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  Just Trying to get a Fresh Start
Posted by: mama.nuggie2020 - 12-01-2022, 03:24 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

In 2021, my contract at work ended and was not renewed. While I was freaking out, my husband told me to just stay home with our daughter.  13 months later, he flipped a 180 and walked out on us for another woman, leaving us homeless and broke. Murphy's Law should have been named after me. :/

No one is willing to hire me due to the gap in my resume. I've tried gas stations and call centers, hospitals (former phlebotomist) and retail. I just don't know what to do anymore.

After a recent breakdown, my sister invited my daughter and me to go stay with her in another state. After a lot more tears and panic attacks, I decided to accept. And then my car was repo'd. I'm supposed to leave for my sister's on Friday. Every day, the cost to get my car back gets higher. After Dec 4, it will be auctioned.

My estranged husband will not help me. His family will not help me. My family cannot help me. My friends have helped house me but cannot help financially, and I can't stay with them past this weekend. I literally have nowhere else to turn. I can't get a loan, I don't have a credit card, my ex doesn't provide enough child support (when he does at all). 

I'm here begging to get money to get my vehicle back so I can take my daughter and give us a start fresh, and maybe even have enough left over to give her the Christmas she deserves. I know I sound whiny, my pride hurts, but I'm doing it for my two-year-old daughter. 

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  Single father in need of help
Posted by: Ceb1986 - 12-01-2022, 12:47 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I recently lost my job and a few weeks after that my wife decided to devorce, 

In the Mean time i got back to work. Even Found a second job. 
But it is hard to pull through because my ex left me with not only my son but with some loans aswel. In the beginning i was able to pull through because my life savings. But those are gone by now. I can barely meet ends every month, and i'm not sure how long i Will be able to keep this up. 

I'm looking for some one who could help me get back on my feet So i can live a normal life with the kiddo here. 

Sincerly Ceb

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  At the End of My Rope
Posted by: deannam725 - 11-29-2022, 11:26 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I don’t even know where to start. Everything is just a mess lately. I owe everyone money and my paycheck barely covers the bare essentials. 

I’m in debt to multiple credit card companies, my car financer, both of my parents (my dad because he helped me get my car back after a repo and my mom because she helped me pay off a high interest loan), and $15/hr at my doctor’s office just doesn’t cut it. My medical bills killed any savings that I had and while I’m happy that I’m physically better, the mental impact is taking a huge toll. Job applications are getting me nowhere, I’ve put in hundreds and had only three interviews in the last 7 months. 

I have bald tires on my car that I can’t afford to replace, both my cats need to go get their shots soon, and my baby sister is getting married halfway across the country soon and I need to afford to get there. 

My boyfriend is doing everything he can to be there for me mentally/emotionally, but he’s not doing better financially. He’s facing a possible repossession himself, his car payment is insanely high and he’s been laid off of work. Unemployment hasn’t sent him anything for the past few weeks and we’ve had to borrow money from his mom multiple times to cover bills. He does have a new job lined up but it’s nowhere near the same money and we’ve still missed a few weeks of pay. He’s trying to sell the car and just have his older truck, but he owes too much and no one is willing to give him enough for it to just break even. Plus the truck is almost due for registration and even that feels like a pipe dream at this point. 

Literally anything that anyone can give will help. I never thought that I would get to this point, but I’m desperate. Neither of us can take the stress anymore. Thank you so much just for sticking around, and thank you even more if you’re able to help. 

My PayPal is https://www.paypal.me/anythinghelpsdeanna
I also have Zelle, CashApp, and Venmo if anyone would prefer those. 

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  Uncle just passed away within last 24 hours..
Posted by: RJE19802022 - 11-29-2022, 05:38 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

My uncle Bill just passed away within the last 24 hours and lost his fight with cancer ?.
I'm located in Thailand and unable to make the funeral..
What I'm asking is my mother is also unable to make the funeral in NZ as she is house-sitting for my aunty and cousin which have flown to NZ for his funeral my mother is on disability pension so doesn't have spare funds and im wanting to organise a floral tribute to be sent to family that can also be taken to the funeral a floral tribute is going to cost between $100 and $175NZD depending on flower and arrangement choice..
I would like to ask if anyone can spare a few £,€,$ anything helps no matter how small the contribution and any and all contributions will be greatly appreciated...

I have a TransferWise account which I use for my foreign transfers which has account details for the following Australia, New Zealand, Euro, USA and UK for your ease and safety as at your end would be just as any online banking transfer...

Thank you for your time reading this and any further details you may require or wish to have or account details for contributions please don't hesitate to message me...

Kind regards..

RJ Evans ??

