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  A blind woman looking for help to save her dream business
Posted by: Donthavetoseetobelieve - 01-14-2023, 09:47 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

This is my fourth attempt at finding the right words to say. I never thought I would be asking strangers on the internet for help but I seem to have exhausted all other resources. I don't exactly know where to begin.. I am a blind woman and like most I have struggled throughout my life but was given a glimmer of hope last year when I was offered the chance to become part of a program that helps people with disabilities your training and go back to work. Not only would I be going back to work but I would be owning my own business. I dream I had had for many years. So even though we knew it would be a struggle and we knew it would be hard my fiance and I decided that I should do this program. I cut my hours drastically at the job I currently had which set us back financially to begin with but somehow we muddled through the 6 months of training and I finally was able to prepare to open my own business. However it took several more months and they told us it would they moved us to a city 2 hours away from her home promising that we would start work immediately after arrival this didn't happen we did not open our store for 3 months we use what we had in savings for a wedding to barely screw it by.. but we finally open the store and we thought things would be going great but then my fiance couldn't find work and his mother's cancer returned wake up behind on rent and bills and car payments barely could help his mom with her medical needs.. but then business started to pick up and we thought things were going great until early one morning a couples of weeks ago put the business in jeopardy y and now I need money to help save it and my home I have tempted to get a regular loan but both my fiance and I don't have enough credit and my business is not been open long enough. I need at least 3,000 for my business to survive but any other help would be greatly appreciated funny my fiance and his mother.
Thank you for the wonderful human beings who read this and for those who want to help.

I also apologize if my grammar is not very good and this post like I mentioned I am blind and so I am using the talk to speak option and sometimes it doesn't work the best with the grammar and punctuation.


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Heart Anything helps.
Posted by: LilR3D978 - 01-12-2023, 05:47 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I’m not even sure if anyone will actually see/read this. So I suppose I really don’t have much of anything to lose going out on this limb. I’ve never done this but I’m  exhausting all resources at this point. 

I fell unemployed right before the holidays and things are starting to get really tight and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t starting to worry.. 

I’m a single mom to a bright beautiful little boy. Over the last almost 7 years I’ve raised him on my own with no help from his father whatsoever.  Doing anything needed to make sure he was taken care of. Even if it meant getting little to no sleep working 2 full time jobs to make ends meet or traveling out of state for weeks at a time and spending any bit of free time with him. After being out of state on and off for 7 months I couldn’t stand being away so I tried to find a more local employer so for once my son could have is mom home at night for the bedtime stories hugs and kisses so many of us received as children. 

I found a job helping people in recovery assisting them in their program and giving tips and tools to help move forward down their roads of newly found sobriety. I was elated to have such an opportunity beings as I, myself am also an addict in recovery with a year sober from alcohol and 4 years from drugs. Im thankful to say I get to keep fighting everyday since I got sober. 

 I started my new job and things seemed like they were going to work for the better. A few weeks went by and I started to notice things that made me feel uneasy. Whether it was how the clients were being spoken to or wrongfully treated because other employees saw them as less than the mud on the soles of their shoes merely because they chose to use drugs. I kept my thoughts to myself for a while because I couldn’t risk stepping out of line and losing the one opportunity I had to be home every night with my son. 

The day came I finally had enough when I spoke out to my supervisor over a matter I had overseen and told him my thoughts on it. (Mind you he knew my background and everything I never kept it a secret). My supervisor looked at me and only replied with well you’re not much different than them right? So if not here what else is there really for you? My blood began to boil and I made the best decision I could. I walked out of the building immediately and never went back. 

I’ve been doing odd jobs, side work, cleaning homes and vehicles just about anything to make money to keep up while applying for jobs online, in person, going to work place centers. Trying to hold my composure and not disrupt my son’s schedule and routine and stability. 

I know times are tough for everyone and that so many more out there are struggling worse than myself. I pray every day for things to start looking up again and I know they will in a matter of time. It won’t be like this forever. We will continue to pray for the better days that’s are soon to come. Whether it’s financial help or simply keeping us in your thoughts and prayers with us and for us. Anything will help and know it’s all greatly appreciated. 

Cashtag: $BabyDuck978

Thank you again for your time. 
-A Grateful Mom?

