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please help last resort for daughter and sick mother
so i dont know where to start only never in my life did i ever think i would have to do this but its became apparent to me that i have to ask for help i have no hope alone!

so from the start in 2018 i was livin and working in the uk and my mother came to visit for the first christmas i had off in over 7 years it was a fantasic suprise as i love my mom very dearly and it was the first time i had ever lived so far away from her she was in ireland.

on the last day of her visit i was working so i popped home on my lunch break (thank god) i arrived to my house to find my mom nowhere to be seen and i had to scream for her to open the door which she eventually did with some unseen strength guiding her, she then collapsed into my arms, luckily i was working in the healthcare sector so i knew exactly what to do, she was rushed to hospital where we found out she had slipped into a diabetic coma and her body had went into shut down mode after a week in the icu she was moved to a ward where she had to spend 3 weeks before they would let her come home.

at the time i was studying to get a degree in mental health nursing, the hospital told us that she would need 24/7 care when she returned back to ireland so i made the choice to quit my job and my studies to move back to be with her, we returned to ireland in october 2019 where i got a job in a local nursing home with the flexibilty to see my mom when ever i needed to then covid hit so i left that job as my moms imune issystem is very low and any infection could be life thretening.

we were managing up untill 3 weeks ago when mom got another diagnosis which is severe and i dont know what will be the outcome when i found this out i took over the household bills and food bills to releave my mom of the worry but today i am asking for help because we have fallen behind with the rent by €300 and there is only a bottle of milk in the fridge so please if anyone could please offer any kind help we would be forever greatful 

i thank you with all my heart 

my paypal is

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