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  God, help keep me going somehow!
Posted by: TXKMH - 11-29-2022, 12:04 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Working two jobs, yet life’s journey is becoming a huge struggle at the moment. I have always been the one to help others. Doing my best living life without fear, and walking by the grace of God. Since the rising cost of living jumped up so dramatically it has been a huge struggle for me. Right before the rising cost, I was gratefully living life enjoyable. I had finally felt I was living comfortably, my old car was on the last leg of survival. I knew transportation was a must in order for me to get back, and forth reliably to work. For the first time in my life, I purchased a new car. Nothing fancy by no means, just simple reliable transportation. I was taught to live within my means, and live live frugally. My Grandmother lives during the depression era, so therefore my mom was raised in a frugal lifestyle, which got passed down to me. I don’t ever buy new clothes, nor anything new for the most part. Basically live life by garage sales, second hand stores, and bartering with others. Currently, I can’t even live paycheck to paycheck working two jobs. It’s almost like I’m robbing Peter to pay Paul in between paychecks. Hardest experience ever for myself, considering I have always budgeted money frugally. Luckily my kids, completely understand why they don’t even hardly get McDonald’s anymore. I have fallen behind on a few bills, and I really need some help. I hate asking others for help. I know nothing in life is free. Someone somewhere had to work to earn it. If you read this, just know I’m a beyond grateful for any help. Believe me, I will never allow it to go unnoticed, and definitely pay it forward. Thank you so much for investing your valuable time. $KMHTX

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Brick In Desperate Need of a Miracle...
Posted by: Jessypop - 11-29-2022, 06:29 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

First of all, I’d like to apologize in advance because this is going to be a bit lengthy. My fiance has been wrongfully accused of a crime that he didn’t commit, and as a result of which, he’s now being held in the custody of the county jail. 
Let me explain, if you’re still interested. 
On August 1st, my fiance (I’m going to refer to him as K), a friend of his (who I’ll refer to as R) and myself were hanging out at home, enjoying each other’s company. K and R decided they were going to go outside and work on a bike R had just gotten. A little while later, K went to the store to get us all some drinks. While he was gone, R continued working on his bike. A few minutes later I hear another voice coming from outside, so I went to see what was going on. It was this guy I’ll refer to as G. Well G is known for being kind of a bully. And apparently he had some sort of an issue with R. At this point, my fiance still hasn’t returned from the store and G was trying to get R to come out to the street to “fight” him. But honestly R isn’t a fighter, not to mention he has a very small build. G is easily 3 times the size of him. So as I’m trying to get G to just leave, without success, I stepped back in the house, to grab my phone to try calling K. The next thing I know I hear this loud commotion and all I see is G pick R up and slam him down head first into the pavement in the street in front of my house and proceed to start stomping on his head….I immediately call 911. I honestly thought he’d killed him. And so did G because he then drug R’s lifeless body back up into my yard as he was telling me not to call the police and if I did I needed to tell them he fell or else he’d go to prison. I ignored him and continued speaking with the dispatcher explaining the situation. G panicked and left before the paramedics and police arrived. 
I gave the police the footage from my doorbell camera, as well as a witness statement. A few days later a detective shows up at my house to tell me the injuries R had sustained were extremely severe and he’s very lucky to even be alive. The base of his skull was shattered, he had 3 fractured vertebrae in his neck, and a brain bleed. G wound up being arrested the following day. 
A few weeks later I received a subpoena to testify in court as to what had happened that day. 
But I’d gotten word that harm would come to those I love if I were to show up for court. So on October 27th, I didn’t go to court out of fear for the safety of my loved ones as well as my own. But apparently the judge and district attorney really wanted to put this guy away because the day following the court date I didn’t attend, I ended up getting arrested on a “material witness warrant.” In other words, they held me in custody until his next court date and once my testimony was heard I would be released. 
So I testified on November 2nd and as I was waiting for the jail to process me out to be released, I see my fiance being brought in to the jail. He’d had court the same morning for his own unrelated legal issues and as soon as he appeared in the courtroom they placed him under arrest for some new charges. Now, these charges are completely bogus. He’s being accused of breaking into and burglarizing some storage units on August 9th. The sole witness who’s claiming it was K, is a former roommate of his who left on bad terms over 3 years ago and all of a sudden shows back up claiming to need his help recovering tools belonging to her that her brother was supposedly withholding from her. I thought it was more than just a little suspicious, especially with everything else that had been going on so far and explained my concerns to K. I told him it seemed sketchy and he agreed and so he told her he wasn’t going to help her. He also had to be going to work around the same time she was trying to get him to go with her.
So here’s where all the pieces started coming together. A few days following K’s arrest, his mother received a call from an unknown number. Whoever called her said that his arrest was the consequence for me testifying against G, as a way to punish me, to hurt me. He was set up as retaliation. And as a result of which in order to ensure his safety he’s being held in protective custody confined in a holding cell.
I found out a short while later that this woman who’s claiming K committed these crimes, lives next door to and is friends with the mother of G’s 6 month old baby. I know that may seem super far fetched, but I know it’s all connected. 
And to make things worse, K’s mother is not doing well at all. She’s not only stressed out beyond belief, but her health is going downhill fast. Last week, right before Thanksgiving She went to have some biopsies done to find out if the doctors suspicions are correct about her having cancer. We should be getting those results any day now. 
K is pretty much all his mother has and if something happens to her with him being wrongfully imprisoned that would just be awful. His bond is $10,000. So if I were to use a bail bondsman they would be able to bond him out for 10%
 I’m currently unemployed due to medical issues of my own, and have been struggling, and scraping together everything I possibly can to make sure our electric doesn’t get disconnected like our water already has been.
I know that this is really long, and probably kind of confusing…if you’ve got any questions, or if there’s anything you’d like to know more information about I’ll gladly answer. I appreciate your consideration and thank you for your time. Anything helps. It doesn't matter if it's only a few cents, or a few hundred dollars  or even just a kind word. Anything is appreciated.


