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19 year old son has cancer, need financial help |
Posted by: imbrina - 07-05-2016, 12:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Hi, I have never asked for help before but we are going through so much right now. My 19-year-old son who had a baseball scholarship to college and completed one year has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma. He has already had a few treatments and is doing ok.. we find out this week how well they are working. He has insurance, so most everything is paid, but it's costing us so much just in gas, medications, etc. To top it off, we are getting married this week and all of our money was already tied up in that.
This kid has been through so much!! His biological father was not a nice man and he and I managed to survive that abusive relationship together. Next, I had cancer (the same type as him but I was a stage 2). I pulled through, and I'm confident he will too! After that we were very poor for quite some time. He still pulled through and made a name for himself in our small community, being the first at his school to ever get a baseball scholarship. He has a few loans, but mostly his school is paid for. Then this cancer happens and his world is shattered. He had to leave school early and will probably stay home this semester. He is hoping to get back to school by the spring so he can play as he will be a starting pitcher this year.
I'm not asking for much - mostly we just need a little help with transportation, food, and bills with the extra stress. We have 2 other younger boys as well. Anything anyone can give would be so appreciated. Here is my link: PayPal.Me/Imbrina
Thanks again for anything anyone can do!!
need help1000$ |
Posted by: deep - 07-04-2016, 11:15 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Hello everyone
myself deep i am here for need help.i am unemployed since 2014.i need money to buy clothes,food,furniture,kitchen equipments and for start new work.please help me.. this is first kind a worst moment of my life that i am asking for money.none of my friends and relatives help me.i arrange my food from holy temples.some times a thought came in mind to commit sucide.beacause i am alone in my life now.everyone left me after financial debt.but i want to live and improve my condition.i need ur help.if you give me one doller god will give you 1million doller.Thanks
Please Help! Was Unemployed for a Month |
Posted by: Rdoris - 07-03-2016, 11:08 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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I am temporarily down on my luck. I was unemployed for a little over a month and got way behind in my bills. I now have a very good job that I've just started and am very thankful, however my car insurance has been cancelled and I am two months behind in my rent. I will be back on my feet in what I estimate to be roughly one to two months but in the mean time I could use a hand up for the car insurance, food and gas.
I appreciate any help you are willing to give,
Thank you,
serious financial problem |
Posted by: mohamed - 07-02-2016, 03:35 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Hello everyone. I have serious financial problems now . I tried to take a loan but could not . Actually I cannot describe the whole situation in words .I am a student , studying abroad and now I have a lot of problems with my visa , my rent and even basic needs (food ).
I would ask everyone to help me to the best of their ability and whatever they may be capable. I would really appreciate.
Here is my PayPal email, [email=u1@outlook.my]u1@outlook.my[/email] .
I helped someone once, now its my turn in need.. |
Posted by: AndrewWilson - 06-28-2016, 12:14 AM - Forum: My Request for Help
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Asking for help has never been all that easy for me, but lately I’m just swimming in more debt than I know what to do with. I feel like I’m in my situation because when I was in a good place, I used my money to help someone else in need. Now that I’m in need I’m hoping to count on the kindness of strangers again. Sorry, this is a long story.
I had always been good with my money until a few years back when my “nice guy” mindset got the best of me. I met and got engaged to a mother of one that was fairly poor with her money. She was in so much debt that by the time her paycheck would come, her last week of transactions all had overage charges connected to them. Her monthly interest payments for her over drawn credit cards were getting huge. Even though we were not married yet, or living together or anything like that, I felt like it was a waste for her to be paying so much money every month in these interest and overages charges if I could eliminate them with my savings money that was only making a tiny low percent each month. Over the 2 years we were together I put well over 10k into her debt to help her and her daughter get back on her feet. During this time I got laid off from my current job due to price cut backs. This wouldn’t have been a huge deal had I not just invested my whole savings account into getting her on her feet. So I very quickly got into a large amount of credit card debit trying to keep myself afloat while I found a new job. I regret this now, but I also co signed on a little car for her since hers was on its last leg and she wasn’t able to qualify for one on her own. We were engaged, why wouldn’t I do this?
Well the relationship didn’t work out. Turns out she had been lying for a year or so about being into some heavy drugs and cheating on me during the same time frame. I tried to make it work for a while but she was unwilling to change either of those two actions. We both moved on, but I was the head on her car loan still and had no way of removing it from my name. About a year ago she stopped paying on her car for whatever reason. So I was left either paying for her car each month, or taking a huge hit on my credit for a missed payment. So for a year I ended up paying for my ex fiancés car, which just further added to my credit card debit that I couldn’t seem to make a dent in. Now I’m up to about $13,000 in just credit card debit that I have to pay off that I pretty much just took away from her so she didn’t have to. I’m about to graduate college after 9 years, but that just adds having to start paying 9 years of student loans back. I’ve tried moving my credit card debit around from card to card to take advantage of interest free time periods. But I’ve run out of that and now have to pay 20% interest of 5 figures of credit card debit each month.
I really just need help taking a chunk (or all) of this down so the interest isn’t so crazy high each month. So I can actually make payments on principal each month and make progress towards my future. My degree is in business, I feel like I will be able to make a really nice future for my family and myself one-day. But right now every decision I make is completely directed by that credit card debit. I cant take a job in my field because it doesn’t pay enough right now for me to make any progress on my debit. I can’t move out (I’m back at home for now as a 27 year old), because I can’t justify spending all that money on an apartment when it needs to be going to debit interest payments. I can’t really date to find a wife and start a family because I cant afford it.
If any one is willing, I would really appreciate anything that will help me progress where I am right now. Had this been my own debit that I made poor decisions to get to, I likely wouldn’t be asking for help. I just feel like I’m in this situation because I gave my money to help someone else when I was in a good place, and I’m hoping for someone to do the same now that I’ve hit the bottom. Thank you so much!
Disabled widowed Mom needs help |
Posted by: ladywolflynn - 06-25-2016, 04:53 PM - Forum: My Request for Help
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I am a disabled widowed mom...A few years ago my husband passed away from Liver cancer and then I became disabled and unable to walk without assistance. I need a little help with paying some bills such as gas and electric..My gas has already been shut off but now I am getting the calls from the electric company. I need help before they turn that off... I have children and they help as much as they can with part time jobs. I am however unable to work. I believe in paying it forward so please help if you can and when I am able I will help the next person. my electric is 375.00 and the gas is 700.00 every little bit helps. I am barely making it with paying rent and buying food. I thank you for your help.
paypal addy is gavilanes2@yahoo.com
Thank you...Lynn