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  Homeless with 3 kids ?
Posted by: mommaof3x3 - 03-25-2018, 07:26 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everyone my name is Shannon & I am a 34 year old mother of three beautiful children ages 9, 4 an almost 2 from NJ. An as of Tuesday March 13th we lost our home due to unforseen circumstances an are currently homeless. We have applied to all kinds of organizations who offer help including but not limited to social services , churches , food pantrys , rental assistance etc an we are currently in the process of being approved for these services all while avidly looking for work. I actually have two job interviews coming up within the next 3 wks. I have no family an dont have many friends an the ones I do have either said they would help an then never came through or just ignored me all together. The churches gave us some food an diapers. an wipes an put us up in a hotel for a few days an we are extremely grateful for that but unfortunately thats about all they can do. All that is left for us to do now is sit an wait for approval for these other programs which should not take much longer hopefully. However that still leaves us with no place to stay in the mean time. I hate admitting this as I have ALWAYS been a independent person an I hate admitting I need help but I cant look at my kids faces anymore without wanting to cry. My heart hurts an I am physically , mentally & emotionally drained an exhausted. I have no choice but to put my pride aside an ask for help. I am looking to raise about 800 or so just enough to get us by with a place to stay an a few necessities just long enough until I can start working. So I beg you if there is anything you can spare an i really mean anything at all then please consider helping us. I understand times are hard for all of us an if you cant do i understand that completely. But if you have anything at all that you can spare even just 5 dollars trust me when I tell you IT WILL HELP . ANY amount at this point will help us in a HUGE way an we will be grateful for any amount of help that we may be blessed to recieve. As I said this is very hard for me to do ... its hard for me to not only admit to needing help but even harder to ask for it so I am not sure what else to say other then...
Please I beg you if there is anything you can spare at all...anything even a dollar from my heart to yours please consider helping my kids an I stay out of the cold please it would mean the world to me an once I am back on my feet I have every intention on paying back every single person who helped us. So please look in to your heart an please consider helping my family an I stay warm an have a actual bed to sleep on pls. Either way I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this an I wish nothing but love happiness an good health to you an yours an may god bless you an your family in any an every way possible. Sending you all lots of love. Thank you and god bless ❤

Paypal Info : Sbulmer2985@gmail.com

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  Need money for rent, medication, food and to go to work!
Posted by: elivid - 03-25-2018, 07:10 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]I'm a Brazilian student and part-time worker (intern) who needs to pay rent, medication, food and bus fares to continue in university and work. I recently moved to a studio apartment near my university campus so I can study but there has been much hardship due to unexpected costs. I used to share a house with friends but one of them moved out and so the rent there went up and I was unable to pay more, so I was forced to leave and move to this studio apartment because it's cheaper but I also had to buy things for this new apartment. Besides, before I left the previous house, my roommates had gone out of town and didn't leave me any money to pay the shared bills and so there were a few delayed bills that I had to pay all at once. I also got sick (hormone levels off) and had to buy medication monthly. Without the medication, I lose my apettite, my mood drops and I get very sleepy during the day. The medication is costly but it's very important to me. My friends have lended me some money but it isn't enough. My parents can't help either as they are unemployed and going through a financial crisis of their own. Now I do not have enough money to pay rent, food and go to work. Please help or else I don't know what will happen to me by the end of the month! I will do anything in retribution! Please feel free to ask any questions you may have! Thank you![/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Any amount will help. Once I raise $150, I will take this down. I will keep you all updated. Thank you![/color]

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Brick please help us buy our 1st home ??
Posted by: benjiman - 03-23-2018, 11:35 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey there! My fiance and I are a hard working couple and we are trying to buy our 1st home. We work very hard every day and don't really do anything else due to the usual saving issues. Surely we will make it one day but any help would be amazing! PayPal link is

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Sad Need financial support
Posted by: Helpme101 - 03-23-2018, 01:47 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My mom is working two jobs, struggling to keep up with rent and strugglingto keep food in our mouths. I just got an acl repair so I’m unable to work. Anything helps, even a penny??

