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  Living In A Tent - Unemployed and Need Help
Posted by: Tristahx - 06-17-2021, 10:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi! I lost my job because of covid and as of May this year I lost my apartment and have been living in a tent with my 2 cats. My cell bill is at $227.21 right now and I need it to search for work and talk to my son, who lives with his dad, and I cant afford to pay it this month.  I also struggle with food. I always make sure my cats are taken care of first which usually leaves me with little to nothing for myself.  Anything you can spare is greatly appreciated and would really help! My PayPal is https://www.paypal.me/tristahx

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  A girl with a dream
Posted by: casseckert - 06-17-2021, 08:22 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi im 21 years old and im on a cross country road trip with my best friend. We have officially gone broke about 10 states away from home. we want to keep going or at least have enough to make it back to where we belong. i typically work as a waitress and also as a bagel baker, but as i have been traveling i cannot work. please help us live out our dream of finishing our roadtrip. 
venmo: cassidyeckert
cashapp: $cassidyeckert
paypal: https://www.paypal.me/cassidyeckert

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  Need help with rent.
Posted by: Robbslife1 - 06-16-2021, 11:54 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’m a construction worker. Work has been real slow. So slow that I am currently looking for another job, even willing to take a pay cut.  I have $150 towards $1325 rent.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don’t normally ask for help, but I’ll take what I can get. Thanks!


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  The best gift you can give today
Posted by: kittygirl78 - 06-16-2021, 08:27 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am looking for anyone that can help make a difference in my life by the gift of giving. Everyone has their downfalls but I seem to be experiencing a down pour or a tragic tsunami that is getting worse by the minute. I recently got married and 2 nights before our wedding our car was stolen. We did not have insurance  and all of my husband's tools were in the trunk. This is about $3,000 worth of tools which one tool was his miter saw. He is a finish carpenter so without his saw he can't work. He can't get to work without a car. We were unable to get our kids to the last week of school. We couldn't go on a honeymoon because my husband  was unable to finish a job we were counting on so there was no money. We care for my 89 year old Grandma and we have 4 kids. We are broke and have no way of getting a car or replacing his tools. We have tried to get a loan and keep getting denied. We desperately need a car, nothing fancy, so my husband can go to work and slowly start rebuilding his tool kit. It is not safe especially with children to not have transportation. If they got hurt we couldn't even Uber to the hospital. My husband is so depressed that he is giving up. This devastates me. Everything just keeps getting worse. Our phones are shut off and we have no money for food. This is the lowest I have ever been. I am praying for a miracle that someone can please help us out. We will pay it forward and be forever grateful. We are starting over with nothing. We are good people and don't understand why this has happened to us. This is my last option and this is very hard and embarrassing. Please help us get on track, you will help our family survive. Thank you for your kindness. My paypal donate link is: https://www.paypal.com/donate?business=M...y_code=USD

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  Nowhere to turn... Financial aid due to Covid Crisis
Posted by: nubiangal_107 - 06-15-2021, 12:17 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter as it is my last resort. I have been laid off my job due to the Covid crisis. It has been almost a year and I was not able to secure another job. My mother and two sisters who I am residing with are unemployed as well. I am well aware that this pandemic has affected me and other people across the world financially, physically and mentally and my story might not be different than many others but I have no where or no one to turn to. At the moment we have become very short on funds even just for food and paying rent since all our savings have gone. I have an ongoing loan and I have debts that I need to settle, otherwise I might get into legal trouble. I am also on undergoing treatment for thyroidectomy for which I am taking medication and my medical insurance will expire next month. It will not be renewed since it was provided by my previous company so from then on I will have to pay for my medical expenses from my pocket. I have always strived to be an independent girl and now I am in despair and my hands are tied and I cannot do anything to help my myself, let alone my family. To whoever reads this message, I will be truly grateful if you will be able to assist me with whatever you can during these hard times and to ease my financial burden. I am asking for a donation of around $40,000. It will help with covering the rent, debts, medical expenses, basic house allowance for now until I am able to land a new job opportunity hopefully in the near future. I have attached a photo of my termination letter for your reference. I have covered my name and my Company's name due to security reasons.
I have attached my Paypal link: https://paypal.me/ddl1015?locale.x=en_US 

