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Exclamation Need help with with bills and food.
Posted by: Smoppie - 03-26-2021, 10:42 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I've reach a point of desperation to be making such a post like this. My family and I are bearly making it since covid has taken a toll on the economy. We weren't in a good spot to begin with, but it has been more difficult now with prices rising in food and bills. We are hardly able to buy enough food to last a few weeks, much less a month, and we are uncomfortably behind in bills. Me and my brother are trying to help with what we can, but it just isnt enough, and I'm having terrible anxiety about losing our home.

I'm asking for help because I've ehausted all options that I am aware of at this point. I appreciate and am so grateful to any and all donations given. 


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  i want to help my family
Posted by: johnengelton98 - 03-26-2021, 04:36 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (2)

The last few months have been a tough time for my family. We were affected by the ice storms in Texas and ended up without hot water or working showers for almost 3 weeks. My parents were waiting for the company we purchased our water heater from to come and replace some parts in the unit (i guess they purchased a warranty or something) only to learn that not only was the company not following through on the repairs under the warranty, but the valve that needed to be replaced, we couldn't find it for sale anywhere. Not even online. My parent's decided to go ahead and purchase a brand new unit which cost them $1600. My father recently had two cataract surgeries for each of his eyes and has to take a month off from work. The surgeries are costing us over $2100 dollars including all the fees and prescriptions, and he had to ask a family member for assistance in paying for it but was only able to borrow $700. And on top of all of that, we are now down to one vehicle because our Explorer has some issue with it so it's virtually not safe to take on the road, and with everything my parents are trying to pay off in terms of bills and everything, they can't afford to take it in for repairs.

My mother is the only one working right now. I'm in the process of looking for employment but I'm having next to no luck at all finding a job. Between the doctors appointments for my dad, my mom having to go to work, and other errands they are barely able to afford to put gas in our working vehicle because right now we are essentially broke. My mom's paycheck pretty much goes towards groceries and bill payments for utilities and all that. I haven't seen them this stressed out over money before, and I hate to see them like this. My dad was talking to my mom about possibly taking out a loan to help cover the financial burden, but the family is in enough debt as it is, and that would just add another straw to the camel's back. 

So I figured I would give this a shot and see if anyone would be willing to help us out. I know about GoFundMe and all those other sites but I've heard good things about this one as well. Anything anyone can contribute will be very much appreciated. I set up a CashApp account with our family's shared saving's account info and my father's debit card linked to it so i can send any donations directly to them. They don't know I'm doing this, I hope for it to be a pleasant surprise for them. Thank you in advance, and godspeed. 


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  Car repair debt
Posted by: BadJellyfish1997 - 03-25-2021, 04:24 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello, I've been having some bad luck with my first vehicle recently. It had to get repairs done and the debt added up to 1200$. I have medical bills that are more prominent and was just asking for some financial support. Anything helps, thank you.


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  Health issues & recent referral for my heart but haven't told my family yet Im 33
Posted by: Ksmomasmom - 03-25-2021, 10:21 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I'm a single mom with 2 kids both who have Autism and neither one of their fathers are in the picture. I keep ending up in the hospital due to heart related issues and a list of other health problems. I no longer have help with free babysitting so I can't make it to my doctor's appointments. Hoping I could pull $250 together to pay up front for a sitter for the next few weeks to get into my appointments and start a new routine with less stress. Really not feeling well and just want to feel like myself again and take care of my kids. That's all. Thank you.

Only have Cashapp or Chime 
Message me for more details if needed
Thank you


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  need help w food
Posted by: texaswinterstorm - 03-25-2021, 08:23 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I dont have a car so i have groceries delivered in houston tx with heb for $5.00
you can see I just need little help due to covid I had a job I worked as security but then we did sports events and concerts now its not safe with large gatherings and having to scan people.
Also with the texas winter storm there is a shortage in supply.

Bread is .88 cents
hot dogs are .88 cents

I am ok with just hot dogs and they are .88 I can live off hot dogs alone for while. So if you can support me for just little Visa E gift cards sent to my email or amazon E gift cards for my amazon fresh they delivery groceries for $5.00

so heb, amazon or uber cornerstore.

Either way it helps. You can also donate by

ZELLE   texaswinterstorm@gmail.com
PAYPAL  texaswinterstorm@gmail.com

thanks god bless. I test my faith and see if God is real says in the bible ask and your shall recieve seek and you shall find. lets see if your real God. I pray for help.

