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  Just Need Enough to Get to/from Appointment
Posted by: aCatLady - 02-02-2021, 03:20 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello y'all,

I have been out of work for a few months; I'm actively job-hunting, but it's slow going.

I have a doctor's appointment coming up that took longer to schedule than I've been out of work. It's not far, but not walkable (some of the work they're doing makes me very woozy) and the roommate who was going to be able to help has an unexpected shift at work. 

The appointment is an annual checkup that I can't miss or wait another three months for (there are meds that they don't refill without an annual visit). 

Twenty bucks will get me there (and twenty bucks will get me back): 
Paypal link

Thank you! Hopefully I can pay it forward before too long.

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Heart Emotional Support Animal
Posted by: babubear - 02-01-2021, 11:11 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi there! I am a college student and I have been struggling with mental illness, so my therapist has written me an emotional support animal letter! I need to cover the costs of the animal. I have been planning for a few years to get a Siberian cat. She costs $1500, and I also need about $500 more for food, litter, shots, etc. I would appreciate any help at all, thank you!   .Heart

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  Need cash to take and of my 2yr old baby, and to lead life
Posted by: Kani1912 - 02-01-2021, 05:25 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi I'm Karuna from Bangalore India, in this pandemic husband has become bankrupt, and he said that he will set up the things and will come back, and it's been 8months he dint returned back, landlord has thrown us out as we dint paid 24k per month rent from 8months, currently staying in security guard room, sold few household things to feed my baby from past 8months now only clothes and kitchen items are left, my baby is just 2years old I can't leave her alone and go for work, and I studied only till 12th so not able to find and work from home jobs,. I'm ready to work if any one offers me a job, and people are sucking my blood for money , my rents bills bank loans everything has come around to 12lakhs indian rupees, if I don't clear that I won't be able to live , I don't have a family as I lost my parents 6yrs back, and hubby I don't think he will come back to us if he comes back also till that I might commit suicide because of the torture, asked help with our government and many charities but no use, dint recieved a single reply from anyone, I'm a kuchipudi dancer if any one can help me to start a class I'll be able to teach and earn some money for my living, I just want to give a good and better life to my daughter, the insult I'm going through is making me loose hope on my life , I'm not asking for the whole 12lakhs at least little amount can buy me some time and peace from the people pls help me

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  need money for my house bill
Posted by: awnsered - 01-31-2021, 04:39 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

 I really need money i recently lost my job I’m struggling to find a new one during this pandemic and i need to pay my house bills 

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  Gambling addiction overcome!
Posted by: Colange - 01-30-2021, 07:10 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hi all,

Today I overcome my biggest and deepest secret. I finally overcome my addiction and admitted I had a problem. I have now banned myself from all gambling websites for the next 5 years and today enough was enough!

I have gambled my wages away. Cannot pay my Bill's or rent and I am at the end of my tether with everything. I have taken a positive step today and something I am proud of but I am now in financial distress.... so severe I have considered running away tonight and leaving everyone I know and love. My dad also had a heart attack late last year and I cannot put them under anymore stress. I just feel so isolated and lonely at the moment.

I need £1000 to pay my rent on monday or i dont know what I am going to do. 

I would be eternally grateful for anyone who can help. I have suffered this addiction for the last 5 years and today step.is the first step to changing my life for the better and for good.

I just need help this once and I cant Express how grateful I would ever be to this person. 

Stay safe everyone


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  We're trying to survive
Posted by: rApdrOp - 01-30-2021, 06:15 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello I'm rancel, and i'm here to beg someone to help us. We lost our job because of the pandemic. No we don't have anything. We apply for another job but unfortunately we get sick because of the heat and sweat while hunting a job. We are suffering asthma at colds and we can't buy our medicines because we don't have money. And also we need help to pay our rented apartment. We will lose the house we will not pay this apartment for a month. We didn't eat in a whole day because we dont have money. I wish someone will help us. Please please please help us. 


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  Help Me Pay Back to Move Forward
Posted by: beaubeach - 01-30-2021, 05:08 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm currently working a full time job at $15/hr, but in California it's only enough to maintain my child support, car payment, and regular bills. I don't even have money for rent, so I'm living in a 3 man tent on a friend's ranch.

I owe one of my friends $30k for a student loan he co-signed on that I unfortunately had to default on. The loan has been charged off, but it's preventing my friend from getting a mortgage for his new home. I am budgeting to try to pay back whatever I can, but I can't do it fast enough and other avenues have raised only $10 toward this extreme bill.

If you are able to help in any way, $1, sharing my story and payment info, or even advice on steps I can take to achieve this goal, I would be very grateful.

Thank you!

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  Need just few hundred to make rent please! $300
Posted by: WolfBuddy - 01-29-2021, 11:44 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey there, so as the title says, I'm just a little short on making rent this upcoming week. My total is $1187, and what I'm begging for is $300. I hope it's not much to ask for, but really all I need is 200 and requesting and extra hundred to simply be able to buy groceries for at least 2 weeks. It's been difficult lately, taking into account this pandemic. Work has slowed down like crazy for me and signing up for unemployment never worked out. At this point, I've basically gone through all my savings. If I can even just get $200 it'll still be a huge help and weight off my shoulders. I pray I can get the help I need with this, even if it's just for the rent, I'll worry about groceries then. Thank you so much and stay safe! 

Here's my PayPal - https://paypal.me/JoseHeras?locale.x=en_US 

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  Please help pay for my 3 year old sons medical expenses
Posted by: usmc0331b - 01-29-2021, 10:10 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

As the title reads my 3 year old son marcus was diagnosed with lymphoma after we noticed a tumor growing in his throat area. He has a minimum of 6 months of chemotherapy and I cant sit there and watch him be so sick and sad anymore. Its tearing my heart out and I have to stay strong for my family because they need me but I have no one to lean on for support. His medical bills are overwhelming and my family doesnt have the money to cover the expenses. I feel like giving up anymore. I dont even have the money to feed us properly anymore because me and his mother are both out of work taking care of our son so we arent making the same money we are used to. Im so heartbroken and lost. If you can assist in any way it would be a blessing.


