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  Hope for a Christmas miracle
Posted by: B3utiful13 - 12-09-2021, 07:37 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a single mother of two boys, 14 & 8.

My youngest has hypopituitarism and is blind. He has to have extensive surgery done right before Christmas and because of that, I won't be able to work so I can take care of him until he recovers.

We lost their dad 6 years ago around Christmas time so it hasn't been very Christmassy to say the least. Christmas is coming fast and without being able to work, I'm afraid my boys won't have much of a Christmas at all. So I'm asking if you would please help me make sure my boys get the Christmas they deserve. It would mean so much to me.

Thank you.

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  Please help my family
Posted by: Nikki610324 - 12-09-2021, 04:43 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm realy struggling financially, I am a single mum with 2 boys and iv been made unemployed. I'm in so much debt and Christmas will be terrible, I'm not sure I can go on much longer. Anything will do please

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Heart Mumma really needs help (two baby girls)
Posted by: Missmitchell2021 - 12-09-2021, 01:44 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi all!

So I could really really use some help and I would be so appreciative of anything you can offer. I have a baby girl who just turned one on the 13th November and I have just had my second baby girl on the 19th November at 35 weeks. We are currently in temporary accommodation as our landlord sold our house and we had to move back in with family until we luckily got put in to this place in september. we are really struggling financially at the moment and we are having to use food banks as we are expected to move into our new place in January and are having to start from scratch again with our babies, let alone 5 weeks earlier than expected! My fiance unfortunately can't work at the moment as he has had to become my carer since I got pregnant with my first daughter due to ongoing medical conditions that worsened in pregnancy and never got better (despite being on medication) and universal credit have just taken over £200 out of our money without my consent or knowledge and so this month is really difficult. Luckily our SSE bill is paid quarterly otherwise we wouldn't even be able to afford our gas and electric which is obviously a huge neseccity with two babies under two. If anyone could help us with just a little something towards giving my girls a better Christmas I would be extremely grateful. 

My PayPal is https://www.paypal.me/MissMMitchell 

I would be happy to send you proof if required for anything you want to know please ask

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Posted by: positiveofself - 12-08-2021, 11:31 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Sending Everyone Holiday Wishes With Hopes I Can Be Helped with the Same...[Image: 2764.png].[Image: 1f64f_1f3fc.png]Bless & Thank U [Image: 1f49e.png] Click GofundMe Link: https://gofund.me/370c82dd
CashApp: $VictoryAngels

COPY & PASTE LINK: https://www.facebook.com/JusticeNerdGang...336183921/

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  Please help me pay for the funeral
Posted by: GratefulGrace - 12-08-2021, 07:25 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I had to unexpectedly pay for a funeral recently and now I am struggling to pay for my bills abs getting more and more in debt.

My pay pal is linked below


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  A tiny push to start over again
Posted by: Fundigat - 12-08-2021, 05:41 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I live in Venezuela and things have gotten worse in recent years; my family and I stopped being the happy family we used to be due to different circumstances, money being one of them. I'm an English teacher but in my previous job, I was getting paid $2 per month, which wasn't enough to hold a family of 5. It's been hard to come back up and to try and find a new job, and being a Freelancer hasn't given me the best results. It has helped me, of course, but it barely covers 10% of the house expenses.

All I've wanted to do is see my family happy and go back to what we were, but I know that's something I will probably never achieve while I'm here, that's why I wish I could leave and start working to make money and help them have the decent life it was taken away from us. I've tried to leave the country for almost 3 years already, but money is always a complicated thing here; you either spend it on food or "waste" it on something you also need. I'm tired of this life and I'm tired of the suffering my family has been put through. I want to stop seeing my dad and my mom always being stressed about what we're going to eat each week; it all has come down to a depressing situation that we don't know if we're going to come out of (I'm hopeful we will).

Maybe it sounds like a lot but $1000 would help us with tons of stuff in my house and with the needs of my family (food being the main thing we need, and now that Christmas is getting closer it's almost like an emergency). Even with $500, I'm okay; this could be a huge start for me to see more light in this tunnel, and to see my family less stressed and happier, at least for a short while until I make it out of here.

I would appreciate the help. Thank you.  Heart

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  Lost job, lost car and fell behind on bills after covid
Posted by: Aperex - 12-08-2021, 04:43 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Back in the middle of August I got COVID that lasted all the way till late October/early November, and still don't feel 100% better. Since then I fell behind on bills, lost my transportation, and have been struggling to catch up on bills as well as have money to get groceries. This money would help me become current on all my bills and get me a cheap cash car to get around and get back on my feet. Anything donated would greatly be appreciated, thank you in advance.

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Heart Christmas help for my babies please.
Posted by: My girls need christmas - 12-08-2021, 06:52 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

This year unfortunately has not been a good year for my family as my husband and I have struggled with getting new jobs after being laid of by covid previously. We thought things were going well until covid hit our family hard once again and it took my father from me on September 28th of this year. It took everything we had to make sure he was able to be laid to rest and once again we felt like we were starting over. I am 26 years old, lost both of my parents and have 2 girls 6 and 8. My husband just tested positive for covid 2 weeks ago and we both had to miss 2 weeks of work with no pay so close to the holidays. We now have no Christmas money to be able to buy anything for our children. I'm not asking for much just a few presents for them Is all. I am not worried about myself or my husband, we don't need anything, I just worry about them.  They are such good kids and have gone through a lot and I don't want them to have to suffer. If you could find it in your heart to help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you .
Cashapp $brimoffett321
Paypal @bribabyxx 

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  Please help us with the burial cost of my Uncle E.C.
Posted by: kmoon222 - 12-08-2021, 02:56 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

The passing of my Uncle has been so unexpected like a rug has been sweep under our feet. My Uncle helped many people including my grandmother who is his mom and myself. My grandmother is retired and im a single mother that works from home. With everything going on in the world right now and unexpected expenses we have been tight. We do not wish to have a huge funeral for the exstented family but only to have a little ceremony between the immediate family. If anyone considers helping my family I appreciate you whole heartly with the upmost graditude. 


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  Single mother with two children
Posted by: Ashley Tarintino - 12-07-2021, 05:33 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello my name is Ashley I am a jobless, single mother with two children, i have no family to depend on and i'm facing being evicted in about 2 weeks. Normally I don't ask anyone for help, but I'm struggling badly and anything helps. God bless you all. My cashtag is ($Steezycalv) and my paypal is (steezt)

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