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  Medical costs for surgeries, physical therapy and cost of living expenses
Posted by: Besosbroken - 01-10-2023, 09:35 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi There,

After moving to another state, I was more than thrilled to be living in an area where I could get good pay from a nationally recognized company who I dreamed and intended to retire with. I had worked in this kind of job with UPS in my home state and loved the work. I got a job with the company I dreamed of working with, which started before all construction and safety tools were available to be put into place for the job. Still, I was determined and I worked hard and showed up as dependable, because every company has some kind of startup growing pains. Weeks and months passed and all the safety things were repeatedly promised but the most important ones never came. In training we were told don't ever go out with XY + Z, but then push came to shove and we were told go out without it, or your fired. Many of the safety needs still are not in place. Demand pushed the need and threats overlooked the safety and compromise of the employee's. I got hurt on the job and when a rep noticed the blood on my hands and ripped gloves, he asked if I was okay and told me to rest up and he would see me tomorrow. Due to not having the proper equipment to move large loads or get around in the snow and ice and wind, I suffered three more injuries. I knew that things can take a long time to heal and I just simply hoped things would get better. I kept pushing through as my employer told all of us to. The last injury left me nearly unable to walk and when I checked in at the end of my shift, I reported the injury to the company and instead of agreeing with me to get it checked out, I was told it was my Friday, so heal up on my days off and show up on my next scheduled day. But the next morning my knee was three times the normal size, stuck in a bent position and I couldn't put any weight on it and that was just a part of it. I was seen by a doctor and forced to file a workman's comp claim. My employer didn't file paperwork within the timeline given and wasn't held accountable. I filed all the paperwork and then was left hanging by them without a way to get the needed MRI in a timely manner. By the time they filed the paperwork admitting responsibility and clearing me for the MRI, enter full Covid mode. I spent the pandemic in isolation and in pain with nothing significant being done for my injuries. When Covid lifted, I was yelled at by the company HR rep, threatened and mistreated and was told they just wanted me off the books. Shortly after, the infamous attorney I had hired, changed his tune as well. I appealed to the WC and had a hearing in which I was unfairly left in a position of never being able to get replacement representation for the case. My TDP stopped at this time and I appealed the DIME. I paid $1,000 to be seen by a doctor whom I never got to help choose. Still I was hopeful since I was paying for the appointment, I would be treated fairly. The doctor joked about playing a judge on TV and told me he never gives the patients what they need unless they will beg him for it and the way he said it, he was asking for a "favor" in exchange. He did give me a disability rating but said he had to give both sides something because he has been doing his job for 40 years and he doesn't want to create enemies. He agreed I need surgery however they weren't going to pay for it. He suggested I get another job, and not tell them about my injuries and then just go through them to get fixed because obviously I would be putting myself into a position I wouldn't be able to do without my injuries flaring. He told me, just don't use the crutches when you go for the interview. I don't know how our system is so messed up. The Orthopedic Surgeon who told me the only way for me to get close to back to normal at this point is going to be with surgeries and extensive physical therapy. I need $148,000 to be able to have the necessary medical care to recover. Besos, doesn't care that I got hurt on the job working for his company. A company I wanted to create a legacy through and have a good retirement life. I am being left behind with permanent injuries and cannot work. Please help me get the needed medical care to be able to hike with my kids and play with my grandbabies. Please help me get back to me and back to my family. I have been left to suffer for the last three years and it has certainly taken its toll, physically, emotionally and financially. I am Besos broken and I'm being left behind. But I am refusing to give up and I am asking you to not give up on me either. I still have a lot of life to live. Please help me live it better.

Thank you


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Smile Motor home window and door broke have no door its raining
Posted by: Theresahaslostallhope - 01-10-2023, 12:18 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please my window got shattered and my rv door ripped completely off and in pieces. I dont have money to buy food so i can definitely not fix my RV, its been raining here for days please can anyone help.please im begging. https://cash.app/$TheresaTheOneAnOnly

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  Get paid to play on phone
Posted by: Shelly - 01-09-2023, 06:35 PM - Forum: Work From Home / Make Money From Home - Replies (3)

You get paid to play games.  It is free!  When you download a game it tells you what you need to do to get the money.  Most of it is just leveling up in the game.  Some of it is to buy stuff with real money in the game but they give you money back.  You don't have to buy anything and can do any tasks that you want!


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Lightbulb The never ending struggle with Alzheimer disease
Posted by: malliscore - 01-07-2023, 04:59 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

“I am an elderly man suffering from Alzheimer's disease. It's a tough condition to live with, as my memories and thoughts become increasingly jumbled and confused. Sometimes, I can't even remember the names of my loved ones or the events of my own life.

It all started when I began having trouble remembering simple things, like where I put my keys or what I had for lunch. At first, I thought it was just a sign of aging, but it soon became clear that something more serious was going on. My family encouraged me to see a doctor, and after a series of tests, I received the devastating news that I had Alzheimer's disease.

