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  Please help my daughter application fee
Posted by: ashley10489 - 05-28-2017, 08:42 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello I am a single mother who works a a full time job my daughter just graduated 8th grade we live in a bad neighborhood and I don't want her to go to the high school by us there is the private high school that gives out scholarships to people with good grade which she has i have spoken to so someone from the school and after looking over her grades she qualifies only problem I have to pay for the application fee which is 200$ i asked if they could waive it or maybe discount they said I must pay the fee which I don't have after paying bills and buying food I just don't have a extra 200$ all my money goes to trying to keep a roof over our head any help i would be very grateful she really is very smart I just want her to feel safe in her school and a school who actually cares about education she wants to be a child psychologist when she grows up she really loves children here is my paypal like     paypal.me/Ashley344    please please help I really want to get her in this school thank you

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  Not begging just asking kindly for a little help
Posted by: vharris1211 - 05-28-2017, 06:02 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

All I am asking for is a small financial amount to get food until I can go back i.to employment I haven't eaten for a while and I have tried everything soon I will have to go omto.streets even a quid would help pleSeessage me and help

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  I am in need..near to sucide
Posted by: Animesh1984 - 05-24-2017, 07:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Dear Sir,
I don't know how you react after reading this message may be laugh and think of the geniunity of mine
But God know I am not fake....
I am Animesh and I am from Bhopal...
2 years back I was in job and earning good money then I started my business but because of some unfortunate incident I had heavy losses....

Now I am going to sell my home car and all the things to finish my overheads..
But still I am Rupees 15,00,000 short from my total debt.

I don't want to earn money by doing nothing... Now I am earn again but these overheads take me back...
I have a family... and I don't want to finish myself... this money is not for me ... I need to close some overheads....and anytime I will finish myself...
Please if you can please help...
Sorry to message like this but I don't have option because due to these overheads banks are not giving me loan.. and now I don't have any thing to mortgage.
Hope I will get something..... please help.... I beg you on my knees... I don't want to do suicide..

My contact animeshfl@gmail.com

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  Single Mom Dangerously Low on Funds
Posted by: amrobles - 05-24-2017, 04:21 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, my name is Anne. I'm a single mother of twins. I'm 24 and about to finish college (Nursing) in about 4 months. I'm months behind my bills and really need any amount you guys are willing to give out. I work 2 jobs then go to school every other day. My parents are doing all they can to support me, but can only give so much since they have their own problems too.

I only wish to give my children a better life than I had.

Please help.

Paypal: amrobles.me@gmail.com
Bitcoin: 37w5SaYvEBR5i6TmDTZ52ZAYrXNivzrvQt

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  Trying to get transportaion to work
Posted by: ErryGirl86 - 05-13-2017, 09:11 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi I know this is a long shot and a last resort , but I don't know what else to do. I bought a car 3 years ago it was in and out of the shop for the 3 years I had it..I bought it because it had a "lifetime warranty" on it, which was a load of crock. Nothing that ever went wrong with it was ever covered. I hace spent over 3 grand in repairs in 3 years im tapped out. It finally broke down to the point it needed 1,00 in repairs and now I had no way to get to work..So i missed about a week  of work since no bus runs to where i work and its too far to walk...need less to say I was 2 days late on my payment and they repoed me...now they want 923 to get back a car that is not even running ...so i decided to let them take it...but now i really am in a tight spot because I have no vehicle at all.......all I need is about  a grand to get me some crappy car to get me  to and from work and so i can also get a second job.....im just trying to get my head above water at this point...if you can help thank you if not pass it on....  paypal.me/ErryJ

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Posted by: gregmacar - 05-12-2017, 02:17 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

seeking a mentor, or friend wanting to help me save again. aliright paypal only.  email me

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Exclamation Need gas after carjacking
Posted by: Unabominatio - 05-05-2017, 09:58 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am currently traveling from Philadelphia to California to start a job next week. I stopped in Portland, OR and grabbed a motel room to catch some rest. i woke up about five am to beat traffic and went to start my car.... a minute later a large half dressed homeless man approached my car with a gun and took 768 in cash from me. i know no one here and need some help with gas 

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  Suddenly Homeless & Desperately Need Help
Posted by: Konspiracy - 05-03-2017, 08:31 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My mother is about to move to Texas and my father is homeless as well, and he's developed a drug habit that's made him unreliable. I was forced to move in with my employer from the flea market, and we've both been living in his van.