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  Desperate for help
Posted by: culottacaseyana@gmail.com - 11-29-2022, 05:29 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Hey friends, desperate without much time so I'm practically praying for a blessing or miracle or just getting cut a break. I lost my partner to leukemia two months ago and have no savings no money coming in and am facing eviction for me and my 3 year old. I need help with my rent. I'm two months behind but anything helps. I have nowhere to turn and feel so lost and alone trying to navigate life without my Sarah. I feel hopeless and don't even know the right words to use as I write this. Feel free to inbox me.

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  Single divorced father
Posted by: Ceb1986 - 11-28-2022, 11:59 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies


I recently got divorced and my ex left me with alot of debt mainly a loan for the house and a personal loan.
In the beginning i was able to pull through it because of my life savings and working two jobs.
But now my life savings got depleted and i can barely het by each month. I already went to the bank to see if i could get the loans put together and have it being payed back on a Longer term so the Cost would be lower, but it got denied.

If it was just me alone then i would wait and see how things went, but since my son is living with me that is not the best option. 

Any help would be very much apriciated, 
I had to lay down my pride for asking this 


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Sad I'm still trying
Posted by: Thatgkei - 11-27-2022, 11:53 AM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

Good morning everyone,

I will keep this short and simple.  I reached out in August of this year for help with some bills as I'm in the process of leaving a dangerous situation called my marriage.  With everything that's went on, I've lost a considerable amount of income, sleep, peace, and joy.

I do have a job which is paying but I am struggling to pay my bills in full each month.  I literally have to pay to go to work because the bus system doesn't operate during my report time for me to be at work on time daily.  

I have done my due diligence since I lost my original job in June of applying through my city for help.  I believe they are very back logged because I just had a follow up from a city worker last week.  On top of that, I have rent court coming up this week and I definitely don't have the money to pay in full.  

My rent is $1,250/mo.  I owe approximately 3-5 months depending on what the city approves me for.  At a minimum, 3 months which equals $3,750.  I have three kids to support as well.  It's getting very cold out already.  I literally have to take uber and lyft to work and that's an average of $18 or more depending on the day.

Absolutely any help would be appreciated.  I'm literally trying not to give up.  I have lost so much and can't figure out how to make this quit.

I live IN Baltimore City.  I can PM you the rental court date notice when asked.

My cash app:  ThatGKei
Paypal:  @lakeishamcswain

If anyone would be gracious enough to help me chisel this debt away my family would be most greatful!!

Thank you,

Lakeisha M.

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  Life isnt going as planned. Any help appreciated
Posted by: Agoodheartedperson - 11-26-2022, 07:13 PM - Forum: My Request for Help - No Replies

I had the best life i could have wanted. Living with my mother and in the last 10 years of her life helped care for her. We lived month to month financially but we were happy.

She died in 2017 and my world changed.

I have nothing to my name, i dont own a car, nor a home. I live alone in a 1 bedroom flat and still live month to month.

I took out a credit card when i had to move, moving isnt cheap with paying a deposit, a security bond and month rent up front so my plan was to put in on a card and then pay it off, but life never goes to plan.

My current debt is approx £6,000 and im now faced with the prospect of my landlord selling the flat i rent and again im having to plan keeping money aside to cover moving. I do feel at times like giving up, like im not succeeding in life.

If anyone can help in any way at all i would be appreciative. Hand on heart any money received would be paid off my card straight away and help ease the burden.

It's December in a few days so i know it isnt the ideal time to ask for support.

If you do send any money though i would like to say thank you so much in advance

Link https://www.paypal.me/chrisjamesdean

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