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  Please Help Us Save Our Home
Posted by: Angie - 12-05-2016, 07:55 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My husband, myself and my 11 yr old son need help in saving our home from foreclosure.  We currently need $3,500 to help start the process in saving our house or else the bank will put our home up for auction in a few months.  I need to hire an attorney who can help us begin the process of fighting this foreclosure.   I have tried going to another website for help with no success.  Sorry if this is long but I am desperate and at the end of my rope here.  My paypal is sadiemiss@aol.com.  This is the email I am registered with at paypal.  Please read what is going on below, it is long but it explains what your money would go towards, I would never ask for money without explaining in detail what is going on and why help is so desperately needed. 

Our bank came to us in April 2016 and claimed we were behind on the mortgage which was impossible since we had been paying every single month.  The bank sent an escrow analysis as well as a Transaction History both of which showed inaccuracies.  The bank logged in the incorrect mortgage amount, incorrect principal & interest, they calculated the escrow incorrectly, they paid themselves twice for some months, they also took some mortgage payments and placed them into a suspense account even though our payments were in the correct current amount, they also cashed checks late in order to accrue a late fee which we were never made aware of which they now want to collect along with a supposed deficiency.  We had never received a statement nor escrow analysis from them for two years until April 2016 even though we had requested one for quite some time.  The bank was not willing to work with us to clear any of this up.  They gave their attorney the incorrect information, every single document from them says something different.  

In April we had an attorney who was representing my husband.  My husband had filed a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the Summer of 2014 which allowed us to keep the house and pay on any arrears we owed from when my husband had been out of work.  We would make one payment to the bank for the regular mortgage and one payment to a trustee for the arrears.  The bank, with the very first payment to them for August 2014, took that payment and back applied it to the year prior and did that for every single mortgage payment we made, unknown to us until April of this year....they were not supposed to do this.  

The bank literally back applied current mortgage payments towards Chapter 13 bankruptcy months that we were already paying on, so when they asked for a payment for August 2014 they were in turn taking it and applying it to September 2013 and did this all the way through for the next two years until it allowed them to turn around and say we were a year behind, when we really were not.  We would send them a payment for $830.67 and they would log in a payment of $884.98 and take the difference and place it into an unapplied account, they would also take some entire mortgage payments and place them into a suspense account--in total they've placed $13k worth of mortgage payments into a suspense account and then claimed there was nothing in the suspense account.  They miscalculated our escrow, started our escrow with a negative balance, overcharged for principal & interest, made various multiple deposits into escrow at times when there should not have been, they posted our checks at times 14 days after we mailed them and they made sure it was posted after the due date in order to accrue late fees. 

When we told our attorney about all of these mistakes in April he was very distant about it & seemed uninterested, which confused us.  Turns out he only handled bankruptcy and wanted nothing to do with contesting mortgage payments and only wanted to handle bankruptcy, he told us we should find someone else (true story, he really said this).  He then went missing in action, we were unable to find him, he would not answer e-mails or phone calls, the last time we heard from him was in June 2016, six months ago.   When the bank wanted to take us to court to lift the automatic stay in bankruptcy in order to proceed with foreclosure we had to represent ourselves in court, our lawyer never showed up which angered the judge, and us as well.  The bank did not show up, but they did have a rep appear via speakerphone who lied in court about everything.  Since the loan is in my husband's name, and not mine, I was not allowed to speak in court which hurt us greatly aside from not being represented.  The bank originally claimed we were behind 7 months, then in court claimed it had been a year, then in September claimed it had been 18 months-in the incorrect dollar amounts & dates, their story keeps changing.......yet the judge ruled to lift the automatic stay regardless of the fact that I provided to the court all of the documents and check images proving we had paid & what they were doing with our money in order to essentially fabricate a foreclosure.    

I was finally able to find an attorney who specializes in this issue but I have to pay him for his services, he is our only hope, and I do not have the lump sum of $3,500 to pay for the attorney to help us.  We do not have much time left, a sheriff was at my door this morning to serve papers because now it is a civil matter & we have to go to court in the county so they can decide to foreclose and then auction the house off early in 2017.  Hiring an attorney will not only delay this process but can help us get the right legal defense that we need to fight this and help us stay in our home, this bank is literally committing fraud and they'll get away with it and literally steal my house of 13 years because of their poor accounting practices and fraud.  Since June I have contacted my local congressman, local senator, local newspaper, the FDIC, the Dept of Justice, the CFPB, the NCUA, and a million other things but was constantly told it's a legal matter and that I need an attorney and they could not help us.  I've been phoning and e-mailing feverishly for months now begging for some kind of help in any form or fashion.  This attorney I spoke with 3 days ago can help us, he can provide a proper legal defense as us going pro se defending ourselves will not work and has not been working.  It's been like a nightmare where you're screaming but no one is listening, I did not skip out on my mortgage, we paid it every month, the bank was doing many things with the payments to where they made it appear as if we weren't paying.  I can't allow them to do this to us. 

