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Rainbow Want some extra money
Posted by: jordanj931 - 04-08-2020, 10:37 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey people,

As you all know, COVID-19 is forcing a lot of people to stay inside their homes all around the world to prevent the spread of the super contagious and often deadly coronavirus. Due to this virus, I had to miss out on my trip to France which was supposed to be for 2 weeks, and now I'm really sad about it.

After this virus clears up, I'm wanting to take my family on a trip somewhere. Nowhere far particularly, I just want to take my family for a drive somewhere for a day or two. Some money would really help out with gas, and restaurants on the trip!

If you would like to support me, go to the link below, I would be so happy to go on this trip!


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Exclamation Jobeless, helpless and hopeless
Posted by: JaneDoe4Help - 04-07-2020, 02:36 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi there,

I am an 52 years old engineer. 

I have had a spine surgery and was placed 26 screws in my spine 4 years ago. 
Since then have been out of a job.

I've been looking job for a long time but in my country it is almost impossible to find one because of my age and health situation. 

After the surgery, I got fibromyalgia (what cause pain all over your body) plus osteoarthritis (what cause pain on your joints).

Now we are all in COVID19 pandemic and I am in self quarantine.

I can not even go to doctors for prescription of my regular medicine.

Our government didn't support us for the Coronavirüs crisis either, on the contrary they asked help (donation) from citizens!!

My city declared semi-emergency state because of Coronavirüs. 
I can't work, I can't go to hospital either. 

(You can do fact check all these via Google or something for Turkey) 

Now I am suffering financially and in  trouble. I have over $3000 in credit card/credit debt and I owe to my friends also.

(I can send all banking documents you ask as evidence.)

Please be sure that asking money for help is extremely hard for me but I exhausted all options.
I just wanted to try this and hope for support.

I appreciate anything I receive and thank you for million times.
My PayPal is --> 

God bless you all!

Love  Heart

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Wink Hey everyone!
Posted by: jordanj931 - 04-07-2020, 07:35 AM - Forum: Chit chat - Replies (3)

I’m new to this site, someone come say hello! Smile

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Exclamation Needing money for groceries during COVID Pandemic
Posted by: jordanj931 - 04-07-2020, 07:27 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone,

My workplace was shut down two weeks ago due to COVID-19 pandemic and groceries are starting to become expensive. Some extra help would really help take some stress off of me as not being able to work has left me stranded.

I encourage you all to go support other people who are in need as well, and to appreciate all the hard stressful work Heath Care providers are doing to treat the patients in hospitals during this time.

The support would mean the world to me:


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  Hello there
Posted by: TheRift - 04-06-2020, 10:37 PM - Forum: Chit chat - Replies (1)

Pleased to meet you guys, I'm new here. Hopefully everyone's holding on okay, it hasn't been an easy year.

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Posted by: Shintz123 - 04-06-2020, 10:12 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I hope everyone is safe during this difficult time. As most of you know, many people have been let go from their jobs. That would include me. I am 22 and am desperately looking for some kind souls to donate money. I am behind on my bills and am not sure when I’m going to find a job again. My cashapp tag is $shintz123. Anything will help! 

God bless!

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  Unable to find help for earthquake damage repair
Posted by: TheRift - 04-06-2020, 10:07 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello there, hopefully this isn't against the rules. I made this lengthy post on another platform already, but I wanted to share the link. 


Briefly however, I'm being battered by earthquakes at present in Southwestern Puerto Rico (well, everyone is). I've tried to find people who would chip in towards a funding goal intended to repair the house and keep it from collapsing, but nothing has worked. Due to the present situation I've neither work nor the money necessary to tackle this issue (Granted, this homes income is less than $4000 a year). The work itself consisted of menial tasks such as painting walls, or mowing lawns; it wasn't much, but it helped one get by. Due to the Coronavirus situation and quarantine however, I've no recourse, no refuge or otherwise. Many buildings have already collapsed in this and surrounding municipalities, but I can't go outside and risk getting sick, so I have to stay inside and hope the next earthquake isn't a big one every time one happens. On the beggingmoney post I attached photos of some of the damage to the house for those interested. All of you reading this who choose to help me get through this mess, and keep my house standing, thank you for your kindness. And to those of you who didn't, thank you for at least taking a brief moment to read this post.


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  Community Project
Posted by: King - 04-06-2020, 02:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

To whom it may concern

 Sports kept me grounded and focused my entire life. Sports helped me through High School and allowed me to achieve a BA of Economics; without sports I would have never succeeded. Growing up in Queens, NY; the community lacked basketball gyms and recreational center’s. We literally had parks and few High Schools gyms if they were available. We would have to travel to other towns in order to get to a recreational center. Although we have the YMCA, the YMCA is not big enough nor does it offer a wide variety of activities. The community was deeply in need of new programs and infrastructure. Jamaica is an area that once had almost twenty theatres in the vicinity before the RKO Alden Theatre closed in the 1980’s. For example, two decades ago people in the community either had to travel to Brooklyn or Valley Stream, NY to watch movies because there were no theatres in our community. Years down the line Jamaica multiplex opened in 2002 as part of the new Jamaica Center it gave the area it’s first theatre again since the 1980s ( a center with shopping stores and movie theatre ). We as a community deeply appreciated a movie theatre in our community. This form of gratitude is exactly what we want to bring back to our community again, by building a sports complex! At the moment we have the rendering and design. Our first goal and most important goal is to purchase the land which we have already located, and has been approved to build on. Purchasing the land is extremely important to us in such that we are helping to improve our community for the better.How? By purchasing the land we are able to take control of our community. In the most recent years many investors have tried to appeal to a certain class of people who do not live in the community and we want our infrastructure and programs to benefit all who live and visit Jamaica Queens. Recently, a handful of hotels and apartments have been built in the last five years, we want to help contribute to the process our community has started. The land goes for $5,000,000, at the moment we are negotiating. We are not asking for the entire five million but we ask for any donations. The city of Jamaica Queens will deeply appreciate the gesture, we are everyday people with a common goal.

If by chance have any questions about the project feel free reply back to this email

Thank you for your time and consideration


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  Struggling Because of Corona virus
Posted by: freefall1070 - 04-05-2020, 04:44 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

im a single father of 2 sons, i've been on unpaid leave since the lockdown started in my city im struggling to feed me and my sons, any help is appreciated paypal.me/madekris

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  Mega sore teeth! Need help please ?
Posted by: Misterman89 - 04-03-2020, 08:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi all.

I have a mega tooth ache (4 to be exact)

I need 1 extraction and 3 fillings.

I have been quoted $1300 to have all work done including xrays.
This is the last thing i needed as i have recently been made redundant.

My paypal link is below


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