The hardest part is not knowing what the future holds. Will I eventually lose all of my memories? Will I be able to recognize my own family? These are scary thoughts that haunt me every day.

But I try my best to stay positive and enjoy the present moment. My loved ones are incredibly supportive, always reminding me of happy memories and helping me to create new ones. We take walks, cook together, and play games to keep my mind active.

It's not easy living with Alzheimer's disease, but I am determined to make the most of every day. I am grateful for the love and support of my family and friends, and I hope that one day, a cure will be found for this devastating condition.”

The above is what my father wrote 4 years ago. I translated it from greek to english. He can still remember us now and then, however he cannot move at all without serious help. The vast majority of everyday tasks are extremely difficult to accomplish. The whole situation is a time and money pit.

Allow me.to tell you a few words about myself:

I am a nurse living in Athens. My name is Stamatis, and unfortunately, I hate my job. I work long hours for little pay, and the job is physically and emotionally draining. I am constantly surrounded by sick people, and it can be overwhelming at times. I do not own any land or have any significant assets, and I am barely able to afford the rent for my small apartment.

Like many places in Greece, we are facing economic challenges. Despite these challenges, I am forced to work as a nurse because it is the only job I can find. I have tried to find other work, but there are few opportunities in Athens these days. The economic crisis in Greece has hit the city hard, and many people are struggling to get by.

Despite my dislike for my job, I try to remain positive and find joy in the small things. I have a small balcony where I grow a few herbs and vegetables, which helps to relax and clear my mind after a long shift. I also go to a small olive grove, and the process of caring for the trees and harvesting the olives is therapeutic for me.

Life is not easy for me, and I often feel trapped in my job as a nurse. However, I am grateful to have a roof over my head and food on the table, and I try to find meaning in helping others. I may be poor and unhappy in my job, but I am rich in spirit and I am thankful for every day that I am alive.


The reason i am writing all this it's because we need help. Financial help. I am far from being able to provide a semi-decent life to my father. Any amount you can spare is more than welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read all this. God bless you. 


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  i need a very small amount, please consider helping
Posted by: eddie315 - 01-07-2023, 01:14 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am completely broke atm, but I have an errand to do to get money. I just need a few dollars for commute. A dollar will go a long way. Thank you.


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Thumbs Up Ergent help needed
Posted by: Karrenie - 01-06-2023, 03:47 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Need ergent help for 2 children they don't have parents.they need food cloths,school needs 
Thank you

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  Easy money
Posted by: MayDon87 - 01-05-2023, 04:26 PM - Forum: Work From Home / Make Money From Home - No Replies

Get $35 when you sign up, and everytime someone clicks my link i get $2 and $15 every time someone signs up with my link


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  Help being ill is going to make me homeless
Posted by: FHRain - 01-05-2023, 10:29 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, thank you for taking the time to read here's my story.
In 2019 I moved to go back to university and study nursing. Then COVID happened and I was working as a nursing assistant and continuing my nursing placements and uni work. I pushed myself to far to fast and worked myself into a mental health crisis. I took a few months off to address this and the week I started back I ended up in A&E with perimyocarditus. This was Halloween 2021. Since then my health has deteriorated I am in constant pain. I'm so exhausted going down the stairs can cause me to collapse my iron levels are chronically low and lymphocytes chronically high. I have a surgery coming up to do a biopsy looking for lymphoma an appointment at a breast cancer clinic an appointment with a gastroenterologist and a gynecologist who suspects endometriosis. I don't know what is wrong with me and I don't know if it's something easily treatable or something terrifying. I have had to drop out of my nursing course and leave my job. I have had a terrible time applying for funding I was initially denied universal credit because I was technically still a student so I had to wait for the uni to finalise things then reapply. I have yet to start receiving PIP because the form keeps getting lost in the post which is ridiculous. I have yet to be approved for not fit to work because they have such a high backlog at the DWP due to COVID my application has yet to be looked at. I'm at risk of losing my universal credit as I'm to ill to get in every 2 weeks and I can only stop doing that once I'm approved not fit for work. I am behind on all my bills and struggling terribly financially and genuinely to ill to do anything about it. I'm only 27 I feel like my life's already over and if this illness doesn't kill me it will leave me broke and homeless. I need £1500 to catch up on all my essential bills and anything over that I can use to get some food staples toiletries and maybe even some heating. I know everyone is struggling right now but I have no one to ask so if anyone can spare anything to help it would be most appreciated.
Thank you for your time and consideration
Here is my PayPal and gofundme 


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