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single mum, mental health, financial struggles.
hi, I'm a 25 year old single mum and I am seeking help as I am financially and mentally struggling. I have just resigned from my recent job due to the stress that has caused my mental illness to be declining, that I was on my limit and I made the decision to quit that job to be able to focus on my mental health. I am currently looking for a different industry job than my previous one hoping that it will be less stressful for me. My mental health have been worse as I have the thoughts of suicidal and the worse is when I thought of taking my kids with me, since I feel like I have failed as a mother to raise them in a good home due to my mental illness and right now struggling financially and unable to afford much of what my kids needs as like I was able to provide for them before.

While waiting for any new jobs that will to get back to me, I have no income to provide for my kids and myself. I am still on hold to pay for their school frees. So I had no choice but to look help with licensed money lenders. I did try to ask from my parents for financial help, but they are quick to dismiss me and that caused a huge argument between us, which did affects my mental health too because the family that I thought will be there for me, they are so fast to turn on me. The worse part is they told me that they rather give the money to other people than me, their own kid. When I was still stable financially, I helped them a lot especially financially, even giving them my savings which they say they will pay back and never did. But it just breaks me that they wouldn't help me the same I helped them and they left me to struggle by myself. The loan that I managed to get is not a lot as I still have to pay for my kid's school and our rent. On top of that I still have credit card bills and medical fees to pay, that I wasn't unable to pay for a few months due to lack of money and I have to use the remaining money that I have left to get my kid's needs and their school fees, which have also ruined my credit but I just want to do what I have to do to provide for my kids first. And even my friends that I have to pay as I was desperate for help, since I couldn't get any help from my parents. Which I really appreciate for my friends for it and understandably that they aren't able to give me me as much, but I don't want to ask for much too.

I'm sorry if mentioning of my mental health is uncomfortable for anyone, but I just want to be honest. And no, I'm not stopping work and looking for help here so I don't have to work. I am applying for every job that I see, even if the job pays less than my previous work because I put my kids first as to feed and provide for them.

I'm really desperate for the money now as I am unable to get any job for the time being and no one else could help me anymore. I am hoping that any kind soul that is able to help/ borrow me $30,000 to help with my financial situatio so that I am able to pay off the debts and bills. I will be paying back once I do get and settle on a new job, since I don't feel comfortable to just take others money just like that. And if you let me to me it off slowly, I would appreciate that.

Your help will be very much appreciated! Thank you for being an angel during my struggles.

If you are able to help me out, you can transfer to my paypal:
I read entire story of yours, have you considered Volunteering to house sit so you can live rent free and or plant sit too since you have kids maybe pet sitting wouldn't be the first option? I don't know what your situation really is like besides what post is. My family also has struggles but to the point its good to use Wal-Mart gift registry since instead of asking for money you can ask for anything to have shipped or pick up on own terms. 

I'm looking for food and dog goods due to having 3 dogs we often can't put good food on the table even with food stamps (feeding 3 people and 3 pets omg its a nightmare with welfare help)! I'm self employed and able to barely make a $1 if lucky (awful as it sounds when working as online freelancer) one day I might go offline and never return but keep living life.

I'm greatful for any help I get

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