My son is 11 years old, he has autism, bad enough we'd be victims of fraud and allow our home to be stolen by this bank but my son having to leave the only home he's ever known would be absolutely devastating for him, if there's anyone I'm doing this for it's for him.  He needs to stay in his bedroom in his home in his same school.  If we have to leave our only family is out of state, my husband's job is here however so my husband would stay here & my son & I would have to move out of state, we'd all be split up divided by states, all because of the bank, the only way to keep my home and keep our family together is to hire the lawyer who told me he can have a forensic auditor to examine what they did which is what is needed to prove to the court in a more professional manner what is really going on, that they cannot foreclose on a home where the homeowners paid the mortgage every single month.  I cannot keep my family together if I cannot afford this attorney.
I never ask for money, ever, but this time I am at the end of my rope and I am desperate and going to  my last resort measures by asking on the internet.  I otherwise would never ask or beg  but this has been the hardest fight in my entire life, it has taken it's toll on all of us physically and mentally.  I cannot for the life of me fathom how one can lose a home when they've been paying every month, and the bank had been claiming it was up to date and current, until one day they decided it wasn't and their documents show what they did.  I have proof of this but I need the attorney for legal representation, I need help hiring the attorney and I am begging and pleading for someone to help.  If I could just find 3,500 people to give just $1 it would save us a world of heartache, and my son a world of pain, this Christmas,  I'm trying to have a normal Christmas for my son but I'm increasingly finding it hard and I'm  getting tired and I don't know what to do anymore, everywhere I turn there's a brick wall.  I don't know what else to do.  All I have left is to ask for help on the internet.  I have to put my pride aside for my son no matter how tired I am.  I know we got screwed over by the bank, I have proof of it, I just need the attorney and time is running out and I'm gradually losing hope.

This is not a case of a family who skipped out on the mortgage or obligations, we did what we were supposed to do, we paid every single month like we were supposed to, in the current correct amount as the correct amt was filed with the court.  I have no idea how they can get away with this and I don't want to live in fear anymore inside my own home that we'll be split up in a few months.  Please help us the way you would want to be helped if you were in this situation.  Anything can help, a dollar, two dollars, if I can find a bunch of people to help then I can pay the lawyer his fee to get the ball rolling.  The court date in county court is in January, if we're not represented legally I fear we won't be successful.  I worry for my son, it breaks my heart, the entire thing just makes me physically ill.  My paypal is [email=sadiemiss@aol.com]sadiemiss@aol.com[/email]  anything you can give would be greatly appreciated.  I am not some scam artist, I am a mom and a wife who is trying to avoid losing my home here in Pennsylvania and I'm trying to raise whatever I can to help us and fight this wrongful foreclosure.  We were not one of those who bought more than we could afford, we were always frugal, the bank misapplied our payments and only an attorney can help.  please PLEASE help us, please. This is all I have left is to ask online, I don't know if it will work but I'm willing to try everything I can.  Thank you for reading and please please help if you can.

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  Veteran and Disabled Wife Need Help
Posted by: AlmaGitana - 12-05-2016, 06:52 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone,
I am sad that it has come to this but My husband and I need some help. I cannot work due to my partial paralysis and epilepsy, and my husband got let go from his job recently. Our 10 year old is making a Christmas wish list, but we are not going to be able to fulfill any of it because honestly we can't even catch up on our bills. My disability check covered the rent, but nothing else. We need at least 600 to handle just the bills, that's not including money for food or anything else. Ideally if we could raise a grand that would get us by, Christmas wise, I just hope he understands that this year didn't work out how we planned.

If you can help click here

Best wishes and many blessings to you all!

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  Help me
Posted by: Ivan - 12-05-2016, 03:06 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone, I want you to ask for help, unfortunately I fell on hard times. I worked as a bartender, but on Condition of health do not allow me to work until proidu treatment. But go to the hospital, I can not because I do not have a residence permit and my policy is not medetsinsky detsstvitele. I was offered to do a residence permit, but for the money, they want $ 500. But since I'm not working, I do not have the money. Moonlighting in different places, but the money for life is not enough, only enough to rent the room. Help least one Dolar, I will be grateful to you. PayPal ivanborovensky@gmail.com Purse and card number 4377 7237 4273 8705. In advance thank you.

