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Heart Help us go on our dream honeymoon!
Posted by: autumn531 - 05-03-2021, 05:07 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

[Image: kelley-mcneil-10-01-2022]
Help us go on our dream honeymoon!

My fiancé and I are high school sweethearts and have been together for over 6 years now. We are currently planning our wedding for next October. We don’t come from families with a ton of money, so we are having to pay for our wedding and honeymoon all on our own. This is hard because we are also still in college. Memories and experiences mean more to us than anything and we would appreciate the help so much! Honeyfund

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  Help if you can
Posted by: Zepmel - 05-03-2021, 01:25 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good evening , 

A friend was recently separated from his wife and I’m trying to help him get back on on his feet and continue to get back on track.

I know that this is a tough time for all. That being said, there is someone that I know who is going through a rough patch. I felt like I needed to do something to help. Sometimes it's just that little boost that can help change someone's path. They would never ever ask anyone for help, but I know that they need it. This person has selflessly helped many people over the years, and finds themselves now in a funk where they can't get back on there feet do to finding a place to live and other things
This person has always been self sufficient and independent, and finding themselves In these circumstances, where they are so heavily dependent on others, would have dampened the spirits of most, but without the funds to maintain the basic necessities, they are still finding a way to smile everyday and impart their knowledge to others, and have pushed through and persevere. Please aid me in getting this person back to where they were meant to be.

This person does not know this is being done for them, but once the money is raised, I will let them know who contributed to their blessing!


Thank you,

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  Single mom in a financial bind
Posted by: Bbie96 - 05-02-2021, 09:26 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hello. My name is Summer and I am a single mother of 3 little girls ages 4,5&6. I was let go from my job about 2 months ago because while i was walking down the stairs on my way to work, i tripped over my shoelace and busted my head an inch open. Unfortunately the poor management thought it wasn\'t acceptable to call in last minute, emergency or not. So i was out of work. I haven\'t received my stimulus I haven\'t received my taxes. Im 2 months behind in rent and its $1400 a month. Im 2 months behind on my car payment which is $224 biweekly. My light bill is on the verge of disconnection. And my vehicles insurance lapsed. I am working again although im not getting paid as much as my last job. I really don\'t know what to do or who to find for help. Ive gotten denied at every loan place there is. Anything helps. Im grateful for anyone who even took the time of day to read this. I hope you all are doing well.

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  How to make money with affiliate network Affizer
Posted by: sabuz1 - 05-02-2021, 09:21 AM - Forum: Work From Home / Make Money From Home - No Replies

When it comes to internet prospecting, just think of the affiliate product you sell as a tool that enables you to identify people who have an interest in a home business. Leads you collect contain name, email and phone. But when you grow that list of leads, it will still be up to you to personally contact these people and help them.  Affilate commissions Affizer usually only run 1 tier deep (the purchase by the client), sometimes 2 tiers (where the client then also promotes the product), but rarely 3 or more. Affiliate programs usually don't charge for training materials either. On the other hand commissions are paid to multi-level marketing distributors according to the company's individual compensation plan. There can be multiple levels of people receiving royalties from one person's sales.  

[Image: Screenshot_1.png]
If you are keen to combine network marketing with internet marketing, start with a company that offers training and plenty of support. That way it will be an easier journey for you.  Starting your own home business using the network marketing model is simple, but like any other home business, growing and sustaining it can be a challenge. That's why it pays to find the right company and someone who is prepared to mentor you along the way.  The best way to think of it is to focus on providing a service that people are willing to pay for. Provide something of value related to your business and you will gather leads easily.   Build trust and credibility. Take your time to get the build going.Building your Network Marketing business without building relationships is impossible, whether it be on the internet, off the internet.  Click Here For Join

My name is Erik, I represent Affizer. 
We are a world-leading performance-based CPL (cost-per-action) network. 
Affizer drives large scales of traffic worldwide. We Want to Success Affiliates. 
We are always ready to share with you our last top converting offers. 
Our Focus Affiliter's Profit. You will get timely payment for good traffic.

For Support (Skype)

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  Reverse Phone Numbers Finder Services - Are They All Fraud?
Posted by: sabuz1 - 05-02-2021, 09:09 AM - Forum: Work From Home / Make Money From Home - No Replies

Inside the space of seconds you Benin Phone Number List get an essential report that tells whether any data is accessible for that telephone number, and distinguishes the kinds of data that is accessible. On the off chance that you like what you find in the essential report, you can pay an expense and get a total report which incorporates every one of the subtleties that are accessible about that number. With this methodology, you exchange a limited quantity of cash for fast conveyance of definite data about the Benin Phone Number List and its proprietor. Simply ensure you pick a set up and regarded phone query administration. 