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  Help Joseph Get Up and Stand
Posted by: Jossef - 01-29-2021, 09:27 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I am a 29 years old man. And fourth born of five children, I was brought up in a very trying background. Both my parents were salaried, and one would rightly expect me to have led a good life, but the exact opposite is the truth. 

When I was 3 years, my elder brother got a head injury while playing at school. What seemed to be a slight injury ended up to be a serious injury that would prompt surgical intervention. It took three years for him to stabilize. 

In the year 1998, just as my brother had completed his specialist review clinics at the Kenyatta National Hospital, one of my elder sisters developed a bone infection known as Osteomyelitis, which took 6 six years for her to heal. This was in the year 2002 reached, and our home had morphed into a den of deprivation. 

As my parents concentrated their efforts on clearing the incurred debts and paying high school fees for my elder siblings, I and my younger sister wore rags to school. Forgotten or foresaken, we had no good clothes to wear to church, let alone enough food to eat. My mother would at times project her agony on us. When things didn't work out right for her, she'd at times ascend on us with kicks. I really hated weekends because our stay at home wouldn't be easy. As we suffered in silence, deep down in my heart I believed that the best way out was working hard in school so that I'd be able to secure a good job and earn a living. Perhaps I'd have some peace in my own house. What I went through taught me how to pray. I started off with prayers for a means of livelihood even before I had finished school.

Due to the financial constraints in my family, as well as other mysterious occurrences in which see my parents would spend pretty good time and money in an unending cycle of problems, I never had the chance to school comfortably. In the year 2006 when I was in form two, due to sickness and also lack of fees, I had to stay at home for the whole of second term. Blessed enough, I was able to get back to school for end term exams, which I ably passed. Come 2007, in form three, I had to stay at home for the whole of first and second terms. 

When I went back to school in third term, it was time for Form Three Mock Exams, and I was lucky enough to have teachers who'd understand what I was going through. Sitting in a examination department meeting, the teachers agreed to promote me to form four if I got a D+ (however the cut off mark for promotion to the next class was C-). He who created me was with me, I got a C plain, after having studied at home for the whole year, without the help of a teacher, let alone a guide. 

I joined form four in the year that followed, registered for KCSE, and went back home. This time, my sister, who was then a third-year student at the University of Nairobi, School of Education, hosted me at her place - in a university hostel. With the help of her campus mates, I was taken through part of the form four syllabus, hasty though. It was mid second term when the school administration demanded me and I had to leave my sister's place. Back to school, I was able to a remarkable extent able to catch up with the rest of the class. I sat for my KSCE the same year, and in the see of the Most High God, I managed to get a C+. 

With a C+, I could join a public university, but owing to the financial burden my parents had, and the sorry fact that I had no promise to claim that would make my life bearable campus, I opted to join the National Youth Service of Kenya, where I hoped to get the opportunity to serve my country as well as a sponsorship for vocational training. This was in the year 2011. Thanks to God's Love and Compassion, I got enlisted with the National Police Service the following year 2013 (the same year my mother underwent hysterectomy). A sigh of relieve that never was. Unfortunately, in the following year, 2014, I got injured in the line of duty. I suffered a brain contusion and a deep laceration on my tongue as well as lost some teeth. I couldn't feed for five months, and I couldn't speak properly for the 3½ years up to July of 2017 when I was blessed enough to meet a specialist doctor who got to understand my condition and therefore gave the right medical advice. Burdened with loans and debts (incurred in the course of treatment), I had become totally broke. Really stressed, I broke down in 2015. I was put on anti-anxiety and depression treatment. As soon as my speech recorded an improvement, I developed a lump/growth on my breasts, in which address I had to undergo mastectomy in May 2018. 

In the following year, 2019, my mental issues escalated and I had to be put on antipsychotics for the whole year, after which I have recorded a steady improvement. Thanks to God. 

During all this, I lost my friends and even my own brothers and sisters got tired with me. I was discriminated against and even my girlfriend deserted me. 

The more I have had to suffer, the more reasons I have had to keep on going, the more I have been motivated to work even harder in all that I do. Life has taught me resilience. For sure it's really hard for a mental patient or someone with a known history of mental illness to get a spouse, but I thank God He has given me one who knows all about my wretched past and is still willing to stay with me - Thanks to God for my loving wife Damaris. But the problem, my dear brothers and sisters, is that I am not able to fend for my small family. I do some farming, but the first harvest is due April. Before then, I have nowhere to turn to for our daily bread. I am alone in a world that has a billion people. 

Through experience, I have also come to realize that alleviation of human suffering is the my duty. Service for humanity is one thing I have always found to be nobler. As I struggle my dad farming to supplement my income and keep my family, I have a burning desire in my heart to start a children's home and a charity rehabilitation center that in my best interest serve to rehabilitate street children as well as need individuals who cannot afford conventional rehabilitation services. I have so far adopted a 10:10:20:60 spending rule in which 10 p.c. of my little earnings is God's Tithe, another 10 p.c. is for drawings, 20 p.c. for charity, and 60 p.c. for furthering my agribusiness pursuit. I look forward to the day I'll have enough to care for my family and also start my dream children's home and charity rehabilitation center.

Dear brother/sister, please find it in your heart to help me get up and stand.

I look forward to your generous offers. 

My email address is: mail2seph@gmail.com

Thank you. God bless you.


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