Dont trust everyone, there was a leak at our apartments next door below us and this women in her 20s or 30s kept knocking on our neighbors door (he wasn't home exactly due to working late in the night) our dogs kept barking to which as I woke up I feared it being police or manager because of dogs so I checked the door peephole then saw the lady using her phone (texting?) So I walked away trying to figure out what to do... Went back to bed obviously... This apartment gives me the creeps if you could help me out (by the way things even different from story have been happening for 5 years time, the problem is we must live here another two years due to life of carpet in our unit (thousands of damage worth) its not worth it as after two years we will be SCOTT FREE NO PAYMENT NEEDED for damage of carpet. Moving will be in the thousands plus storage fees or truck fees that's not worth thinking about as we rather downsize for personal reasons being a family of 3 with 3 dogs.
If you help me buy items to use in case we became homeless (could get kicked out if we keep our dogs that make noise longer due to complaints of barking) at least we will be prepared).
If you help me buy items to use in case we became homeless (could get kicked out if we keep our dogs that make noise longer due to complaints of barking) at least we will be prepared).