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Late on rent

I am so sorry for even making this post.
But I am very much so struggling.
I am late on half my rent, $750, which I need before the end of this month. I am on Disability, and started a new job, but I don’t think I am going to make enough at this job before the end of the month. It is only part time, and I just found out I am pregnant and have been struggling to make my shifts due to morning sickness.
I am so stressed, and I don’t know what to do
I have no family that could help me, and I am going to lose this place if I can’t pay my rent, I have no where else to go

If anyone could help, even the tiniest bit, something is better than nothing. Any penny I get from here would go right to my landlord to keep this place. It’s my fiancé and I’s first apartment together, and we’re really trying to keep it.

Normally we’re fine, our disability covers rent and then some, but my fiance just got added onto my cheque this month and it got messed up, but everything is fixed now just have to catch up on rent.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this
And thank you so incredibly much if someone decides to help me
Make sure I know who helps (if anyone), so I can pay back when things even out for me!

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