I’m a full time single mother. My ex-husband is incarcerated and serving 34 years so I don’t get child support. I’d previously been managing through my income as an RN and student loan reimbursements studying for. DNP in psychiatry. Due to a rare sleep disorder and all around burnout of being a single working mom in grad school with minimal support, I had to drop out after 2 years. I’m in the process of applying for a self-paced MSN program with the intention of completing my doctorate once licensed as a nurse practitioner. While I’m out of school, I’m finding myself overwhelmed by villa and expenses. On top of all that, I do have a number of mental health challenges I battle to keep stable as well. I have the following bills. I know things always work themselves out & God always provides but it’s really tough at the moment.
. Anything at all would be more help than you could possibly imagine.
At this very moment, I’m overdrawn with no incoming check until next Thursday, need to get Easter Bunny gifts and drive 3 hours to visit my sister for Easter. I AM MOST IN NEED OF MONEY FOR GAS AND LIVE-ON EXPENSES FOR THE WEEK
Larger bills
Rent- $1900 (March, April)
Car payment - (-$653.56) (Feb, March, April)
Childcare- spring break will cost me around $700
Sleep doctor- $350- office won’t schedule me until it’s paid
Day to day live-on expenses- gas, groceries…etc.
my paychecks typically cover my car payment and utilities but I’m behind at the moment and childcare costs add up.
Zelle- IM for number
Cash app- liveandlearn426
I feel really bad asking for help from anyone, let alone random strangers, but pray I’m one day in a position to pay it forward. ??
I’m a full time single mother. My ex-husband is incarcerated and serving 34 years so I don’t get child support. I’d previously been managing through my income as an RN and student loan reimbursements studying for. DNP in psychiatry. Due to a rare sleep disorder and all around burnout of being a single working mom in grad school with minimal support, I had to drop out after 2 years. I’m in the process of applying for a self-paced MSN program with the intention of completing my doctorate once licensed as a nurse practitioner. While I’m out of school, I’m finding myself overwhelmed by villa and expenses. On top of all that, I do have a number of mental health challenges I battle to keep stable as well. I have the following bills. I know things always work themselves out & God always provides but it’s really tough at the moment.
. Anything at all would be more help than you could possibly imagine.
At this very moment, I’m overdrawn with no incoming check until next Thursday, need to get Easter Bunny gifts and drive 3 hours to visit my sister for Easter. I AM MOST IN NEED OF MONEY FOR GAS AND LIVE-ON EXPENSES FOR THE WEEK
Larger bills
Rent- $1900 (March, April)
Car payment - (-$653.56) (Feb, March, April)
Childcare- spring break will cost me around $700
Sleep doctor- $350- office won’t schedule me until it’s paid
Day to day live-on expenses- gas, groceries…etc.
my paychecks typically cover my car payment and utilities but I’m behind at the moment and childcare costs add up.
Zelle- IM for number
Cash app- liveandlearn426
I feel really bad asking for help from anyone, let alone random strangers, but pray I’m one day in a position to pay it forward. ??