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  Huge debt- IVF Fertility treatment
Posted by: Gladiator81 - 10-08-2022, 10:24 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

“Money doesn’t buy happiness”! I have been repeating this expression to everyone until I became broke with huge debt and my life stopped with no hope to recover. I forgot that “Money can make a difference”. I didn’t imagine that one day I will be hopeless and seek for stranger’s donation. I have been donating to charities and individuals for long time after university graduation in 2004 and I thought that I was doing great. When I found this website, I felt ashamed that I was helping only the people I know, and I am shocked to discover that there are people with good heart visit such donation campaign website, searching for people that needs help. Hats off to you all, today I have learned a beautiful aspect of human beings, in the current times.
I am here because I became broke financially with huge debt that I will breakdown in the post as under. I have been married for 9 years with no kids, and I work as senior engineer with low income in the construction domain in the UAE. My issue started with a bank loan to do IVF fertility treatment which ended by with 3 unsuccessful attempts (Total 30,000 USD). We stopped trying because I need a special analysis and treatment due to Sperm DNA Fragmentation which I can’t afford. My father had been diagnosed with Bone cancer in 2018 and unfortunately, he had lost his fight in April 2020. Cancer treatment is very expensive everywhere, I topped up my bank loan and used my credit cards plus borrowed some funds from friends. For instance, my father had his last 30 days in coma and the hospital charged 1000 USD/night (Room charge only) in the special care room in a hospital in Lebanon. In April 2020, we had salary cut which make my situation even worse. Since then, I am struggling to pay my rent, utilities bills, bank loan, credit cards and paying back to my friends. My income is half what I must pay every month, so I keep borrowing money from friends until I reached a point I can’t borrow anymore. I started in 2022 to default some CC payments or utilities bills and my credit score declined. Some friends advised me to run away and go home but I can’t do this, I must pay back what I borrowed from the bank and give back the hard-earned money of my friends. Moreover, I have no country as I am a Palestinian refugee, and my wife is Syrian. Every month, I pay all my salary as payments to all parties and start borrowing to get food and transportation again. We don’t go out since more than a year. We stopped visiting doctors although we have more than 7 serious health issues. I don’t have a car and no bus nearby, so I have to use expensive taxi everyday to go office (20 USD daily for about 70km both ways). I am stuck with this circle because I can’t find better job or increase my income or decrease my monthly payments.
I have been trying and trying hard to pay my bank loan, personal loans from friends and family, late credit card payments, late utilities payment and flat rent. I am not allowed to apply for any banking facility. I keep begging people around me to borrow small amounts of money, I have lost most of my friends and some are threatening me to get into court. I keep borrowing and the debt keep increasing due to late payments with hight interest rate. A salary cut due to COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing and can’t find a better pay job. I always look for a night shift job or anything I can do for money, but unlucky at all. I am convincing my wife to get divorce so she can continue her life with better husband as I am hopeless, my nightmare is getting scarier, and correction is almost impossible.
I know my debt is huge and needs a miracle. I seek your help in anyway that I can settle the balance amount of my credit cards and friends’ private loans. Then I can still pay my bank loan for the next 40 months from my salary, but at least I will have enough money to take food back home. Also, this can help me to take the required treatment for myself and go for IVF fertility treatment, I wish we can get a baby as my wife is turning 42 years after two months.
Key facts: (As of 8th Oct 2022)
·        Bank Personal loan: 126,493 USD (464,230 AED)- My fund raise excludes this loan
·        House Rent loan: 621 USD (2,280 AED)
·        Credit Cards Total Balance: 22,343 USD (82,000 AED)
·        Private Loans from friends: 86,973 USD (317,670 AED)
Hence, I am asking the help of total amount 112,000 USD, excluding my bank loan which is 126,493 USD. I will attach my bank loan status as a proof, I can provide any other required document.
I feel very embarrassed to ask money from strangers, but I need to survive and must do anything to stand up again. I am writing this request after three disaster years of financial issues, although I am still looking for another job with better pay and looking for any part-time job. I have tried to do any online job but all needs capital. I am senior engineer working in the construction sector, however, to build another stream of income, I have learned many different skills to work as freelance but unlucky to get one simple job. Using YouTube and different channels, I have learned how to build websites, digital marketing with paid Ads, drop shipping, product descriptions, content writing, translation, graphic design, logo, online customer service. I offer my service for free to anyone help me with any amount, but for a reasonable time considering other donator’s requests.
I know all of us have different issues to deal with, if you have read my story and unable to help, please send your prayers and I am thankful. I wish you a life full of happiness, peace, success, healthy, stability and satisfaction.


