As of 2015 my sister has known her was her girlfriend now her wife however in 2024 now they are not getting along her wife is toxic to her and she needs to get away from her so we are trying to raise money because me and my mom came up with a good plan that if we raise money online for her away from Facebook because they can all see everything on Facebook My sister does not want to show her struggles but we know her struggle her wife is totally a narcissist however I also need help to be able to move away from my parents because they both have emotional drama going on from some of what I just told you on the story here less other unrelated issues which would be Financial and how they like things done and searching way or 3 puts together that doesn't matter here all together it's going to be $20,000 $10,000 for me $10,000 for my sister but more importantly we both need help I need a place for the backyard for me my dog while my sister means more of a apartment one bedroom setting or studio for her and her baby infant child less one dog and one cat that she has that may vary because she is living in a multiple pets household I only have one dog but I am almost living in a multiple pets household as my mom has two other dogs which would most likely I'd have to watch at my own place if they needed me to I cannot live out of the place with no fence yard fence is a necessity for our dogs My sister does not care for backyards she is not that kind of person.
In order to help both of us you will be directed to my mercari online shop where I am selling things under love retail that is my registered business name in the state of Oregon I have been established since 2020 however this is for behalf of my sister as well she has no business she works at fast food I am self-employed.
In order to help both of us you will be directed to my mercari online shop where I am selling things under love retail that is my registered business name in the state of Oregon I have been established since 2020 however this is for behalf of my sister as well she has no business she works at fast food I am self-employed.