Today, the manager locked us out of the flea market. My employer's bosses have apparently not been paying the bills for the spot, so now we've lost our only job.

I don't have a car, and I've been trying to find a job, but I don't have reliable transportation. We are about to lose our spot where the van is parked, and when that happens, we will have nowhere to go. The van is still not running, and we don't have the money to tow it, and we have nowhere to put it even if we did. I've been trying to see a doctor at Cherokee because my leg has been hurting and giving out due to an old injury I received when I got hit by a truck. It's been hard having to walk everywhere with all my belongings on my back and my leg acting up all the time. 

I'm at the end of my rope, and I don't know what to do anymore. We're stuck and we don't have anything going for us.

I don't like to ask for money, but I have no options now. I planned to get an RV, but things haven't been working out well enough. Really, I think an RV would solve a lot of our problems. We'd be able to travel to the other markets where my friend used to work back when he had a working vehicle, and we would always have a place to sleep when worse comes to worse. That's primarily what I need money for.

I can't entirely rely on my friend for this because he's older & has a list of health problems that prevent him from doing a lot of the work he used to do. I have to do something.

I have to find a job, get a vehicle, and get on my feet. My friend doesn't have any benefits or retirement, and I don't have any insurance or savings. I had a plan for my home and a job lined up, but I didn't know I'd be without a home so suddenly. I was relying on my fiance's car before I ended up single.

I really need to get an RV and start over. I'd appreciate any help you could give us. Thank you.

You can donate here, or if nothing else, please spread the word; https://www.gofundme.com/qn6fj8-homeless-need-help

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Heart Malaysia's Dream
Posted by: TjRenee - 05-02-2017, 02:50 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Shy In the Fall Semester of 2017 , I will be attending Howard University. Ever since I was kid I always dreamed of going to  the illustrious Howard University. The only problem is that Out-Of-State Tuition costs $12,554(yearly). I only received an on campus job from FAFSA, because I didn't want to be in debt. I also work 3 jobs while currently finishing high school. I haven't had any luck with outside scholarships. My mom is not right financially right now to help me, so I'm paying for my education on my own. I was accepted to two other schools ,University of Mississippi and Clark Atlanta, who both offered only FAFSA and no scholarships. I've been having a really hard time lately. I really want to go to Howard. I will be working at other jobs as well as my on campus job. I am in the Top 10% of my graduating class. I am a great kid with Mostly A's and A Few B's. I take Honors classes and have no disciplinary or attendance issues. I work hard in all my classes and always do my best. I know it sounds pretty cliche but I do all those things. I'm not like most people, and most people are not like me. When I get to Howard I want to attend Howard's School of Business to study Management, because after getting my Undergraduate, I want to be my own boss and start my own business. I want to start out small then expand. I'm only 19, but I have huge plans for myself. I really want to go to college to better me and my family. Both me and my older brother are first generation. He wants to study in Dentistry and will be attending University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. I graduate from school on May 25, 2017. When my name is called, and walk that stage to receive my diploma and handshake that's when I'll know my journey has just begun. I'll know I have made my mother proud, me and my older sibling. My mother always told me and my brother to be better than she ever was. She also said,"Never go through all the stress and struggle to end up with a job, end up with a career. Something you'll never get tired of." Her voice echoes through my head everyday while in school telling me to give up and keep pushing towards the end, now I know it's all been worth it. I live in Mississippi. All I'm asking for is $7000 to get through the first semester then I will be alright until the income starts to kick in. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. Smile   If you would like to donate please use this link: paypal.me/tjrenee

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Wink To buy book loan
Posted by: herijanto - 05-02-2017, 02:28 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi Everybody,

I am a teacher in a private school in Indonesia There are about 350 students. We have a visiting library program once a week. But the most students are not excited to read. They feel boring because the books are not up to date and various. they want to read novel for teenangers that they have ever seen the books just like in the books store in town. But they did'nt find them in library.

Since that time i tried to think how to buy some new books or novel books for teenangers, i tried to think harder until I bought 5 novel books for teenager with my money. I offered that books to the students. they can bring home, but not free, they must pay IDR 10.000 (around $1) per 15 days. In my surprise, they grabbed all the books immidiately. And they pushed me to bring more books every day.

and now I have around 100 books, i bought these books from the loan of my friend. i don't think i can pay back the loan in this month. i still have $200 loan. SAomebody please help me. i am waiting for your help. thank u.


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