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  Desperately Need Help
Posted by: mandyev - 12-04-2016, 09:10 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

  1. I am a single mother of a beautiful, sensitive,  gorgeous, intelligent boy with a kind and loving spirit. To be truthful I am humbly and genuinely amazed that I was able or had the capacity to raise such a lovely human. Whyi say this is solely on the fact that I endured a horrific childhood. I suffer from depression and am bipolar.  I cannot maintain a job. I have attempted may times. I need some kind of asistance. I cannot pay rerent or provide the basic needs  to my son . I will soon be evicted, I have to choose between my son eating or paying bills, we'll it's an easy choice. I really need some immediate help. My time is running out

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Posted by: gregmacar - 12-04-2016, 04:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

is this what we are all here for?  i have not had any payments sent to my paypal.  this is just a start. i know. th epoint of money is to save. the feeling you have when you have money is calm. the other is a hatrid. that is also a illness. 

ok so here is the latest on my life. i am now disabled.  a recent snake bite from a rattle snake. left my left hand 3/4 parallized. my middle finger is usless. it is actually parallized. i get severe pain when i bend my finger. this is no good! this leaves me with out a way to work or other. get work.  I at this time have to start over! meaning. ith my life. ideas other.  here is an example today i was helping my dad. dig. i hit my middle fingle twice pretty close in time part. i got sick! looks like my health and the pain. connected to me has totaly crippled my aspect of health. ive got to take things slow slow on everything.  thats why my idea. of maybe lets talk. lots of you private. and lets see if i can you get you to regulay donate to me. . what else am i going to do. 

aworkmansplace@gmx.com    my email directly. we can start of there or if you want to give me a balloon payment feel free!

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  Help to get back on my feet.
Posted by: RN-N-NEED - 12-02-2016, 11:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, my name is Steven. Thank you for taking the time to read this! For the last 10 years I had the honor of taking care of my disabled mother. She passedawY August of last year after a long fight with COPD.  I paid for all expenses because here disability check went towards medical bills. The last year I had with her a lot of debt was accumulated. I was using credit cards at this point to pay for groceries, utilities, and any other unexpected bills. I used the credit cards because I didn't want her to know we were struggling so bad. I wanted her to be able to enjoy he final days not worrying about bills. She had struggled all my life as a single mother.   Im am  well over $10,000 in debt. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! 

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  i need help
Posted by: mnsharp82 - 12-02-2016, 03:57 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a single mother of two children. I just switched jobs for better pay and more hours.  Within two weeks of switching they cut my hours.  I have had to get payday loans to help pay bills.  Now I can't afford to pay them or my bills.  I have looked for other jobs but am not finding any. I have looked for loans to help pay the payday loans but my credit is not good enough.  I don't qualify for state assistance because I fall in the donut hole. The child support that I am court ordered to get but don't always get is included in my income.  I am now swimming in debt and don't know how I will afford bills . Also one of my children has been diagnosed with major depression and I have had to take time off to support him through this tough time.  He just seems to have more and more things coming at him.  So now there are medical bills on top of the other bills I owe(rent, phone, utilities, etc...). I have even tried selling my antiques, jewelry, and collectibles and no one is interested. If anyone could or would help it would be greatly appreciated.

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  I just need a leg up!
Posted by: hope1 - 11-28-2016, 07:56 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I need about $5000 to secure a down payment for a vehicle and insurance,tags, tax's, etc.
My previous car bit the dust and it's left me in a dire situation ( lost job because of it ) I just need a leg up, I'm also willing to pay back that amount if that's what it takes, I'm about to loose my apt, I have 2 credit cards with a total of $700 credit ( maxed ) utilities are due, food is running out.....I don't know what to do and I need help quickly!.....PLEASE ANYTHING YOU CAN HELP WITH!......Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post, I appreciate it greatly.

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Thumbs Down husband took off. No money with a child to feed
Posted by: Tkeiser - 11-28-2016, 12:37 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Someone help me. Im a stay at home mom. My husband took off a week ago, with all our money. And I have no groceries, and our rent is due. I have literally no where to go and no money to my name. anything helps. 


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  Need help
Posted by: Chelle614 - 11-27-2016, 05:26 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello! My name is Michelle, and this is my story.
I am experiencing a financial hardship in my life right now as doors shut on me that has caused a struggle in my life. I was let go from my job, I am homeless and sleeping in my grandmother's basement on her floor. I am experiencing weight loss from the stress of my situation, no help from family, and learning that I honestly have no one. I cannot do crowd funding sites as my Facebook is of all the people who know my situation and careless about what I am going through. 
As I was out inn the road to correct debts I established from student loans, I am now unable to pay these as I exhausted all my resources. 
I am in need of getting me a car to get out to put applications in or interviews. I am in need of money to get back out on my own because my family is giving me certain time here but offering no help. 
Everything and anything is greatly appreciated and I plan to pay it forward to help the next person or persons that is on need. As this is what I have always done when I was up on my feet. 
My contact information is: msinglove330@gmail.com or PayPal.me/mlovesgod 

Quote:Again any donation is greatly appreciated and I cannot thank you enough

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