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Every little bit helps and I need it :-( |
Posted by: MissRush - 05-23-2016, 10:32 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
- Replies (1)
Hi everyone,
I am not really sure what to write here if I am honest. All I know is that I am starting to get really down and stressed out over money. The worse thing is it is not that much really but it still causes me terrible feelings. I need to pay off £4,000 which I owe to a credit card and also a friend of mine (I pay her back monthly as arranged but its starting to become so difficult) We dont earn much and its becoming an overwelming struggle to make those payments and also pay the rent and feed ourselves. I feel like we never get to just sit down and breathe. I am not looking for a donation for the whole lot but every little bit will help even if it is just 50p. Please help us to get back on our feet. Once these payments are gone we can focus on building a good home again.
Thank you for taking the time to read
Unemployed, recently OCD diagnosed and recently scammed |
Posted by: Haukur - 05-23-2016, 02:25 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Hello everyone,
My name is Haukur. I´m 30 years old and I´ve been unemployed now for several months. I have been kind of struggling financially ever since I lost my job. Recently I got diagnosed with OCD (Pure-O or Pure OCD) which causes me to have horrible intrusive thoughts and severe anxiety. So medical bills have been piling up lately, for therapy sessions and medication. I tried looking for help on another website called BeggingMoney.com a couple of weeks ago and was contaced by a woman named Katherine Cozzi who offered me a generous donation. She told me in order to receive the donation I had to come up with transfer fee, which I did. So I sent her the transfer fee through MoneyGram (yeah, I know you´re not supposed to send strangers money but I am desperate) and guess what, I never received the donation. So basically I got scammed and left with even less money. But anyway, end of the month is approaching and I really, really need help with medical bills and rent money. $800 dollars would be a life savior but any amount would help. I know $800 is a lot to ask for, and I am in no way expecting someone to donate that much. But as I said, any amount would help. Big or small.
My PayPal account is: hmg8585@gmail.com
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.
New here any help would mean alot |
Posted by: Allyleary - 05-22-2016, 09:11 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
- Replies (1)
I'm a newbie and have found my way here to build a better life for me and my beautiful 3 year old son.
Unfortunately due to a very unexpected and heartbreaking relationship break up I am forced to start all over again, now while we have a roof over our heads and I make sure each and everyday my boy doesn't go without we struggle.
He shares my bed as I have very little furniture and my car will only start when it is push or roll started.
So Im trying everything I can to create a better life I deliver pamphlets for $40 a week and now my elderly gentleman's lawn for $10 per week although I must admit I refused his money only to find it in my mail box.
Help needed before I become homeless |
Posted by: Xlollyx - 05-18-2016, 08:24 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Hi my partner my son and myself are going to become homeless as there is nowhere to rent. We need to buy a mobile home. The cheapest we can get is 1000 euros . Please if anyone can help I only have one week left.
My paypal is laurawhitty33@yahoo.com
Thank you for reading my post
Desperately need help to fix my car. |
Posted by: tebojockey - 05-15-2016, 05:56 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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I am a service-disabled veteran and long-term unemployed. I have depleted everything I have trying to stay afloat, and live by the good graces of my sister and brother-in-law.
Yesterday, I stopped at the local shopping mall to drop off a couple of applications for jobs that I thought I could do. When I returned to my vehicle, I found that the passenger-side mirror had been broken completely off. I nearly was sick. I flagged down one of the mall security who was driving by and we went to the office and checked the video from the lamppost near where I was parked. It seems a large Ryder truck decided to drive through the parking spot, rather than back out and took the mirror completely off. Of course, the video was so bad that we wouldn't make out the license plate or any truck numbers besides the Ryder logo. The police won't do anything in a parking lot incident unless there are injuries or, God forbid, fatalities.
To make a long story short, I am nearly flat broke and I have a $500 deductible on my insurance. A couple of people have said that a local shop would only charge about $380 to fix it, but again, I don't even have that much. I can't ask family, since they are already doing so much for me, and at my age (59) the prospects of getting a good job again are pretty unlikely.
Dear reader, if there's any way you can help out with this expense, I would greatly appreciate it. Our local VFW and Legion are too small to have that kind of money available in their respective relief funds, and I don't know what else to do. I am embarrassed to be posting this, but I have to have this vehicle in drive-able condition to get back and forth from the VA hospital and job searches.
A picture of the damage is attached. Please help! PayPal.Me/tebojockey
Ill with no way to work |
Posted by: CurrySnaps - 05-15-2016, 01:40 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Hi, my name is Giana.
I'm 24 years old and I have a chronic illness that has made me unable to work for 4 years. I have been living with the only relative that has been willing to help me while I wait for the government to finally accept my disability. I've already been rejected 3 times, and I was told I have to wait for a year to get my court appeal date. This is a problem since the person who is helping me is my elderly grandmother who does not work. I don't want to keep depending on her since at this age the situation be the other way around. Please assist me in paying my bills and taking some of the responsibility off of my grandmother.
Help me please :(( |
Posted by: vikimucu - 05-15-2016, 12:21 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Hi, I am a 14 year old girl and I'm looking for someone to send me some money as I would love to go on holiday but I can't as my parents can't afford to and I've never been abroad, it'd be great if I could get some donations. Thank you so much. You can send some to the following links : paypal.me/vickyszabo