[Image: Benin-Phone-Number-List.jpg]

Have you at any point attempted to discover who possesses that Benin Phone Number List puzzling number on the telephone, just to find that it is a cell number and you can't get the data? Data about phone numbers isn't broadly accessible the path data about conventional phone numbers is. Yet, it is frequently accessible in the event that you realize how to discover it. Allow me to reveal to you how to follow mobile phone numbers 2 Benin Phone Number List different ways. The most difficult way possible to follow these numbers is to dissect the design of the number, at that point counsel different assets on the Internet to decide the overall area of the location of the proprietor of the cell number. 

The method includes separating the Benin Phone Number List into Area Code (the initial 3 digits) and Central Office Code (the following 3 digits). You can go online to discover the express that the Area Code compares to, at that point look into the Central Office Code around there. Presently lets talk about how to follow cell numbers the simple way. To do this, you exploit a cell number query administration. These administrations assemble data from a wide Benin Phone Number List assortment of sources, join it into a solitary data set,

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Information !Young student in need of help please!
Posted by: Colbympleasehelp - 05-02-2021, 01:49 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Please help 

I’m 20 years old
Laid off recently bc of COVID 
Could not get the stimulus check
Struggling to make rent 
Need just a lil help from others
Please consider helping 
I’m a real person just trying to go back In school 

Hello my name is Colby. I am not a robot this is not a scam. 
Sorry for my bad writing, I always sucked at punctuation. 
I am -350 in my bank right now, I had to quit school to help my dying 
Grandfather. Then he passed and my work laid me off bc of COVID I now try 
And make as much money as I can doing odd jobs for people. 
And I’m trying to be a postmates worker. I pray to god. I know and hope eventually everything can/will get better just hope that a kind person may read this and help me out thank you so much for reading. 
God bless you 

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Sad Please help my mom
Posted by: Anomie - 04-30-2021, 02:01 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good day everyone!

Hi, I'm Jai. To anyone who reads this, please help me reunite with my mom and for her treatment. Please pray for my mom, for us. Please do share and do consider donating of any amount. Thank you and God bless!

#donate #crowdfunding #support #help


If you want to know the details of the story:

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  Urgently need help with electric bill
Posted by: Scott1285 - 04-27-2021, 10:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

I’m in a very bad spot and desperately need help. I had COVID back on April 28th, and it has broken my body down, since that time, my blood has turned septic, I had a heart attack 3 days after that, my heart is now beating too fast and very erratic. I have had blood work, urinalysis, stool samples, colon cancer testing, HIV and Hepatitis, EKG’s, X-ray, CT scans, ultrasounds of my kidneys, liver and gallbladder, an echocardiogram, being referred to a GI specialist, and being sent for another psychiatric evaluation. During all of this, my electric was shut off because my wife said she was mailing out the bill money. Electric bill was $6000, got a lot of help from local organizations to get it back on. 3 days later my water was shut off, same reason, I was told they were paid. Now I haven’t had water in 2 weeks, I have 3 kids, I’m on strict bed rest, and after getting home from my heart appointment yesterday, we received a 4 day eviction notice. Having trouble finding help because I’m unable to go anywhere. But if anyone could donate anything it would be greatly appreciated.

PayPal https://www.paypal.me/sms121185
CashApp $Phoenix25071

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  Serious Bad Luck Financial Trouble :(
Posted by: elenaandersen - 04-26-2021, 08:59 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - Replies (1)

Hi! I have had a really rough year. Basically my grandma died, I got in a really bad car crash, my bank account got hacked, my computer was stolen, I got mu car towed, my moms in the hospital. The list goes on. I am not able to pay for my rent and it is due in 5 days. It is $750, I have a job but I had to use the money to fix my car, because of my car crash, so I could get to my job. My car was about $3000 to fix. I am just looking for whatever help I can get. 

You can send me money at https://www.paypal.me/elenagrace20

Honestly anything would be appreciated. I am really struggling financially this year, doing my best to stay positive but it is really rough. Thanks Smile

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  Fingers crossed lol
Posted by: Ntsca - 04-26-2021, 02:55 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Not sure how this works
I’m new here
Honestly I’m not going to come up with a fake story or whatever
I just need atleast $300 to travel to my home country. I’m in Kenya right now .
Any help is appreciated thank you

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