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  Introducing Myself
Posted by: Zanitarus - 03-23-2018, 05:17 AM - Forum: Chit chat - No Replies

Hi, I am a 32-year-old laid back black man I am this site to ask for a donation and also get to know and chat with other people. I am going to college soon and I will be active on the site regularly to talk with people and respond to posts and start threads. I am truly hopeful that 
I will get the help I need to meet my goals. Once I meet my goals and carry out my dream I hope to do the same for others to pay it forward. I will talk more about my situation in my main post but this is just here for you guys to know a bit about me. I like to video game, I like to read books on science math and physics, I like to study philosophy, I hope to be a music artist and game developer, I hope to do well enough at it to do lots of work with other people in helping others make their dream happen. Yet I know that I can do it as well unless I get some help towards said goal. In the meantime, I will float around this site looking at different posts to figure out things I can do to earn money.

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  Diagnosed with stage 3 cancer in my left kidney
Posted by: JJC - 03-23-2018, 03:50 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi my name is Julio I am 22 years old and I was diagnosed 2 months ago with stage 3 kidney cancer. My world was turned upside down. My mom who takes care of me cannot afford to pay for my treatment or operation. This is my last hope. 

Plz donate to My paypal so I can get better--> paypal.me/JCroeze

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  help our dream come true
Posted by: benjiman - 03-22-2018, 12:06 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Me and my fiance are trying to buy our 1st home. We work hard every day but help is always welcome. We are not afraid to earn if we have to and if we can ? thank you

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Thumbs Down Help with my Ulcerative colitis
Posted by: Julian - 03-21-2018, 11:11 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi, I have ulcerative colitis which is a delibatiting
Ilness of the bowel and it's wrecking my life including my mental health as well. It's gradually gotten worse over the last few years, as I went for a colonoscopy last year and the nurse sent me a letter with my results, which she mentioned it in that it is severe.

 I'm on benefits but isn't enough cover half of the things I need outside of my health, on top of the treatment I need. The type of treatment I need to help treat my illness, is Remicide (infliximab) but I'm not entitled to free NHS treatment and it cost £450 for 100mg a month unfourtently.

I'm desperate to sort out my health and keep my colitis under control and so I can live a normal life. Please if you can just donate what you can, I would be really grateful. Thank you


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  Train tickets for a long distance friends birthday?!
Posted by: Ahunnidguns - 03-21-2018, 04:50 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

In dire need of someone to buy me/help out with a Super Off Peak ticket from London Euston to Stoke on Trent from the National Rail website.
It'd be one leaving London on 30th March and returning on the 2nd April. It is £31 or equivalent of $43.61
I am in need of this due to visiting a friend for her birthday and I will not be able to see her without this, unfortunately I originally bought the wrong ticket and am unable to afford another and am not eligible for a refund.
I know this is my own mistake but me and my whole family are very low on money right now and i thought I'd see if anyone could help out before letting her know I won't be able to make it!!

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  Need help or advise on how to manage myself.
Posted by: Karolis147 - 03-21-2018, 12:36 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My name is Karolis but Charles in english. I recently turned 18 and moved to Dublin Ireland, two months ago. I started working at Mcdonalds, and the work itself isn't too bad but it is very much time and energy consuming. As you may know rent here in Dublin is crazy expensive. I have a flair for business and alike, but I am not able to save up much money is short amount of time..it would take a lot and I fear my motivation as well as my potential may be detiorating little by little..so basically I am asking people to help me out pay my rent upfront for sometime, so I can start focusing on things which interest me and motivate me, and not having to worry about rent or where I live would be great. Any donation would help out, or even advise. Turning 18 does not magically turn you into an adult and I am still a child deep down but I have to now take on responsibility and I get that, but help is definitely acceptable. If you wanna know more about me, or get to know me, please feel free to message me, and I am more than comfortable prooving that my interests are genuine and positive based.
paypal.me/Karolis406 my paypal for anyone willing to help financially.

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