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  Need help to move home
Posted by: Grandma68 - 07-25-2021, 10:31 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am 68 yes old and I want to move home to Indiana in early September.I am now living in Kentucky and I'm not happy  where I'm at.I don't get much widows benefits and I will have to pay somebody to move me and my stuff  and I'll have to go to a motel for a month to give me time to find a place to live I can afford .I have a daughter living there but she lives with other people so no room for me.She can't help me because she is on monthly check. I miss her so much.I am so homesick and want to go home soon. Any help I can get will be greatly appreciated .

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  Gas and electric bill
Posted by: kfield217845 - 07-24-2021, 06:07 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi im katie and need a little help till my next pay day. I have an electric bill of 97.67 and i need gas for my car. I get paid next Friday and am struggling rn until then. Any help is greatly appreciated https://paypal.me/katiefield2?locale.x=en_US  

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  Just trying to get my head above water...
Posted by: DogMom813 - 07-24-2021, 02:46 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi all.
I'm going to start off by saying this isn't an emergency. Since the age of 13, I've held a job. 
Through covid, I've held a job. Through relationships, marriage, divorce, loss of loved ones, I've always managed to get by on my own. But I'm getting so worn down. 
I've always just barely made ends meet. I'm 28 now. I lost my dad/best friend when I was 19. I still have my mom, to an extent, but she is schizophrenic and trying to do her own thing. And I'm there for support, but trying to give her the independence she needs. Through everything, I've had my dogs. They're my whole world. I managed to get the house in the divorce I just went through, but on one income, I'm back to living paycheck to paycheck. Every time I try to take advantage of what seems to be a good opportunity, it just costs more. I have ideas to start certain businesses that I really have faith in. I just don't have the funds to do it. One of my dogs has epilepsy, which costs a lot in medicine and tests, and I help my mom, on top of taking care of every bill by myself to hold my world together. I just cant...get my head above water. As soon as I feel like I do, something breaks, and I'm drug back under. I guess what I'm asking, is that if anyone has been through something similar, I could really use some words of encouragement, as I don't have anyone I'm close to anymore, or I could even talk business ideas and I'm more than willing to do my part. I just need.....something. I don't even know what right now. I feel like, instead of fighting for air like I've always done, to just succumb to it...and the only thing stopping me right now is the fact that my dogs need me. I owe them that for everything they've given me. But anyway, if you're interested in maybe getting supplies for business ventures, or just feel a bit of kinship and want to throw some advice my way, anything is welcome, except criticism. Trust me, I'm the best one at that when it comes to me. Thanks for reading though. 

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Exclamation I want to move out from my toxic parents house
Posted by: Ela - 07-23-2021, 04:24 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

 I'm currently living with my parents. I live in miserable conditions. I'm forced to sleep in one bed with them since all space is occupied by my dads things (he has hoarding disorder, also he's a narcissist and extremely toxic) and I can't buy myself a bed. My salary is really low. I'm still at high school but I'm also working full time. I promised myself that I will leave this city and start a new life after I finish school but I can't gather much money since my mom takes almost all of it from me by manipulating me. My parents robbed me of any sense of privacy and they are really controlling. The only thing that keeps me alive is the thought that one day I'll maybe be able to leave.
I also have a septum deviation and other health issues.. I try my best to gather money but I'm afraid that I won't be able to gather as much for it to be enough for my nose surgery and for my new start in a new city.
Please, if you can help with any money, it'd be really helpful... And even if you can't, that's okay!  I wish you all abundance, love and good health! 

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Posted by: AshleyUK - 07-22-2021, 05:25 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

In need of an emergency food shop. I usually rely on my father. He passed away in June and have no form of income. I'm currently waiting on benefits. I literally haven't eaten in a day. I may have to beg on the street. I don't want to expose myself to that. Any donations will be much appreciated for an emergency food shop as the upcoming weeks until I receive benefits is going to be tough. Regards - Ashley

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  Really in need of some prayers and help
Posted by: katehazelwood5 - 07-22-2021, 04:00 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Three weeks ago today I found out I was pregnant, a month before that my now ex boyfriend left me because I was to emotional and clingy. I was never prepared to be a single mom and definitely wasn’t financially prepared to do alone. I’m barely making ends meet right now with bills and having to take off work due to morning sickness lasting all day. This will be my first child and I’m beyond excited but far more stressed than I’ve ever been. To anyone willing to pray please keep me and my baby in your prayers and to anyone willing to help out financially my cash app is $katelynhazelwood venmo Kate-Hazelwood and PayPal https://www.paypal.me/katehazelwood5 I really appreciate everything

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Information Need your help very badly
Posted by: rvps2001 - 07-21-2021, 01:38 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I've lost my job due to the COVID-19 pandemic and can't pay off my debts.
I'm on the verge of despair, so every dollar will be greatly appreciated.