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  Desktop help
Posted by: boomboom3716 - 10-08-2022, 12:10 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Anyone wants to help me get a desktopSmile I (20M) would like one just to take some stress away. Living and studying in singapore its stressful when everything is about studying and academics. I'd ask my parents for some money but my father refuses to get me anything that he doesnt see the use in ever since i was 8 and my mom doesnt have much on her (they're separated, father earns much more than my mum, mum's been through alot, idw to bother her with this) but living has been a chore for quite some time and i just want some respite from hectic life here.

paypal.me/Nickindadum any amount would help hehe Smile

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  Facing Eviction
Posted by: cl0udc0m3t - 10-08-2022, 11:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, my name is Kayla. I am 23 years old, and I work full-time as a manager at a fast-food restaurant. I love my job, but admittedly it doesn't pay the best. I probably should have looked for something with better pay by now, but this was my second job(I've been working here since high school!), and I have a pretty good work relationship with my bosses, making it hard to leave. Until recently, I was living with my boyfriend, and I thought everything was going well. Still, last week he moved out while I was at work, stealing all of my money and blocking me on all social media with absolutely no context or explanation. My rent was due last week, and my pride is saying to get another job to get the money that way, but realistically there isn't enough time, and I'm terrified of being homeless. Even if you just stopped to take the time to read this or shared it with someone who you think would care, it would mean more than I could ever put into words. My PayPal link is PayPal.me/KSInb or my cash app is $ksinbody99 thank you!

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Sad 2022 and the Fiasco That Came With It
Posted by: Lele718 - 10-08-2022, 09:07 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am single mother of three adult children, and grandmother of two. I have been out of work for a little over 2 years now, because of PTSD and all the mental health issues that accompany it. I am now on a very limited fixed income through disability, and recently one of my daughters and her son have moved back in with me with no income of their own. I am usually the helper, not the helpee. I have always been extremely independent, so asking for help is very hard for me. When I went on disability, I had a very lucrative job, and had managed a substantial savings, but that is gone now. Also, when I went on disability, I had to relocate to another state, because I thought being closer to family would be better, but it had been 20+ years since being “home”. After being gone for that long, I knew no one, and made new friends. I have learned the hard way now not all people are good. Most of my savings went to helping others in need to later find I was being scammed. 

In January 2022, I opened my home up to a woman in need. I thought she was in the same situation I was in. I knew what it was like to struggle on my own, and I was happy to help someone maybe not have as hard of a time getting on her feet as I had in the past. This other person prayed on my kindness and made out like a bandit. She was gone by the end of May, and most of my stuff was too. She took money, clothes, jewelry, electronics, appliances; she took whatever she could or whatever she wanted, and in the end there was nothing I could do about it, because, ultimately, I opened my door to her and allowed it. As incredibly painful, humiliating, and enraging the situation was, I knew it was my fault for trusting and giving. I had no one to blame but myself, so I sucked it up and kept going. I replaced what I needed to, got over the rest, and put it behind me. 