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Posted by: texaswinterstorm - 03-24-2021, 12:43 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

after the storm our cameras stopped working i suppose water in the battery contact

we need new cameras cheapest outdoor on amazon is 48.99 and most expensive is 58.99

we appreciate your support we cannot afford to loose anything and we dont live in exactly the safest neighborhood we have kids to protect

can anyone donate to AMAZON E GIFT cards.....emaill to texaswinterstorm@gmail.com

we just need to get our security up again we have several cameras out 3 each are $58.99 each

we appreciate even if you help with donation of $4.00 to raise the money please thanks.


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  Texas Winter Storm Victim need help
Posted by: texaswinterstorm - 03-24-2021, 09:13 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

pipes had burst in our home we need to replace furniture and need water and can foods
uber E gift cards and amazon E gifts cards help
because no car groceries have to be delivered

donate by

ZELLE    texaswinterstorm@gmail.com
PAY PAL                 texaswinterstorm@gmaill.com

uber  (cornerstore)
Amazon E gift cards for amazon fresh groceries delivery

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  Texas Winter Storm Victim need help
Posted by: texaswinterstorm - 03-24-2021, 09:05 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi my name is Christine, thanks for taking the time out to consider our family. We were hit by the winter storm in texas and all of our furniture and some fabric items could not be salvaged. Due to mold and they say do not keep flooded items. As our pipes burst in our house above the ceiling water went all over. Ruining almost everything. We washed what we could but some appliances were damaged as well.

All we are asking is whatever you want to donate.
Amazon E gifts cards help so we can order matress and bed frames to our house
canned goods from amazon fresh as fridge does not freeze anymore

uber as they deliver groceries

we need canned foods and water desperatley. Also just e gift cards from amazon so we can replace the beds and basic furniture like dining table, to eat on for now till we work and save to recoperate on this. The cost is over welming and insurance only covers to repair the water burst and water restoration.

now the items damaged through the pipe burst

not asking anything but canned goods foods water and e gift cards thats it

god bless he said in bible ask you shall recieve seek and you shall find. Is this true?

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  Help Me to Escape a False Reality!
Posted by: RealityMatrix - 03-23-2021, 11:59 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hi my Name is Craig Znamenak and here is my story...

Something happened to the world Dec 2020 and I want to figure out what that was! Is there really a breakaway civilization running the show? Is there really a matrix of light and consciousness and you attract only what you focus on and feel? Is time real? Do we really manifest things from our imagination? Something happened and it completely changed the way that I view life in general. Everything seems connected to everything else. 

All I want to do is to escape my current reality which seems to hold me in the same spot. Trust me I am trying everything! This is just another way of trying. I need to achieve the freedom to research reality itself and the way the system is setup is to keep me in the same spot and to keep me distracted from finding out. The funds would allow me the freedom to research what I am passionate about and find puzzling, "the nature of reality".  I would be so grateful for the donations and this would mean everything to me! I love to solve a challenging puzzle. If I were to find out more I would share it with the world! I think this could benefit everyone if I were to solve this puzzle.

In the short term I would use the funds to change my life situation. I have an abusive codependent partner and have 3 children. I need to pay off my trailer before I loose it. I would donate it to my partner because she really probably wound not be able to afford the payments and lot rent. If there are any funds left over I would get my own place. This would make me free to be able to go out on my own and discover reality itself! We are all connected in some way guys! I wish to know more with this life! I cant though at the moment because of my introverted personality and the codependent relationship. The only way I can see out of this is to have enough money to escape!

Here are a few ways to donate:
GoFundME: https://gofund.me/61514e4c

Crypto  Addresses (the money of the future!):

Bitcoin: bc1q64thhmx0euqapdfydjfh8jrq6as572ups3n7d6

DOGE Coin: DM69vDWQfPCM1Y3QcZtaJdniaSeV3VRY6g


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Exclamation Help us to survive after hard abuse
Posted by: Olena - 03-23-2021, 04:43 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello everybody! Me and my son were beaten and kicked out from the house in a strange country. Now we need to survive. I do my best every day but no money even for repairing a car, which i need for getting a job. We really need a help. I need 2500 euros to pay for a car repair. Really ashamed to ask, but have no another way for now. My PayPal link is paypal.me/OKruhlova

Thanks a lot!

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