Thank you for your time and kind regards,

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Heart Helping Hand with My Car
Posted by: clhalljr - 06-14-2021, 07:16 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi my name is Chris(clhalljr). Am in need of your financial assistance with paying off my car note. Have a 2015 Honda Crv and its 6 years old and need help asap! Have $11,600 to go! Am taking donations! Any donation amount is accepted and would be appreciated! Feel free to give today! Thank you!


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  Please help
Posted by: Lunawolf00 - 06-14-2021, 04:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Let me introduce myself. My name is Sarah and I am here to ask for help. I got into a falling out with my family over their controlling ways and then moved in with my friends family. Due to covid and other personal issues, I haven’t been able to work and then with leaving my family, I had to give up my car since it was under their name. If anyone is willing to help, the help would be towards helping with food and getting a cheap car so I would be able to drive to where I would be working at when I do get a job. 


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Exclamation I am in desperate need of your support
Posted by: rvps2001 - 06-14-2021, 12:23 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


You probably think I'm just another sponger. That's completely understandable.

But the simple truth is I've lost my job and instant noodles have been my daily ration for quite a while now. 

I'm on the verge of despair, so every dollar will be greatly appreciated.

PP: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/rvps2001 
WebMoney: 123828312862
YooMoney: 41001510804424

Thank you for any help you can provide.

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  Cat injured by car, need help with vet bills
Posted by: hutchie_91 - 06-14-2021, 07:30 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I've never done this before, but not really sure where else to turn. My cat (pictured, pre-accident) is currently at the vets with at least a broken leg, if not more, after being hit by a car after getting outside.

The car is currently staying at the vet while scans and treatment are progressing. Vet bills will come to at least $900, possibly as much as $2000, unsure as to exactly how much until all the tests and everything get back. Bills will be paid for one way or the other, but I'd really like to be able to eat this month too. As much as I love Australia's public healthcare, it unfortunately doesn't extend to vet bills.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I really hope that one day I'll be in a position to pay it forward, I truly believe the only way we all move forward is by helping one another.


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  Please help my family for survival
Posted by: tamiw - 06-13-2021, 01:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Dear kind supporters and readers,

I would like to ask for your kind help. I am really struggling and desperate for any help I can get. Have already sought all help I could get and I feel quite ashamed having to ask for help but have no other options now...My family has been hit by series of unfortunate events ever since Covid. I am the only one with a job now and I need to support my entire family for their basic living.

My mother was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer and has been going through ongoing treatments. This has put significant financial burden on our family. Both my parents had stopped working previously due to their physical and mental limitations so the additional expenses have hit us hard. We have a huge debt to pay off already and I have taken on extra work during my spare hours but it is still not enough. 

I have been under tremendous stress to make money and it has caused myself health issues as well. I had shingles, luckily had recovered but with all the stress, I'm really scared it will return. I really can't handle this myself anymore and this is breaking me down. I am trying my hardest but I can tell my performance at work is getting worse due me being at my limit after the restless days from the stress and additional work I have had. I'm really scared that I will lose my job because of this and lose the only income we have.

I know I need to keep finding ways to make more in order keep up with all the expenses. I'm already trying my best but it is still not enough. This is really crushing me physically and mentally. I ask for any kind help you could spare to relief me even a bit, would be really really greatly appreciated...

I've had people questioning validity of my case because it might sound like another scam story or as such.
I'd just like to clarify that I wouldn't be spending all the time and effort to type so much and and feeling shameful for doing this for a slim chance of getting support if this wasn't true.
I wouldn't be posting if I didn't need help. I could spend all these time enjoying a good youtube video with hot chocolate rather than pulling out my hair worrying about the upcoming expenses. 
I'm not sure how to prove this without providing personal document. All I can say is the story is real, and I need help just like many others and any kindness is appreciated.


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