 days I sleep on a friend's couch ever since the death of my daughter who was murdered May 31st 2016 life is been horrible but it's just me now and my two little dogs if you can find it in your heart to donate so that I could go ahead and get the $215 needed to go ahead and put that down for a new vehicle so I can get back to work and that would be greatly appreciated donations can be sent to 

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  help tax wedding disaster
Posted by: precise505 - 02-21-2020, 04:17 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please help prevent a tax wedding nightmare!!! We getting married on April 4 2020, and have hit a snag. We have paid for most of the wedding, what remains are the caterer the cake. We were planning to pay for it with our tax returns, but now we have to wait an addition 4-6 weeks to receive our returns. This will be at or after the actual wedding. I' am begging for someone to help fix this disaster. I am requesting $5,000 I know its a lot of money we just don't know what to do. Please help David & Danielle!

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