*Sorry for the grammar, not my first language.
Hi, I am prateek. I am a student from India. currently learning content creation like audio/video editing and graphic designing and after this i will get a degree in animation. I am from a miiddle class family in india. I have a single mother who is a house wife, a sister who is currently having a job and grandparents. In my family only my sister goes to work and she is not yet married and earns about INR 20,000(around 200 dollars) a month. We usually don't get any financial problems unless it's medical or product related. I was on the internet looking for websites to ask for money/donations and i came across this website. The reason i came to this website is because as a student my one and only important thing that i worked on got damaged, my laptop. for the things i learn only a powerful laptop was sufficient so i got myself an acer nitro 5 laptop for about 800-900 dollars and my life was fine until it got damaged and the only way to repair it was to change the motherboard and display which costs about 500 dollars. So i am now stuck, I can't learn and practice anything anymore and my sister is unable to give that much money because she is not earning enough. I have never once asked someone for money or donations, matter of fact i GIVE people or friends money whenever they need help. Whoever is reading this if you donate me 500 dollars, I would be the happiest person on earth. If it's not possible that you give can give the entire amount, even 1-5 dollars is enough if many people donate it. I will also show you guys the bill/reciept or any info of the repair when i am done if there are any trust issues. If you guys think i should buy a cheaper new laptop then it would not help because this is the only value for money laptop that gets my work done and also it has a ton of data and works in it so i HAVE to repair it.
Since i am from India I cannot use paypal for domestic or international transactions unless i have a business. cashapp is not available as well. and there is no donation website that i currently know of, that allows donations from overseas. If someone who is willing to donate and have an idea what to do about this please help.
Hi, I am prateek. I am a student from India. currently learning content creation like audio/video editing and graphic designing and after this i will get a degree in animation. I am from a miiddle class family in india. I have a single mother who is a house wife, a sister who is currently having a job and grandparents. In my family only my sister goes to work and she is not yet married and earns about INR 20,000(around 200 dollars) a month. We usually don't get any financial problems unless it's medical or product related. I was on the internet looking for websites to ask for money/donations and i came across this website. The reason i came to this website is because as a student my one and only important thing that i worked on got damaged, my laptop. for the things i learn only a powerful laptop was sufficient so i got myself an acer nitro 5 laptop for about 800-900 dollars and my life was fine until it got damaged and the only way to repair it was to change the motherboard and display which costs about 500 dollars. So i am now stuck, I can't learn and practice anything anymore and my sister is unable to give that much money because she is not earning enough. I have never once asked someone for money or donations, matter of fact i GIVE people or friends money whenever they need help. Whoever is reading this if you donate me 500 dollars, I would be the happiest person on earth. If it's not possible that you give can give the entire amount, even 1-5 dollars is enough if many people donate it. I will also show you guys the bill/reciept or any info of the repair when i am done if there are any trust issues. If you guys think i should buy a cheaper new laptop then it would not help because this is the only value for money laptop that gets my work done and also it has a ton of data and works in it so i HAVE to repair it.
Since i am from India I cannot use paypal for domestic or international transactions unless i have a business. cashapp is not available as well. and there is no donation website that i currently know of, that allows donations from overseas. If someone who is willing to donate and have an idea what to do about this please help.