A few months later, in July, I was taking another friend out of state to start a new job. About 120 miles from home, my ac in my car started to blow hot air. I am in the south. That can not happen. With the heat index, it was over 100 degrees outside, and simply rolling the windows down would not do it. I managed to get back home, but my car was done. My air compressor locked up, so it couldn’t cool the car, but, also, my main belt for my car runs through the compressor's pulley system. This means, when I turned my car off, it eventually just wouldn’t start anymore. I knew the repair would be expensive, but this is the only vehicle I have, and my daughter, 3-year-old grandson, and I are all dependent on it. 

I scheduled the repair with the dealership and figured out how to get it there. I had done my research and known the repair was going to cost me around $2000. I had $2700 left in savings. This situation was certainly not ideal, but it was doable. The following day, the dealership called me and told me that my motor was locked up and sent me an estimate for $43, 608.64. Y’all, I about died! I can buy 2 or more brand new cars for that! I told the service writer there was no way that could be a correct cost to repair my engine, but, also, I seriously doubted my engine needed a replacement. I explained the main belt and compressor situation, had a friend go to the dealership and show them how to start my car, and they reassessed it and sent me a new estimate for $1,901.82. Much better! I approved the request, and the car was going to be repaired within a week. A week with a small child and no car for an entire family is rough, but manageable. I was grateful I had the funds to cover the repair, even if it was going to take most of the savings I had left. 

That evening, I was explaining my situation to another “friend”, simply over conversation. He told me he could fix it for much cheaper than the dealership. At first I told him no, that I didn’t want to bother him with the repair, but he convinced me to let him do it to help me save some money. The next day, I called and canceled the repair. He went and picked up my car with a trailer, and he took it to his shop for the repair. He told me it would probably cost me about $600-700 for everything and he would only have it 3-5 days, depending on parts. 

After a few days, I contacted him about getting an update on a timeframe. He told me the parts had just arrived at his shop, so about two days he’d have it back to me. Five days passed. I called him again, he apologized, said something had come up, he had to go out of town, and told me to get a rental for a few days, and he would reimburse me for it. I did not do that right away, but I did eventually get one. Almost three weeks had passed, and I called him again. I couldn’t get him on the phone, text messages, Facebook Messenger, not even going to his house. He would respond with very vague replies in the middle of the night of “just a few more days”, “sorry, I am going to cover you though”, or “Monday”, if there were any responses at all. This man did not borrow a movie or a couple of bucks without returning it. He had my car! 

Sixty–three days later…. Yes, you read that correctly…. I finally got my car back. All of my savings are gone from having to get a rental car, and my daughter having to have her wisdom teeth removed. My car still has no AC. Somehow the compressor is bypassed, so it runs, but it sounds horrible. It was returned to me in the middle of the night and left in my driveway, the tires were all low, all my warning lights are lit on my dashboard because it needs to be reset with a computer, my gaslight was on and it was blinking “zero miles until empty”, and my car is filthy inside and out. If I would have approached him about doing me a favor, these things would still have been unacceptable, but he convinced me to let him “help”. 

Now, my savings are completely gone, my fixed income barely pays the bills for 3, and I still have the $1901.82 repair, I need new tires, and I also need 2022 behind me, and my faith in humanity restored. I am not accustomed to asking for help. I am not even very good at accepting unsolicited help (case in point above), but I don’t know what else to do. I make an attempt at supplementing my income selling crafts I make, but my crafts do not bring in that much. I, as well as my family, will be so thankful for even the smallest of donations. Every little bit can get us closer to the total. Even if you can’t donate, but you come across my story, and have been in a similar situation, I hope it makes you feel better. You are not the only one that has fallen prey to these types of people. I know after my first incident at the beginning of the year; I was feeling pretty low and beating myself up for falling for her scam, but two in one year! Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and please, heed some caution when helping (practically) strangers.