PP: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/rvps2001 

Thank you for any help you can provide.

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  Please help. The stress is literally killing me
Posted by: Sw017601 - 07-20-2021, 10:35 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

I'm praying to God someone reads this who would be willing to help because I need help before it's literally too late for me and I am really scared.I feel terrible all the time, I'm always exhausted and I'm working myself to death even faster trying to earn extra money and find some way to save myself  almost around the clock even though nothing has worked out for me and even though I work so hard at it. I'm under way too much stress, my hearts been giving me problems really bad... It feels strained more and more often and sometimes I get chest pains that don't go away for a really long time. I get really out of breath really easily now and really fast and sometimes for no reason at all, sometimes I even stop breathing in my sleep, although I hardly sleep at all anymore.. I'm dealing with a lot of things that I really shouldn't have to and often treated really badly and for no reason other than the fact that there's nothing I can really do about it anymore and I have no one to help me. And I get so tired so fast but I sleep very little. And I am also disabled and chronically ill and suffer from severe chronic pain. I also suffer from major depression, anxiety, social anxiety and PTSD. I also have insomnia. I am in a really bad place and I'm surrounded by people who are constantly taking from me and using me because they either just outright  steal from me or they use the fact that they easily  can see that I'm vulnerable, I have a good heart, a lot of compassion, and I have a hard time saying no to people when they ask me for something. And they trick me into believing that they are decent people instead of predators and master manipulators, drug addicts and criminals. They do it so well that I actually forget what they really are and help them anyway when they ask me and because that's what's in my nature but when I see what they really are or I remember all of the horrible things that they have actually done to me while pretending to be my friends to my face but only when it's convenient for them and if I ever need anything there is never anyone who is there for me or will help me. And they keep taking even though they know I really don't have anything and I never get it back. Then I'm just left feeling angry and stupid and used. All I've ever wanted to do in my life is help people and that's all I've tried to do all of my life. I spent years of my life and even got recognition for volunteering and did it until I was no longer able to. So, it's hard to go against your own nature even when the people who you're helping are only hurting you and you can't even help yourself. Despite the fact that I know that I'm not ok and I'm trying to keep my hope and to keep fighting but every day now at least at one point during my day I find myself wishing I could die just so that I don't have to be so miserable and suffering so badly and always going without. I'm have almost nothing, I live off of very, very little and I only got the first stimulus payment and I support myself, another person and I have dog who's my everything. I'm in a program for people who have health problems and are at higher risk for COVID and they put homeless people in motel rooms but they have done nothing other than that they promised to do, all of the services they offered was all a lie and never happened though I've repeatedly asked for help and they have told me that the program is ending soon and I have less than 30 days to find a place. My heart condition is getting so much worse so fast, I have no help, no family and I'm still going without even basic things that I shouldn't be going without and I physically do less and less. Being under so much stress is cutting my life short and killing me faster and I have nowhere else to turn for help. Please all I ask is for compassion and understanding and any other help you can give. I'm praying someone reads this and can see that I am sincere and I need help. Please, please help me before its too late for me. My cashtag is $BrokenLookingGlass0. Thank you for reading this.

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Posted by: beyondwords - 07-20-2021, 05:02 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I like many others find myself in the challenging position of having to ask for financial assistance. 
A year and a half ago due to COVID I lost my job for a few months and hustled between jobs that required help during this time. I have previously helped coworkers and friends who also needed help but have now recognised that my actions have put me in a compromising position. Our state has now gone into a lockdown again however this time around I live on my own. Due to no longer living with an abusive ex and only just scraping by I am not left with no option but to rely on the kindness of strangers for help. I have mentioned my situation to the landlord but I am very aware that there are hundreds in the same position also looking for a way out. 

I'm not looking for a crazy amount, and every bit really goes the longest of ways. So thank you, for taking the time out of your day to merely read this. 

If you decide to lend a helping hand my link is paypal.me/myysoap

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  Plz Help Need Dentures
Posted by: Annacant82 - 07-20-2021, 12:43 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi I’m just praying that someone could bless me and help me get some dentures I had all my teeth pulled in October 2020 and I can’t afford to get them and my insurance doesn’t cover them here In Kentucky. I’m so ashamed and embarrassed to go anywhere or talk to anyone but I work 6 days a week and can’t afford them I have to pay my other bills that are priorities I would just love to smile again I haven’t smiled in 10 years without feeling ashamed and ugly I have found a place where I can get them for around 1000$ I would be so grateful to anyone if anyone could help thank you I can send you proof of my mouth also 

Cashapp is $andrea031482

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