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  I need to buy a new donor liver. Please help!
Posted by: RichardT - 02-04-2018, 02:19 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello all,

6 months ago I was diagnosed with
liver cirrhosis. My doctor says that I
need a liver transplant (a new liver)
and has placed me on the national
waiting list. But it takes a very long
time to get a donor liver. I know where
I can get a new donor liver abroad for
about $55,000 plus the transplantation
and medication costs of about $10,000.

If you decide to help, please send your
donation to my PayPal email address
First, you need to login to your PayPal
account at http://www.paypal.com
Then send the money to this email
Please help.

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  In need to get away
Posted by: ItsMe - 02-02-2018, 05:32 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

The past month has been hard on me. I ve been feeling depressed a lot... i dont really seem to enjoy any part of life ...i have hard time going to bed or even waking up the next morning...it feels like i hit a low point in my life...thats basically why i am here i didnt even know things like this existed...i have this friend that we talk almost everyday and is really cheerful and always tries to find the positive outcome out of anything...i ve talked about visiting but i dont have money for my stay or my tickets...i mean i ll obviously live to my friend since thats arranged but i cant afford going out or even ordering food or whatever...i basically want to take a vacation for 5 days to get my mind off of those things ..i wanna feel alive again and i feel that going to my friend is the only way... im in need of my airplane tickets basically so i can grab a plane and leave...it costs around 300 euros and some money that i have for staying there will hopefuly make me see the bright side of life..i understand its kinda ridiculus asking for that but i really feel i need it .
Thank you for your time reading this.

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Exclamation Help me buy food
Posted by: MatthewJ1999 - 02-02-2018, 05:09 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

University student completely out of money, been trying to get a job for 3 weeks. Nowhere is offering me a job and Im practically out of food and Im hungry, all ive eat this week is 3 peanut butter sandwich's. even £5 would be amazing just so i can buy bread and milk :'(


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  Help me
Posted by: Kati - 02-02-2018, 12:02 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I need help 6900 e 
I lose home If i dont pay that.

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  Can someone please donate
Posted by: registered - 01-31-2018, 05:17 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Can you please donate money? I need about $1500, for car repairs and phone bill. This is really hard for me to ask for help especially on line, but I am all out of options at this time. If I don't get my car fixed and my phone bill paid, I could lose my job. I live paycheck to paycheck like most people but my car broke down and had to use my phone bill money to make a payment on my car repair bill. I am on call for my job so I need my phone and car. Any amount would help me greatly and once I get this paid and on my feet, I will gladly pay if forward. 

Thank you,


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  Stranded and Homeless
Posted by: Mountain mama Misty - 01-31-2018, 05:48 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My husband and I came from WV. We drove 3,000 miles so that we could help care for his elderly mother who had survived breast cancer about 10 years ago and she just survived rectal cancwr this past year. He knew that this would be one of the last times he would get to spend with his sick mother.

We were there about a month and everything just went from bad to worse. She isnt able to drive anymore, and she got in the driver seat of the car while we were in the gas station,  and my husband ran out to try and stop her from hurting herself or others. He wasnt fast enough and she actually hit him and drug him with her little car...we decided to go back to her apartment to call his sister bevause thats the only place she would go. So his sister says shes there and she's goibg to stay with her for a few days..we were kind of relieved to say the least.until we get a knock at the door and it ia the cops serving HIM with a restraining order and that we had to vacate the presmesis immediately. So here we are, left on the cold streets 3000 miles away from home. 

This was only supposed to ve a short stay, now its been about 6 months we've been out here on the streets with our children back at home with my grandmother, who is very elderly and on a fixed budget. Needless to say, she cant pay for us to get home. Our babies need us so if anyone could help in anyway with getting us a bus ticket or absolutely anything at all, we will forever be grateful. 

We are in southern, ca and its very cold and scary on thw streets. We have learned to not ever take anything for granted but most importantly, we found God again. God Bless anyone who reads this...this is my cry for help

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  Uk male student in need of help
Posted by: Wickensh - 01-31-2018, 01:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, young male student from the uk! I have a really bad maintenance loan and do not speak to my parents. I just need some money to be able to get through the rest of the semester! Not looking fo for it donations. Just a little help is all I ask! PayPal: wickensh@gmail.com

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  Kicked out of house and sent to court
Posted by: bunnehbunn - 01-30-2018, 01:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

A few months ago I was attempting suicide after I was abused by cops and falsely accused of solicitation. I had taken a large of amount of over the counter medication and drank a bottle of wine to potentiate the medications. While organs were failing and I called telling my parents bye I turned a corner to get out of view of wherever my parents would come from and got pulled over and sent to the hospital and charged with a DWI. I'm now in the situation where I have to pay 400 dollars to the court ordered alcohol safety program(ASAP) in 2 days. I'm unemployed because of my mental illness and I have no way of making the money. Without it being paid my parents had warned me they'd kick me out of the house and I'll be sent to court as well as pay 300 dollars to get back into the program and 400 again which is the original fee. 700 plus court fees is too much and the thought of parents disowning me and kicking me out of the house puts me in a situation where idk what I'll even do. Please and help would be appreciated.


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  College tuition and supporting mom with melanoma!
Posted by: Jessy1724 - 01-30-2018, 12:54 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi guys, I’m in some serious need of money right now. I’m a full time student majoring in psychology trying to move to a university all while taking care of my mother who was diagnosed last June with stage 3 melanoma! I need all the financial help I can get to keep a roof over her head and finish my degree in school! If y’all could please donate ANY amount will help. My paypal is mperry1377@gmail.com, thanks in advance!

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  need money for hostel and college fee
Posted by: sandeepraj249 - 01-29-2018, 08:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello all.im sandeep Studying civil engineering. My father died when I'm 6 Years.onlY my mOThEr EarN Money in my family. ThaT MoNet not enough for my studies. So Pls kindly help me My papal link is (  http://paypal.me/sandeepraj249  ) doNaTe
As yOu can. Thank you

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