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  Hard time for me and my girlfriend.
Posted by: piotrulek13 - 10-08-2022, 05:57 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. I am Peter. Last year we decided that we would leave and live together. But it wasn't the best decision, but maybe it was. We have a tough situation now because she got sick and I can't sustain everything myself. I am only 21 years old and working as a helper on the construction site because only there is some worthy of money. But now it's very hard. I try my best to please not only myself but us. I know that it's stupid to beg for money but I'm really in a hard situation and I'm not able to cope with it myself. If you would be able to help me extremely grateful even for a small donation that could help me in some way. I also wanted you to leave a trace so that I could one day repay you for your help! In addition, I feel terribly bad that I have to ask for money because I never lacked them and now I understand it. Thank you in any case for your support and for your time spent reading. I wish everyone health and support each other. Thank you.


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  Rent/Car help please!!
Posted by: Melly - 10-05-2022, 04:48 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone,

I’m in desperate need of help with my rent due Oct 15th. I’m already past due on my car payment 2 credit card bills. I’m like many living paycheck to paycheck and I’ve just been making it but month I will not. Asking for rent help do once I get paid on the 14th I can pay my past due balances.

Absolutely anything helps! Please and thank you in advance - PayPal.Me/mellyw95

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  Car Repair Needed
Posted by: xmaddingox - 10-05-2022, 12:49 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

In urgent need of help. My car engine threw a rod and it will be around 3k to get a used one and put in to replace it. Need it to get to work. Thanks for your time.

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Sad Should of listened to Judge Judy
Posted by: AuntCocolife4 - 10-04-2022, 09:51 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello! I understand that there is more need than there is help. I find myself writing this post as a plea of desperation with the hopes of something or anything coming from it. I've landed myself in a debt without recovery in the foreseeable future.

How did I get here? Last summer a close family friend needed emergency dental surgery w/ no means to pay for it. Her parents were out of the question to help, her brothers struggled more than she did, and she didn't have anyone to turn to. We had the same (great) full-time job, but I also happened to have good credit. Dental pain can be some of the worst kind of pain, and I didn't have the heart to see her suffer. So I co-signed for a $5,000 loan.

Shortly after cosigning for the loan our job ended their contract abruptly, and left us with no income. I found out that the first two payments weren't made when my credit score dropped by 100 points! Long story short, she failed to give me any login information to monitor future payments or to communicate if she was unable to pay. In fear of this pattern continuing, I called to pay it off in full with what savings I had.

I also started a 2 year Radiology College program, and now am unable to have a job due to it being full time. Needless to say, I am in the hole and am struggling to keep up with the day to day.

I should've listened to Judge Judy..... She and Dave Ramsay both advise against cosigning for friends, family, etc. without a written contract of sorts. Both Judy & Dave are wise and lead by example through their success in life. Situations like this happen all the time, and relationships are ruined.

If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read!! If you feel led to help me out in any capacity, I am so so SO thankful for you. <3


Venmo: @connob4

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  Need some help to pay utility bills
Posted by: TiranJ - 10-04-2022, 09:07 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. I kinda had to skip last month's utility bills for a few weeks to fix some unfortunate damages on my laptop. I need my laptop for my final studies at uni. I am a temporarily unemployed student from Sri Lanka. I thought I could come up with the money on time with help of my side hustles but unfortunately, I couldn't. I already earned a few but am still short around 38 USD. They already temporarily disconnected my internet connection and I have to pay the electricity bill before the 12th. Please help me if you can. It has been really hard to make a good income in my country for the last few months with the dire economic situation. It's more like surviving now. I am grateful for your generous help. Thank you.


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  Short $40 on Utility Bills
Posted by: TiranJ - 10-03-2022, 09:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey everyone, a Sri Lankan uni student here. Sorry for bothering you but I am desperately in need of some cash to pay my utility bills. It's been a rough few months in here with the dire economic situation in my country. I kinda had to skip paying my last electricity and internet bills for a few weeks, so I could fix some unfortunate damages on my laptop to continue my final studies at uni. I have managed to save some money at the end of the month but even though the prices of every single thing in the market have skyrocketed and taxes as well. But I am still around 40$ short to pay my bills and they already disconnected my internet connection temporarily. I would be grateful if someone could help me out here.  Thank you 

Please donate to me if u can.

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